getTime « Calendar « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Is calling Java's Calendar.getTime() necessary to update the object?

I came across a comment in some java code that states that getTime() needs to be called to update the Calendar object. Is this true? I cannot find anything that says ...

2. Year incorrect when setting Date value from Calendar.getTime()

I am building a CalendarDisplay application for Android. Among other things, this application allows the user to select the number of days to add to an epoch (epoch is a ...

3. Date d = Calendar.getTime() returns wrong time?

        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    calendar.set(calendar.HOUR, 8);
    calendar.set(calendar.MINUTE, 45);
    calendar.set(calendar.SECOND, 00);

    Date ...

4. calendar.getTime()

I am trying to convert a time from one timezone to another java.text.SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); formatter.setTimeZone(); String formattedDateTime = formatter.format(date); parseDate(formattedDateTime); // this all works ok and i get string with correct time in whatever timezone i put in setTimeZone(); private Date parseDate(String dateFormat) { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, substring of dateFormat put to int); cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, substring ...

5. Calendar.getTime()

Please see the code below.. // FYI...interface AccountMemoType extends org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject AccountMemoType[] memoTypes = response.getAccountMemosArray(); if (memoTypes != null && memoTypes.length > 0) { List memoList = new ArrayList(); for (AccountMemoType memoType : memoTypes) { AccountMemo memo = new AccountMemo(); memo.setCustomerAccountId(accountId); memo.setMemoDate(memoType.getMemoDate().getTime()); memoList.add(memo); } return memoList; } In a particular iteration @line 12 I watch .. memoType.getMemoDate() evaluatesTo 2009-12-23Z but memoType.getMemoDate().getTime() evaluatesTo ...

6. Problem with Calendar().getTime()

Hi Kurt, First of all, I'd like to thank you for your immediate response. Now..What I do not understand is that if the getTime() method always displays my local time, disregarding the timezone parameter in the getInstance(Timezone tz) method, then whats the point of supplying one? Is it a bug? I dont just need to output the date..I need a calendar ...

9. Calendar getTime() counter (stopwatch) always starting from one hour

Hello Peter, The problem is with timezones as you indicated BUT I'm not able to find it's source. I've modified the code above such that counter gets a long that is System.currentTimeMilis() and calendar is not anymore used in the code, yet I still get the timezone difference. Could you please further point me to the solution?

10. Calendar.getTime() broken?

Running the following code: int hoursToMillisec = 3600 * 1000; TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault(); System.out.println("Default time zone id: " + tz.getID()); System.out.println("Default time zone: " + tz.getDisplayName()); System.out.println("Offset from GMT: " + (double)tz.getRawOffset() / hoursToMillisec); System.out.println((tz.useDaylightTime()) ? "uses DST": "no DST"); System.out.println("DST value: " + tz.getDSTSavings() / hoursToMillisec); System.out.println("Current time: " + Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); Outputs: Default time zone id: America/Denver Default time ...