Calendar 2 « Calendar « Java Data Type Q&A

1. Why they have named a calendar method like this?

Maybe there ought to have been a Calendar#getDate method, but a Calendar object does not record year, month, day. It records milliseconds since 1st Jan 1970 (negative numbers = before 1970) and calculates the date whenever the get method is called. [Have a look at the code: the values might be cached for future reference and only calculated once.] There are ...

2. calendar problem

hi all, i am using the import java.util.Calendar in my application and I face a problem when i use calendar.add(calender, -7) to find the date seven days before. the problem is for instance i set todaycalendar as 7 oct2008. and the supposed date if i do 7 Oct minus seven days should be 30 sept... but the calendar gave me 31 ...

3. Working with Calendar class

Hi Experts, I have the following code where I am creating a table on a jsp page. First Column of the table is "Application" and after that 12 months. My problem is that, First month is coming up as April, Where as I want to start from july as first month and last month as June. Can somone please tell me ...

4. Calendar Method

In Britain it is very easy to remember: From 1970-1971: Summer time all year until the last Sunday in October 1971, when 1:59:59am was followed immediately by 1:00:00am. 1971-about 10 years ago. Summer time from 3rd Sunday in March, when 1:59:59am was followed immediately by 3:00:00am, until last Sunday in October same as above. About last 10 years (to conform to ...

5. Java Calendar Class

Hi Experts, I need some in guessing the logic for the following problem. I have the following code, which displays 12 months as Column header of a table. The first column in this case is July and ending at June. What I am trying to achieve is: 1. Logic by which instead of displaying all 12 months together, A new month ...

7. Problem using Calendar class

Hi All I am using the following piece of code in my application Calendar now= new GregorianCalendar(); Locale loc= new Locale("EN", "en"); SimpleDateFormat sdf= new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy", loc); System.out.println(sdf.format(now.getTime())); when I execute in my local system it is giving me proper date but when this code is executing in a different production server then the date value is not constant it keeps ...

8. Need to change Calendar to dd/mm/yyyy format

Hi All, Am having a string which is in dd/mm/yyyy format which I had parsed to Date and then to Calendar and written some logic. Now am not able to change the output of Calendar to dd/mm/yyyy format. import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Date; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; public class ChangeDate { public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException { DateFormat ...

9. basic calendar questions

Hey Java Gurus! I am trying to set a range of dates using Calendar (i.e. 09-20-09 to 09-27-09). I've looked over the API but have still have a few questions. How do you set the start and end date in Calendar? How would you compare a Date object to see if it is contained in a Calendar's range? Any generic examples ...

10. Calendar class

11. Have a problem with Calendar class

12. Java Calendar - to manipulate in hours basis

I have an assignment as below. Please guide me if you have any ideas. Assumption: There is a calender already defined which contains working and non-working day list for a whole year. I have to create a Calender function whcih takes 2 parameters: one is a date (date of an event) and other is an integer (number of days to complete ...

13. Calendar

Dear friends, I have a swing application, that I need only hour and minute, in the DB it's stored with date, time. My app do this: String strHoraInicioNormal; Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-3")); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy H:mm"); if (iHora < 12) { calendar.set(Calendar.AM_PM, Calendar.AM); }else { calendar.set(Calendar.AM_PM, Calendar.PM); } calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, iHora); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, iHora); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, iMinuto); System.out.println(calendar.toString()); strHoraInicioNormal = df.format(calendar.getTime()); System.out.println(strHoraInicioNormal); ...

14. Question regarding Calendar

Calendar is an abstract class, which you can think of as halfway between an interface and a class. It's basically where you start when you decide to build a calendar system. For all intents and purposes, you will always use a GregorianCalendar, which is how the whole world reckons time. I just checked out the API though and saw there is ...

15. My first attempt at an app: a simple calendar

Hello everyone. First time poster, long-ti just started to read this place after seeing it in an O'Reilly book. I'm taking my first Java lessons. To get some practice I've been trying to make my Very First Application (that isn't retyped word-for-word from a coursebook) but I may have skipped ahead farther than I can handle. My goal is to make ...

16. Calendar Object - updateTime()

Hi Guys, For doing Time Zone calculations, I was toying with the below code sniplet: TimeZone timeZone1 = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Istanbul"); Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(new Date()); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 10); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 16); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 31); calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); // Without this line , time zone calculations do not work //long timeLocal = calendar.getTimeInMillis(); calendar.setTimeZone(timeZone1); System.out.println("Hour = " + calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); System.out.println("Minute = " + calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); System.out.println("Second ...

17. Question about Calendar

Hello. I am trying to send a Calendar object as a parameter For example i am trying to send 10th of Januarry 2010 11:47 and it sends 2011-01-10T09:47:49.000Z(This date was converted from java.sql.Date object to Calendar object) When i try to send 10th of Januarry 2010(no hour or second, was converted from java.util.Date to Calendar object) it sends 2011-01-09T22:00:00.000Z Does not ...

18. Manual Calendar

I have to create a calendar for class. It has to manually display the date (day of week, month, date, year) after the user inputs: mm dd yyyy. I have the input and the verification of the values and all of that good stuff, but i want it to either exit or restart the entire program if the verification fails. this ...

19. Indian festival Calendar

20. yahoo calendar access by java

I tried following javax mail api for send meeting request to yahoo but it sended ics access attechment.what should i do? please reply. code is import java.util.Properties; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.internet.AddressException; public class MeetingRequestMain2 { /** * @param args */ private static final String SMTP_HOST_NAME = ""; private static final String SMTP_PORT = "465";//"587";//"995"; private static final ...

21. Java calendar issue

I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the number of days between two specified dates but only on certain days of the week. The code below should work however, after I set the variable current to 7/1/2011 I then display the value of current and it doesn't reflect what day of the week it should really be. For example, 7/1/2011 ...

22. [SOLVED] Calendar help

23. im a newbie creating a calendar planner

24. Java Calendar Planner

Hello, I am searching for a GUI component which works like the "table" in Microsofts Outlook. Under Calender you simple add/drag/drop appointments. I think that this is not a JTable but something likea Grantt-Chart. Perhaps someone knows a commercial or non commercial framework which works like the outlook calendar or the GUI component in this calendar. I would appreciate if you ...

25. Calendar in onject way

Calendar in onject way Hi, I have task to solve: Java Code: Day Create the class Day for representing days in a calendar. The class should include attributes specifying the day: dayOfMonth, month, year. 1. Implement the following public constructors: * Day(int numberOfDaysSinceTheBeginningOfTheEpoch);, where numberOfDaysSinceTheBeginningOfTheEpoch is the number of days that elapsed since some distinguished date like 15.10.1582. * ...

26. Calendar in java - problem

Calendar in java - problem Hi, I have a question... I have program which counts days between different dates but I would like to change: "public final static String MONDAY = "MONDAY"" to "public static enum MONDAY("monday",1) etc, but I don't really know how to use enumerations. Java Code: import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Day { public final static String ...

27. Problem with compile Calendar

Hello Friend I have the following code: ------------------------------------------------- import java.util.* import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.TimeZone; public class gregoriano { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ // Logical Attribute public static void main(String[] args) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.clear(); calendar.set(1601,0,1,0,0); long timeStamp = Long.parseLong(ADdate); timeStamp = timeStamp / 10000 + calendar.getTime().getTime(); Date vDate= new Date(timeStamp); ...

28. DateFormat and Calendar

Hello there. How are you guys? I hit the problem...again. This time my Calendar class is not working properly. I have two JTextFields. In one I have starting date and in second I have finishing date. Program calculates all days between those two date correctly only BUT it takes wrong month. For example: 11.06.2010 (day.month.year) and result to me is 11.05.2010 ...

29. Please help ...!!Calendar class

hi all .. i want to count gap between date , but i don't know how to do that . for example : first i choose : 10 Oct 2010 and then i choose 30 Dec 2010 (or another years ),How many deviation for both of date ? is there any one can show me the way ...

30. Calendar class issue

I have the following line in the code: int mmNow = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH); while debugging, I can see it is set to 9 not 10. How is that possible? Day and year show correct values of 24 and 2010.... System date is set correctly. Here is what I am getting in the shell: C:\Documents and Settings\>date The current date is: Sun 10/24/2010 ...

31. Calendar Class Problem

What are you trying this on? Your Calender object, or a Calendar object? From what you've posted your Calender class does not have an add() method, or a roll() method or a set() method. Also when posting a problem you need to tell us the problem, including any error messages and stack traces you get.

32. Calendar mutator problem

Java Code: import java.util.*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public class Calender { private ArrayList appointments; private Calendar cal; private int date; private int month; private int year; /** * Constructor to create a new Calender object. * @param date the day of the month it is today. * @param year it is at the moment. * @param month the ...

33. Java Calendar AM PM problem

Originally Posted by API Calendar If there is any conflict in calendar field values, Calendar gives priorities to calendar fields that have been set more recently. The following are the default combinations of the calendar fields. The most recent combination, as determined by the most recently set single field, will be used. [ ... ] For the time of day fields: ...

34. Create new Calendar object???

hi everyone, well here is my code: private static SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd. mm. yyyy hh:mm:ss"); public void print(Calendar begin){ Calendar end= Calendar begin; end.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY,3); System.out.println("begin:" + formatter.format(begin.getTime())); System.out.println("end:" + formatter.format(begin.getTime())); } Well the output is begin and end are both the same, that mean after end.add, both begin and end were added. How can i creat a new Calendar ...

36. Calendar Class Issues

37. Calendar Help Please

Hi, I need to write to a file every time I click on the forward button and I need the date to be accurate. It is hard for me to explain so take a look at the broken code. Java Code: package HouseHockey; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; ...

38. Calendar Help

Hi, I am making an attendance sheet for a hockey program. I need help on the reading out of a file to see whats on a particular date and then writing into the file when I want to save some info. I also need help making the reading index or the date be exact. Take a look at my code please. ...

39. Help creating a calendar in Java

thanks for pointing that out but im still only on the 2nd chapter of the book out of about 15 chapters, the stuff im learning is really basic and i dont want to start using more complex methods to solve my problem when im guessing there is a rather straight forward way to do it, if you know what I mean? ...

41. Creating and implementing class for creating a calendar object

Hi, so I have to create and implement a class for creating calendar objects. Some of the behaviours that the class has to do is: - Print a display for a given month and year - Print a display for the current month - Get the current date - Set the current date - Roll the calendar date forward or backward ...

42. Calendar Fun, Or not so much.

I'm attempting to write a simple program that will take in Day Number, Month Number and Year Number from an input box. (In that specific order) What I'm trying to do is to force the program to check if a given Day Number exists within that specific month. For example, there is no 31st in February, and certain months only have ...

43. I Need help: how to make a Calendar using Java !

Hello guys I hope you are doing well, I'm a new member and I really need you to help me ... I just need a help on how to make a special Calendar by using Java but the most important thing is that I want the output to be like this and I want to make a constructor that takes a ...

44. Help with MiG Calendar Needed

I don't want to offend Mr. Grev. But he acts like he either doesn't understand your question or is unable to come down to an understandable level. Or maybe he just doesn't have the time to be specific. For example: Using the BeanDemo, I have a jDialog popup to edit the appointment details. I'm opening it on the double click event ...

45. Need Help with Calendar

46. System calculator and calendar in java!!!

47. Use of Calendar

Calendar has a method called getTime that returns a java.util.Date object. You can use this on your Calendar instance to get the Date represented by the Calendar currently. As a general way of thinking about these classes. To hold a Date (date and time) value use java.util.Date To maniuplate a Date (change days, add or subtract or set days, months, years) ...

48. Help Creating Calendar in Java

Hello: I also had many problems with dates in the past, until I found GregorianCalendar. This class has many useful methods to find out the day of the week. You may find that the add method is what you are looking for. Take a look at the javadoc at: [|] I'm leaving the office right now, but tomorrow I can send ...

49. Calendar program

import java.util.*; public class mycal2379122 { static void nl(int n) { // Procedure for creating new lines, n times on screen. for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { System.out.println(); } } static String padMonth(String s) { // Function to take a string as a parameter and return it with stars appended String ch = "--------------------"; s = s.substring(0,s.length()) ...

50. popup calendar

{code} /* dlcalendar.js * by Peter Belesis. v1.0 040731 * Copyright (c) 2004 Peter Belesis. All Rights Reserved. * Originally published and documented at / / Jupitermedia grants you a non-transferable and non-exclusive right and license, without the right to grant sublicenses, to use the following software "Popup Calendar" (the Software). You may use the Software solely on one (1) ...

51. Need some help with method for calendar

The data for the start days and total number of days in a month are held in arrays in seperate methods as well. With the following code I'm just getting the days for Jan to print out 12 times. I thnik the the problem is with the first part of the while loop It does not appear to be looping throught ...

52. How to remove GMT from calendar object in display

Hello all, I am using Calendar data type to store the date in arraylist. I am getting problem as the time zone offset GMT is automatically appending with the date and time. How can I remove that from the display. This is how it is coming. 2007-07-15*+05:30* I want to be like 2007-07-15 Thank You in advance

53. Calendar class shows counts december as 11

Months in the Calendar class are not 1-based, they are 0-based. 0=Calendar.JANUARY, 1=Calendar.FEBRUARY, etc. It is not a month number, it is the value of basically an enumeration. It trips up just about everyone. The key is to not pull out individual fields and display them. Instead, if you're going to display a date, use the DateFormat class, which was intended ...

54. Calender:Obtaining days/weeks/months between a start & end Calendar range

I have a startDate and endDate of Calendar type. From this start and end calendar values I want to obtain all the days/weeks/months. Eg Calendar beginDate; // is 14-Oct-2006 Calendar endDate; // is 20-Mar-2007 If I am looking at the months between the two calendar values, I want to be able to know that [1] there are 6 months [2] The ...

55. Creating Interactive calendar in java.

Hi, I am going to be doing the same thing shortly as I am in the process of learning applets. I have not learned how to put a Java applet in a web page. I will be using Dreamweaver as my tool to create a web site. It would be cool to see how you did it when you are finished. ...

56. multiple calendar instances

Calendar annivCal = new GregorianCalendar(todayCal.get(Calendar.YEAR), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.DATE)); And still everything seemed to be fine. I could compile and run the program, but now when I try to do the math on the calendars, its going back and complaining about the cal.setTime line. I change it to the way the other 2 are written, but then it said the constructor wasn't right. ...

57. Calendar component

58. a calendar question

I am taking a beginning programming class and was tasked to create a calendar without using the calendar class that is available in java utilities. I have written a program that takes an input from the user and then figures out if it is a leap year and also figures out the first of any given month. This program also uses ...

59. calendar class

60. Calendar issue

/* - log Function exit*/ if(JAPP_Debug.isLogEnabled) { JAPP_Debug.fusionLogInfoExitFunction( JAPP_FDateChooser.class.getName(), //class name "JAPP_FDateChooser", //function name JAPP_Debug.getLineNumber(), //line no true, //is public true); //is eventHandler } /*end of log function exit*/ } // // Creates a calendar with specified date // public JAPP_FDateChooser (Date defaultdate) { /* - log Function entry*/ if(JAPP_Debug.isLogEnabled) { JAPP_Debug.fusionLogInfoEnterFunction( JAPP_FDateChooser.class.getName(), //class name "JAPP_FDateChooser", //function name JAPP_Debug.getLineNumber(), //line no ...

61. Java Calendar Formatting

Hi, I wish to know is there anyway to format the time I got from database in this way. Say I got Wed Mar 05 12:14:23 SGT 2007 From database I wish to be able to tell like This message is posted 1 minute ago 2 hours ago 2 days ago 1 month ago etc.. Anyway to do that?

62. Using Calendar.setTimeInMillis()

I have written following piece of code which prints current time in milli seconds - Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); long millis = cal.getTimeInMillis(); System.out.println(millis); // This prints '1165611891089'. When I try to set same value to Calendar as shown below - cal.setTimeInMillis(1165611891089); it is throwing following exception - integer number too large: 1165611891089 cal.setTimeInMillis(1165611891089); ^ 1 error Not sure cause of ...

63. making calendar

Hi people, Any idea how we can display values of variable (k) using GLabel.I believe GLabel only allows you display string right? like GLabel day = new GLabel(("Hi World"),12,12); I have created all the rows and coloums for the calendar now I need put the numbers(number of days of the month) on the calendar by using for loop ie for(int k=0;k<31;k++) ...

64. Calendar question

65. Calendar grid

66. Calendar in GMT

System.out.println("Date Object from String : " + df.format(df.parse(date_pst))); /*op : Date Object from String : January 12, 1952 10:00:00 AM PST */ Date parse_date = df.parse(date_pst); Date format_date = new Date(df.format(parse_date)); System.out.println("Formatted Date : "+df.format(parse_date)); /* op : Formatted Date : January 12, 1952 10:00:00 AM PST */ System.out.println(parse_date); /* op : Sat Jan 12 23:30:00 IST 1952 */ } } ...

67. Question about Calendar class

68. Calendar problem

Well, the core problem with your approach is you are converting integers into Date and then again breaking it down with stringTokenizer to compare (don't you think it is a bad design) If you always wanted to compare Year, month and days, then why did you ever need to convert it to a date object? Think about it.

69. numbers in calendar not moving to next line

I am attempting to create a program where the user enters the year and what day of the week January 1st is on. I then produce all 12 months of calendars for that year. The current problem I am running into is that the days of the month are not wrapping down to the next line (for the next week) like ...

70. Calendar, Data behavior on Vista

I am fairly new to Java, so please excuse me if this happens to be a very basic question. I'm working with a simple console app to just print the local date, time, timezone and locale. It works perfectly on Windows XP - the time and zone settings match with the current zone settings on the machine. However on Vista, the ...

71. Help in Calendar program

I am trying to develop a software which also provides the user with reminders about important dates.. I have designed a form where the user can choose the date, and a description about the date for which reminder has to be set..I have got a calendar code, which i have posted.. In that calendar i thought i will highlight the date ...

72. Calendar class question

73. Calendar

1) Months are zero-based. So January is 0, February is 1, etc. 2) Don't compare individual date fields like that. What are you going to do when it is December 31 2009 and the user enters what represents January 1 2010? According to your logic, that is "less than" the current date because the month piece is less than (and likewise ...

74. Problem with SWT.CALENDAR

Hi, Im new to java and Im having a trouble with SWT.Calendar. When I try to use getMonth() method, the values of the month goes from 0 to 11, not from 1 to 12. What should I do to implement a SWT.Calendar with month from 1 to 12. Thanks, Juan. PD: Sorry for my english. Mensaje en espaol: Soy nuevo en ...

75. Calendar object being buggy

I look at it and think there's no bug, yet the date shows up as the 24th. What am I supposed to suspect? Either there's some weird bug, or I over looked something obvious (which happens to everyone). There's no need to call me a liar. In any case, I have a schedule. In this case, the scheduling is inter-day based ...

76. Calendar help

77. Create Calendar with Java

So I have an assignment for school in which I need to get the month (assume February always has 28 days) and day of the week the first day of the month starts on. I can't use the calendar class in java. I know how to get the variables from the user but I'm not sure how to display the calendar. ...

78. Integer vs Calendar Object in a calendar script

Hey Im making a calendar where i use Integers to make it all work. You know int year, int month, int day and so on. It all works as it should, but then it came to my mind that the Calendar class might be a better solution to use in a calendar script. So which would be the best solution to ...

79. calendar

hello, is it possible to reset the date for a calendar instance that will continue to "keep" time?... i want to create a calendar instance that is at some time in the future, such as 2009-01-01, but i'd like for it to continue counting milliseconds so that when i call to get time it will appear at a relative time in ...

80. Calendar class: returns always the same thing

81. Calendar: Dynamic use of getActualMaximum?

82. Calendar

83. Calendar class

Hi, I want to get the day, time, month of the current date in 2-digits. So, if it is 01 octobre, I want it to return '01' and not '1'. This also for time and month. To get the day, the code is: GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); But this will give me back '1'. Is there a way to ...

84. Calendar

As you may have figured out, you can not change the return values from Calendar.get() by altering the first day of the week. I believe that SetFirstDayOfWeek controls how the week in month and week in year are determined. But Tuesday is represented by the constant Calendar.TUESDAY and its value is, well, constant. If you want/need to display numbers for the ...

85. Issue with Calendar.

Issue : I am having a Calendar object and it has time set as mar 25,2010T 00 00 00 Z . Now when i set the values of Hour,Minute , AM_PM indicator in this object manually to following : Hour : 12, Minute : 00 , AM_PM indicator : PM (i.e 1). The date in the Calendar object changes to mar ...

86. Calendar confusion

Greetings. My apologies if this is in the wrong place. I spent about 10 minutes viewing the categories and I couldn't find a good forum for this topic, so I chose this one. My confusion is in the WEEK_OF_YEAR get and set static field number for the Calendar class. I have this small SSCCE: Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance(); cal1.set(2010, ...

87. Calendar class math...

Hi everyone, I've got a pretty straight-forward question: Is there any way I can make subtraction between two calendar objects and then get back the result in the form of a new calendar object? i.e (pseudocode) calendar object 1 = 23:15 calendar object 2 = 23:25 Is there any method that would allow me to subtract object 1 (23:15) from object ...

88. Reproducible calendar bug!

89. Can't get 01-NOV-2009 01:00 AM PDT from Calendar.

Hi, I have my windows calendar timezone set to US/Pacific. When I try to set 01-NOV-2009 01:00 AM to the Calendar instance, it displays Sun Nov 01 01:00:00 PST 2009, although DST hasn't ended yet. It ends just after 01:59:59.9 on 01-NOV-2009. Why am I not getting the output as Sun Nov 01 01:00:00 PDT 2009? I am also trying to ...

90. Advice on a planner / calendar application

Ahoy. I'm toying with the idea of putting together an application that is an electronic version of a teacher's planning diary. It will know a teachers timetable and be able to present them with one of several views (timetable, monthly view, weekly view, daily view, etc.) They will enter their timetable and the daily view (consisting of however many periods) will ...

91. Java Calendar problem

92. Calendar doubt

Hello, I insert a date into my database with the following format: yyyy-mm-dd how can i check if the date inserted in the database is the same as today's date? i need to compare both dates.... can anyone tell me how to do this... I already fetched the dates from my table, now i need to compare the date with the ...

93. Trying to set a Calendar object. getting Null pointer?

I don't understand the point of your comment? You chimed in after the question was answer with a pointless off topic riducule but nothing to support it with. This would be like me saying: "You should go to Hawaii!" That makes no sense! With what basis or evidence did I support my suggestion that you need to go to Hawaii? None, ...

94. Constructing a data using the Calendar

apparently I need to create a new SensorData object. Then I need to set the values of all the fields in the SensorData object, using the setter methods I created in SensorData. Then I get the values from the line of data that I parsed - just like how I got the Calendar fields from the line of data (in my ...

96. Java Calendar - getDisplayName

97. Problems with Calendar

Hi guys - I'm creating what I thought would be a simple app. The user would have a date on the screen, and could click a button to move the day forward one, or the month forward one, etc. I started off by using a Calendar, but all the variables are final and appear to be set once when the program ...

98. Need clarification for calendar.setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek() method

I need clarification for calendar.setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek() method. As my understanding this method use to set the minimum days for the first week of the year. So if we set this as 4 then calendar will not take first week of this year as a valid week (because number of days for first week in this year is 3).

99. Strange behavior of Calendar.set method

Just a guess: That time is the instant of switching from DST to non-DST in your TZ. At 2:00 a.m., suddenly the time becomes 1:00 a.m. So, here's a philosophical question for you: At that instant, what time is it? If you approach from the left, it approaches 2:00 a.m., but if you approach from the right, it approaches 1:00 a.m. ...

100. Slightly confused about Calendar Object

The lastRefreshCal.setTime(lastRefresh); line sets the calendar object and initialises it with a time that is a date object that was initialised earlier today. What i dont understand is why is it setting the times(HOUR,MILISECOND,MINUTE,SECOND) for both lastRefreshCal and today after it has set the time via setTime()? is this not comparing with