equal « Boolean « Java Data Type Q&A

1. is there a equivalent of StringBuilder for boolean in java?    stackoverflow.com

I want my custom functions to modify / toggle a boolean variable. Let's say that I have code like

if (OK2continue) { findANDclick(new String[]{"id", "menuButton"});}
if (OK2continue) { findANDclick(new String[]{"src", ".*homeicon_calendar.*"}); }  ...

2. can't == be used instead of unary & to check if two values are equal    stackoverflow.com

Recently I came across a code snippet in a book which sets a Boolean value to a field like this the input identifier is a List of Strings

if (identifier.size() >= 2) {

3. Are the expressions (!b) and (b==false) equivalent in Java?    stackoverflow.com

Given that b is a boolean variable, are the expressions (!b) and (b==false) the same? Here's where I'm at so far with this question:

  • !b -- returns a [FALSE response if b is ...

4. public boolean equals (Object obj)    coderanch.com

Hello! I have an interesting problem with the following code. Whenever I try to run this program it gives me false(No!) for (date.equals(date2)) method even though it should return true(Yes!). I tried to figure out the fault using debugger but could not succeded. Can anyone please help me? Mahi. //Code for the class definition. public class Date { int dd; int ...

5. public boolean equals ()    coderanch.com

I don't completely understand your question, but in your example pkgType would have to be the name of a class (which you should actually capitalize) and the name of a member variable in that class. You have a return value in the case this.pkgType == that.pkgType, but no return value if they aren't equal. That would cause a compile error, which ...

6. boolean equals(), boolean equalsIgnoreCase()    forums.oracle.com

CloneMe wrote: Is there anybody out there kind enough to write up a simple code using booleans equals(), boolean equalsIgnoreCase() methods? I am unable to figure out how and where it is used for by just reading off from the book. Edited by: CloneMe on May 31, 2009 12:06 PM I dont think anyone will write code for you but perhaps ...

7. can i do a boolean (such as .equals) to check the variable object TYPE?    forums.oracle.com

I have an object called 'policy', the object variable TYPE is of Proposal. Is there a way I can do a boolean such as a .equals to check if that object is a Proposal object? In other words.. how can i do something like this? >> Proposal policy = new Proposal() if (policy.equals(Proposal)) { do this method } thanks.

9. why does "boolean equals(Object obj);" fire only once?    forums.oracle.com

Since you haven't provided an SSCCE, I won't even begin to try to guess why you think the equals() method is being called only once. However, I can tell you that if you hav the KjPair class you presented here, and if you have the HashSet add() calls presented here, then hashCode() will be called 4 times and equals() will be ...