pattern « URL « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. REST API with web application(JSP,Servlets)

I have one normal servlet and one jersey specific REST related servlet i.e.ServletContainer configured in web.xml. Case 1 - Url pattern for normal servlet is "/login" Url pattern for other REST servlet is ...

2. Multiple url-pattern in servlet

6. Call a servlet on the url pattern /_/

7. Question regarding url-pattern in Servlet

Hai All, I have a Servlet program which retrieves the values from a form in html and then saves these entries in the database. Servlet (when i click the Save button in form.jsp, the servlet is called) runs perfect individually. But the problem is, i have a website and i navigate through couple of pages to this form.jsp and when i ...

8. url-pattern

Hello! Using spring + hibernate + annotations web.xml: ... dispatcher /index /userRegistration /userSuccess /allcompany/* ... In controller: @RequestMapping("/allcompany/{groupId}") public String showPage(@PathVariable("groupId") long groupId, ModelMap model) { model.addAttribute("menu_main_active", "allcompany"); return "index"; } When i go to /allcompany/10 response is: The requested resource () is not available. if i use /allcompany/0 and @RequestMapping("/allcompany/10") public String showPage2(ModelMap model) { model.addAttribute("menu_main_active", "allcompany"); return "index"; ...