1. Strip whitespace from jsp output stackoverflow.comHow can I strip out extra whitespace from jsp pages' output? Is there a switch I can flip on my web.xml? Is there a Tomcat specific setting? |
2. OpenID Java stackoverflow.comIs there an openID implementation in Java? I would like to use this in a tomcat application. |
3. JSP generating Excel spreadsheet (XLS) to download stackoverflow.comI have this application i'm developing in JSP and i wish to export a couple of data from the database into XLS (MS Excel format). Is it possible under tomcat to just ... |
4. DirectoryIndex setting to index.jsp not working as expected stackoverflow.comI've got a Tomcat application mounted on /geo and that app has an 'index.jsp' that is accessible directly and works, but when I try to get apache to use it as ... |
5. tomcat polling issue stackoverflow.comI am not sure if anyone else encountered this issue, I have a java app that polls data from an external provider every second, it works fine and polls data as ... |
6. Understanding JSP errorPage attribute stackoverflow.comThanks to everyone in advance - So I setup a simple test to see how <%@ page errorPage="error.jsp" %> behaves. It seems to execute the said page "error.jsp" when I throw an ... |
7. where is the best place to start learning about servlet/tomcat? stackoverflow.comI need to start developing using this technology servlets/jsp with tomcat. I need to get up to speed fairly quick. What would you recommend to get up there fairly quick? ... |
8. Calling a method from within a servlet in tomcat generated HTML stackoverflow.comI have a piece of Java code in a simple blogging servlet being used in Apache Tomcat. I have page being generated based on a form in the previous page, among ... |
9. how can I get Tomcat to serve external JSP's stackoverflow.comI have a war that also needs to server jsp's from alternative external directories. In weblogic this is acheved with virtual directory mappings. Is their a clean way to acheive this with ... |
10. j2ee application in tomcat stackoverflow.comI've developed a j2ee application, now say sample.war is the file. When we port this to tomat webapps, it explodes to sample folder. But if we want to run this application ... |
11. Should mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk be used for a production environment? stackoverflow.comI've been searching over the past few days of whether I should use mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk to connect apache httpd and tomcat. All the sites I find are a few years ... |
12. jsps on Tomcats stackoverflow.comI have inherited a bit of a messy project in my workplace. It currently runs on Websphere 6.1 but i want to move to Springs TC server offering. 1 particular page in the ... |
13. How can i make a Java Daemon stackoverflow.comI need to do a periodic operation (call a java method) in my web app (jsp on tomcat). How can i do this ? Java daemon or others solutions ? |
14. JSP and Servlet maintenance on Tomcat stackoverflow.comI'm developing a JSP/Servlet webapp on Tomcat. How should I refresh some things (servlet classes, web.xml, JSPs etc.) while it is functioning? I can use a boolean variable in my servlets to detect ... |
15. How to set keepgenerated property in tomcat 7 stackoverflow.comI added |
16. First time using .JSP; getting "JSONCore cannot be resolved to a type" (JSONCore is a local class) stackoverflow.comDecided to use Tomcat and .JSP for one of my latest projects, and I've hit a little snag. It seems my local class "JSONCore" "cannot be resolved to a type." Snippet of ... |
17. What is the lifecycle of a HttpServlet? stackoverflow.comBasically, how long is an instance of a servlet around for? I am kind of guessing it is session scope. However, I suppose it could have some sort ... |
18. Java code - looking for source code stackoverflow.comI have this Java code some other person wrote, specifically JSPs. I am trying to understand where everything is.
In my |
19. JSP Imported Class Implementation Not Resolving Type stackoverflow.comI am getting an exception in Tomcat stating the following:
20. Instantiate object when Tomcat starts stackoverflow.comI have a Tomcat server deployed that receives observations transmitted from sensors in JSON format. I also have a sensor describing ontology that I want to make use of. However, I'd like ... |
21. Data download from server stackoverflow.comI want to download multiple files (file is in zip format) from server to client machine specific path within unzip format. How can I achieve this? |
22. Test-driven development for JSPs specifically stackoverflow.comI've been writing test-driven code even before understanding what TDD actually was. Calling functions and classes without having its implementation helps me understand and build my application in a much faster ... |
23. Tomcat configuration help! stackoverflow.comGreetings, I am having a problem on making this possible. I am using XAMPP Tomcat 6.02 and Netbeans 6.9.1. I want these to happen, localhost:8080/myProject/ to localhost/ I have made the port 8080 to port ... |
24. JSP not rendering properly in Tomcat stackoverflow.comI have a JSP page running in Tomcat that is not rendering properly. Here is what helloworld.jsp looks like:
25. JSP+Tomcat: Single Sign-On stackoverflow.comHow the best way to create a single sign-on for many JSP applications using Tomcat server? |
26. JSP displaying source code instead of executing stackoverflow.comI'm new to jsp and have ran into some trouble. Initially, the jsp file and associated java classes were built and tested fine on a test Tomcat server. Now, ... |
27. JSP and Tomcat - can't see time, only see code stackoverflow.comHey, I'm new to Tomcat and JSP. I have the following code in a .jsp file in the webapps folder of tomcat, but when I open it in my browser (Firefox) ... |
28. tomcat with jsp stackoverflow.comAlthough i hav installed Tomcat5.5.9 sucessfully, then too i m getting error of javax.servlet.* package does not exist. how can i resolve it?? |
29. tomcat with jsp stackoverflow.comI have compiled my program "the requested resource(\Hello) is not available".I have placed ... |
30. tomcat with jsp stackoverflow.comi have compiled my program Hello.java using tomcat. But it is not running at the browser. It is showing message "HTTP Status 404 - /Hello type Status report message /Hello description The requested resource (/Hello) is ... |
31. tomcat with jsp stackoverflow.comHow can i compile and run jsp pages using tomcat. Where should i place my jsp page. In which folder i have to placed it. |
32. ExtJs - server side? stackoverflow.comwe've got a request from the customer to build web application based on ExtJS framework. I looked over the internet and find out that ExtJs is just a client javascript controls but ... |
33. Problem with reloaded data stackoverflow.comI have a servlet which takes from jsp some data, and puts it in a file. Another jsp is using this data. I have a problem because my servlet uses an old file, ... |
34. JSP trimSpaces directive not working! stackoverflow.comI'm trying to trim JSP whitespace using the trimSpaces directive in my web.xml, but it's not working. Here's my web.xml:
35. How To Stop Tomcat/Java Wrapping My Output stackoverflow.comI've got a JSP page that I want to return a fragment of HTML. The trouble is that whenever I request the JSP, something is attempting to make the HTML ... |
36. Modify Tomcat example stackoverflow.comI'm modifying the examples coming with Tomcat 7.0.14. Tomcat is deployed at localhost:8080. I can see the page http://localhost:8080/examples/ . however, after I changed webapps\examples\index.html, and reloaded |
37. JSP resourceBundle stackoverflow.comI have no problem loading and using |
38. javascript/ajax in jsp stackoverflow.comI am learning ajax and trying to run simple examples in apache tomcat. when i run these examples in apache server they are working fine. But when i run them in ... |
39. SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out stackoverflow.comI have a web application that read HTML pages using the following command
then my web application will redisplay the HTML page again with some modification
It works fine and ... |
40. How can I schedule a task to run every X hours on my tomcat server? stackoverflow.comI have a webpage in javascript mainly that has an export to excel function. How can I schedule that function to run and save in a spacific folder on that server ... |
41. POST Query length limit on tomcat stackoverflow.comI am trying to send a very long POST request as an AJAX call in my application. Up until the query length exceeds ~7585 characters (incl. page name) the request ... |
42. xampp and tomcat and jsp oh my.. how do i tell if its working stackoverflow.comOk recently installed a wamp xammp to be specific.. I have a requirment to use jsp for some server side communications instead of other stuff like php. My main issue is ... |
43. How to Start a Powerpoint on a tomcat Server stackoverflow.comI am trying to start a powerpoint from a jsp. Currently I am hosting a tomcat server on the computer/display that I want the presentation to run. I have ... |
44. Working with tomcat stackoverflow.comI'm used to work with WAMP and I find it very easy to understand. Now I need to start up with JSP and I've downloaded Tomcat7. I installed it together with ... |
45. Importing java classes into JSP stackoverflow.comThat's the problem.
I developed a web app with |
46. How to write a JSP which renders a list of JSP fragments, without IF switching code stackoverflow.comI have a JSP which composes a List of Objects, then renders JSP fragments depending on the Class of each of the objects in the List. At the moment, this is done ... |
47. Tomcat can't find class that is placed directly under classes folder stackoverflow.comI have the following JSP:
48. using comet in jsp + javascript in tomcat stackoverflow.comI was following this tutorial for implementing comet. IBM comet java I was wondering using this technique how to implement a server push iff some events happens. Now it is sending ... |
49. Cant see output in terminal stackoverflow.comI am trying to run a jsp page from my browser, but why can't I see the output of System.out.println statements in terminal which I wrote in my Servlet?
50. Tomcat not running JSPs coderanch.comTomcat is only running servlets and even their example JSPs are giving this error: Internal server errors... Its not you its me. Thats what Tomcat is trying to tell you, I guess. I hate these when there are no helpful msgs. Anyways, could you elaborate on your installation/settings. Also, please verify the URL for the example you are trying to access ... |
51. TOMCAT coderanch.com |
52. trouble configuring tomcat server coderanch.comi am unable to properly configure my tomcat server. when i bring up the localhost page all it shows is Directory Listing for:/ Tomcat Web Server v3.2.3 I think some of it is working properly. Anyone care to send me properly configured files to their Windows NT Server machine? Thank you kindly, Thomas |
53. JSP is resubmitted twice on tomcat coderanch.comThe server has no control over how many times a request is made, so it can't be a Tomcat problem. A lot of people double-click on web pages just like they've been trained to do on desktop apps, and this is more likely your problem. How is the JSP request being made? A form submit, hyperlink, or something more exotic like ... |
54. tomcat coderanch.comHi, I need to get the browser to pop up a www authenticate box for a new web app I've just created in webapps and then use apache for authentication. Information on the web about how to do this is very confusing, can anyone help please? I am running tomcat 3.2.1 on linux with an apache webserver. - perhaps it is ... |
55. Tomcat Problem coderanch.comHi, I am using Tomcat Server 3.2.1 along with SQL Server 7.0 as my backend to run my Jsp's and Java Beans but suddenly my application has became very slow. To execute one single query its taking a hell lot of time although I am using Connection Pooling for database connections. Is it a problem with the Tomact Server? Can anyone ... |
56. question about servlet in tomcat coderanch.com |
57. Can start and stop tomcat through FTP?? coderanch.comAll files relating to our website are placed in /home. We also have a directory called /developement. I typically upload my files to /development, and after testing (http://ourwebsite ortno/development ) they are moved to /home. I do not have direct access to /home however I have ftp access to /development, so I typically ftp my latest files to /development. The /development ... |
58. My JSP dont work on Apache Tomcat coderanch.comGreat it worked. Thank you!! Do you know if this causes problems if I lateron upload the whole bunch on my Webserver, or should I use anyway the directory structure with where I put all my jsp files into a special directory like ../star/jsp/ for my jsp files? Thank you again and greatings from Zurich Remo |
59. how to download Tomcat coderanch.com |
60. apache-tomcat coderanch.comman_of_instance Welcome to the Java Ranch, we hope youll enjoy visiting as a regular however, your name is not in keeping with our naming policy here at the ranch. Please change your display name to an appropriate name as shown in the policy. Thanks again and we hope to see you around the ranch!! Your problem is not a bug of ... |
61. apache-tomcat coderanch.comMy request from client is getting duplicated on server... I'm submitting form by javascript submit. And I've put some SOP (System.out.println) statement in my java classes. So when I invoke java method from jsp on submit, that method is being called twice. Again it happens 80% of the time. But not always! I'm posting one code for reference. In this code ... |
62. Tomcat/catalina4.0.3 could not display jsp properly!? coderanch.comHi all, I updated from jboss2.4.3-tomcat3.2.3 to jboss3.0.0-tomcat4.0.3 recently,however,my application could not run propertly in new version. I wrote <%@ include file="../head.jsp" %> in one of my jsp page, when I call it from localhost, it tell me "could not find ../head.jsp" I checked the war file, its there and it did run ok in my old version,morver,the application is going ... |
63. pop up window to display an array object using Tomcat coderanch.comHi, My problem looks like a javascript problem, but it is more seen when using Tomcat as the web server. I have a file (test.jsp) listing a list of items. When I click any of them, a popup window will display the corresponding data. The data are stored in two arrays (array1 and array2). But when I switch between the links, ... |
64. tomcat not starting coderanch.comWhen I start tomcat from the bin directory, the new tomcat window comes up for a second and then disappears. Does anyone know how to get access to any error message, or what might be going wrong? Tomcat was working till I updated some of the jar files in the lib dir. ( jaxp.jar etc.) Thanks |
65. how to configure tomcat to execute jsp coderanch.com |
66. jsp is not executing in tomcat coderanch.comManish Are youputting the .jsp at the end of the request? You dont need it with servlet but you do with JSPs so people often forget them when using both. If that's not the case then lets us know a bit more about the problem. directory structures, class names, the address you entered into the browser, etc... |
67. tomcat download coderanch.com |
68. using apache-tomcat! coderanch.com |
69. problem running Tomcat coderanch.comHi there, I think i've managed to get right download of Tomcat(hopefully). I saved the file and unzipped it into C:\ jakarta-tomcat-4-1-12-src Also, my SDK is in c:\ as well j2sdk1.4.0_02 When I go into dos to run Tomcat, I type in: c:\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12\bin\startup.bat I get 'The system cannot find the path specified'. I've cofigured my enviroment as follows: PATH is set ... |
70. using central european characters with tomcat coderanch.comHi, I have to use central european characters with tomcat. I know a site that does that (www.ingasigurari.ro). They declare in the part of the html as content type: I try the same thing in my site but it does not work until I change the encoding from my browser. Can this be done by tomcat? ... |
71. Tomcat runs, examples run, cocoon runs, but not my webapplication coderanch.com |
72. Tomcat relodable="true" not working coderanch.comJim Bo ! I have a similar story like you, as i have two OS win and linx i found that reloadable=true is working on linux while not on windows ... this is probably a bug of tomcat . I use to delete all servlets in the work folder to get new version of JSp as most often i get old ... |
73. JSP - Tomcat related issue coderanch.com |
74. Urgent! Hide Tomcat console and run it in NT services coderanch.comGreetings! Urgent! I working on project using the JSP with Tomcat. There are serverals things I would like to know : 1. How to hide or minimize the Tomcat console/ Dos-prompt? 2. How to create console/ Dos-prompt run in System tray? 3. How to make the Tomcat console/ Dos-prompt run in the NT services instead of run and show in desktop? ... |
75. JSP, SQLServer2000 and TomCat coderanch.com |
76. Tomcat upgrade now servlets unavailable coderanch.com |
77. Running JSP on TomCat coderanch.comsounds like you need a webapp context. Under the Tomcat |
78. jsp:forward problem with Tomcat coderanch.com |
79. Tomcat does not find my custom method coderanch.comI think must be there. I have a made a ln to the /WEB-INF/classes/MyLib and the class is there. I did rm *.class I recompiled all I tried this method from the promt line (my path is taken from ) set PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH} (but this is for the prompt version). I don't know how tomcat works for that. old methods works, but ... |
80. [Newbie][SmartUpload] [Tomcat] : open download browser in a selected folder coderanch.comHi, im a newbie in java and i've to download some files from Tomcat's folder. But, for security purposes, i've to open the browser directly in a selected folder. Unfortunatly, i didn't succeed with the JspSmartUpload's API. Although the browser opens and th download works great, i dont know which method to use to open my browser in the folder i ... |
81. onsubmit doesn't work with Tomcat coderanch.com |
82. Tomcat: Servlet.service(): unbelievable getOutputStreamException coderanch.com |
83. with connecting Tomcat-Domino coderanch.comLorenzo, this is quite a specific question. It might be better to directly ask the developer by clicking shout link on page http://free.tagish.net/domino-tomcat/index.jsp Some time ago I've thought about propagating that redirector in trainings. And I swear there were a page were people reported a lot of problems. Can't find it. There were a lot of publication around this openSource module ... |
84. Tomcat configuration problem coderanch.comI had to reinstall Tomcat on my Windows XP and something went wrong. Every time I try to start it the folowwing appears on the browser. I would be grateful if somebody could give a hint on this. Many thanks! Saulo type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception ... |
85. Question regarding Tomcat coderanch.com |
86. ANN: Schroedinger 1.0 - easy JSP development with Tomcat coderanch.com |
87. How to get Cascading Style Sheets with JSP/Tomcat Working? coderanch.comCan anyone tell me if I can get Tomcat to use cascading style sheets? I have a .css file in the root of my production folder and I've tried referencing the .css file with and without a leading "/", but neither works. Thanks ion adance for anyone's help in this area. -- Mike |
88. jsp/servlet with tomcat coderanch.comHi, I am facing a problem with JSP ontomcat 4.0. When I compile the JSP gives the below given error. The error trace --- message Internal Server Error description The server encountered an internal error (Internal Server Error) that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP An error occurred between lines: 12 and 14 ... |
89. Tomcat Madness coderanch.com |
90. tomcat's problem coderanch.com |
91. Problem with tomcat and JSP coderanch.comIf the port is in use, you already have another application using the default port. Perhaps you got Tomcat installed as a service? In that case it is the service Tomcat you see when you address localhost:8080 Try rebooting and addressing localhost:8080 - if Tomcat is there it got installed as a service. Bill |
92. Tomcat engine problem coderanch.com |
93. Tomcat Crisis coderanch.comI hope I just didn't do what I think I did. So I have all my Beans and jsp pages in a directory calls MyApps. So, for some reason, when I try to access the MyApps directory via a URL, it's not showing up. So I go to the Tomcat Manager, see that it is there, and try again. Nothing. So ... |
94. sendRedirect() in Tomcat? coderanch.comUsually, only a request contains parameter, cos you wanna send sth to the server for processing. After the process, the server returns the data to you, maybe text, html, whatever. However, it does not need a query string, as all info are inside the result already. So, maybe you need to think whether you really need reponse.sendRedirect(). Nick. |
95. problem:jsp + tomcat?but...... coderanch.com |
96. Problem Using Expresssion Language code in Tomcat coderanch.com |
97. tomcat and jsp coderanch.com |
98. question about JSP - Tomcat coderanch.com |
99. need help with Tomcat coderanch.com |
100. help with Tomcat coderanch.comI just install my tomcat and test it working successfully. I write a jsp page, it always has problem: http 500 error...can anybody help me out??? =============================== here is my jsp code =================================== <%@ page language = "java" %> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %> <%@ page import="sei.*" %> <%! String phono = new String(); String time = new String(); String message = ... |