eclipse « Tomcat « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. tomcat application missing displayname

I have a little project with some jsp deployed on an Tomcat 5.5. Recently the Servlets which are also deployed with the jsp files (one war archive) stopped working. I also ...

2. Working with Eclipse, writing servlets in java

Another day, another class... I have gotten everything working for my class in which I am using Tomcat and Eclipse to write java servlets. What I would like to ...

3. trying to start a tomcat from eclipse and it failed to find index.jsp

type Status report message /mydirectory/index.jsp description The requested resource (/mydirectory/index.jsp) is not available. What could be the issue? Here is the log file: Jul 28, 2009 6:16:25 AM org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.SetPropertiesRule begin WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'source' to 'org.eclipse.jst.jee.server:Testing' ...

4. Tomcat not shutting down within Eclipse

I'm building a relatively simple web-app where the main servlet implements the ServletContextListener interface to determine whether the context has been started or stopped. I've implemented my contextInitialized, contextDestroyed, init and ...

5. Setting up tomcat with eclipse on first jsp program

I am just following along the spring tutorial ( I downloaded this version of Eclipse: I guess tomcat is a separate install? Update Is Ant ready to go with eclipse, or that ...

6. Migrating Standalone Tomcat Instance to Eclipse

Currently I'm just kicking off Tomcat as a daemon from a standalone shell startup script. With that, I have many customized files in my app. For example, the start-up script needs ...

7. Understanding how to run a servlet in Eclipse

I'm writing a simple flight reservation application for one of my homeworks. My flight reservation web site has a login, registration, flight search, result display and confirmation JSP pages. ...

8. Dynamic Web Module option in Eclipse

Could someone please explain the purpose of this option and what exactly it is for. It looks like the default is on my eclipse installation is 3.0 but it wont run ...

9. how create simple(servelet) java ee project in eclipse and tomcat

I'm open to

eclipse --> new --> dynamic web project --> in target runtime --> new Apache Tomcat v6.0 and establish mark Create a new local ...

10. The import javax.servlet can't be resolved

I'm trying to use eclipse for Java EE to develop web applications. I need to use Tomcat as my server. I've downloaded Tomcat and it's running. But my program doesn't compile. ...

11. Server to run java servlet

I'am developing a java servlet application, and tesing it on Eclipse + Apache Tomcat (refer: The application is now tested on the localhost and accesed by any clients ...

12. Where does Eclipse store generated servlet files for Tomcat?

I'm using Eclipse Java EE IDE and launch Tomcat from the Server's tab on Eclipse. Where does Eclipse store generated servlet .java files for JSP files? I've checked the Tomcat installation directory, ...

13. Eclipse Tomcat jsp class files sporatically are not found

I recently started getting the following SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jsp.login_jsp It happens sporatically. All was good prior to the holidays. ...

14. Configuration about eclipse + Tomcat

I wrote a little helloworld jsp file to test it. But it failed. I can't figure it out.Any one help me ? I got these error info: HTTP ERROR 404 Problem accessing /myjsp/WEB-INF/myjsptest.jsp. Reason:


15. Why is Eclipse/JSP parsing my JavaScript?

I have a JSP page which doesn't actually have any server tags in it so its basically an HTML page. But, my work is in love with JSP so I ...

16. Trying to get tomcat 7 working with eclipse 3.6.1

I'm trying to set up tomcat (v7.0.11) and eclipse (v3.6.1) so that I can debug JSP pages in eclipse. I'm going through these instructions: and I'm on the step "Copy ...

17. HelloWorld servlet : eclipse ee tomcat 6 error

I am using eclipse ee with tomcat 6 on windows. I made a simple HelloWorld servlet & it works properly. Then I made another test applet just print a line of ...

18. Setting Up Developed Java Project in Eclipse

I am trying to set up some project in Eclipse which is already developed and has following file structure. Root Folder Files WEB-INF Files I know how to setup things ...

19. best way to convert eclipse project to a tomcat servlet?

I am working on a servlet using Eclipse. It runs perfectly fine when I use my Junit tests inside of eclipse. The problem is that I need to run this same ...

20. java apache tomcat is not detecting the jsp file even when it exists

I have come across to a strange problem where apache tomcat server is showing 404 server code. But some of the files are being detected by the system. I am using ...

21. How to integrate Eclipse Dynamic Web Project Folder structure with Tomcat6

I want to create a web project in Eclipse, But I don't understand the Folder Structure of the project. It is different with the "webapps" folder layout which state in Tomcat6 ...

22. Error in running webapp dynamic using Eclipse

I have an application in SVN that I should test it. for that I use Eclipse to run it and apache tocat 5.5.12. I ran tha project and eclipse created the ...

23. Servlet JSP connection problem in Eclipse Indigo

I have tomcat 7.0.14, jdk1.6 and Eclipse Indigo for Java EE web app developers. I am new to JSP, so tried Eclipse as I thought it made coding easier. I closely followed ...

24. Where am I going wrong with this servlet in eclipse helios and tomcat 7 on mac?

I am trying to create a basic servlet with eclipse helios ee and tomcat 7. I can see that tomcat is working fine, because I can start the server from eclipse, ...

25. I am not able to connect tomcat with eclipse

My eclipse used to work fine but now I am no longer the administrator of my computer(I no longer have administrator priveledges) and i see that my already installed and working ...

26. (My)Eclipse/Tomcat 6 - JSP: package does not exists error

I have strange problem with my project deployment. I am using MyEclipse with Tomcat. Everything was ok with tomcat 5. But when I deploy/run my app to Tomcat 6 I got ...

27. How to publish JSP code changes, from Eclipse to Tomcat

What do I need to do to make my JSP code changes effective on local installation of Tomcat? I tried all it seemed logical to me: Tried to Clean Project, Build ...

28. Running JSP application using tomcat 6.0 and Eclipse

I am working on an academic project using Eclipse 3.X , jsp's, servlet's etc. The server i chosed to deploy my application is "Tomcat 6.0". when i change any of my code ...

29. configuring Tomcat 5.0 with eclipse

30. Running a servlet on Tomcat using Eclipse

[B]package hall; import*; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; /** * Servlet implementation class for Servlet: SomeServlet * */ public class SomeServlet extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet implements javax.servlet.Servlet { static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /* (non-Java-doc) * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#HttpServlet() */ public SomeServlet() { super(); } /* (non-Java-doc) * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) */ protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ...

31. Eclipse-Tomcat Error

32. How eclipse and Tomcat work together?

I have a problem understanding the concepts of how Eclipse and Tomcat work together. Let's say I have managed to get Tomcat into servers in my eclipse and its up and running. Now I make a new Dynamic Web Project and make only one servlet in it(no jsp-s, html-s, databases or anything else). First question: I'm not able to find a ...

33. How to work jsp in Eclipse using Tomcat5.1