container « Tomcat « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Preferred OS for hosting Tomcat servlet container

I know that I'm taking a risk, pitting the differing OS religions against each other, but I would like professional opinions about hosting a servlet container. In my case the ...

2. How to listen a socket in Tomcat(servlet container)?

I have to let an web application to listen a socket(ServerSocket), and handle the socket stream. But the application is just deployed in Tomcat which is just a servlet container, it doesn't ...

3. JSP outside a web container

I am starting a project that will have many "files" (like a web servers .html or jsp files). Each of these files will have "JSP" embedded in the files, for example;


4. Staged, Asynchronous Processing in Servlet Containers?

I've been reading a bit about Stage Event Driven Architecture (SEDA) and the concept of asynchronous I/O. I've come across a few people talking about implementing SEDA to handle HTTP requests. ...

5. RADIUS module for java servlet container

Is there any solution for java servlet containers like mod_auth_dradius for Apache. The idea is to authenticate users using RADIUS-server to get access to some part of the site hosted by a ...

6. Do servlet containers prevent web applications from causing each other interference and how do they do it?

I know that a servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat, runs in a single instance of the JVM, which means all of its servlets will run in the same process. I also ...

7. How have best performance with jsp?

i'm with some dobuts: 1) how can i take best pratices to have best perfomance with my website in jsp ? 2) how i should use treat request.session.getAttribute() and request.attribute() ? 3) all ...

8. Want to develop a servlet container like tomcat

Actually I want to develop a simple servlet container like tomcat. It's purely my learning purpose. It would be very helpful if anyone can help and guide me where to start ...

9. What's the class in tomcat jsp container that convert jsp code into servlet code?

Jsp's are severed in the container as servlet code. I would like to know the implementation class of tomcat container that converts jsp into servlet code.

10. Can anyone explain what happens when a play! app is deployed as a war file?

Play framework doesn't support the servlet specification, nevertheless among it's deployment options there's the possibility to package the whole app in a war file and deploy it ...

11. Tomcat persisting sessions problem with generated classes

We have several generated classes, these classes will be regenerated in every startup phase of our web-application. Tomcat has the support for persisting sessions, so when tomcat shutsdown or restarts the ...

12. Run Tomcat in another server

I think this question can be kinda idiot, but anyway: I'm working in a site and only have access to the ftp login and password. The site is already uploaded and ...

13. how tomcat container convert jsp page..

When you first time make a request for JSP, it will compile it and convert it in to the Servlet. For the further request for the same JSP, application server will check whether JSP has changed after Servlet generated or not. If it has changed then it will again compile the Servlet, else execute the existing Servlet. This process involves IO ...

15. Apache w/ Tomcat Servlet Container

Hi All, Well, after numerous attempts to get support from my web hosting service,, I'm thoroughly convinced that they have some automated support engine that parses your email, and generates a response based on the keywords it found -- what garbage! My last email included a request for detailed information, or at least some direction as to finding a source ...