string « Tag « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. use the c:out tag on a String

Inside my jsp page, I have a string I want to show, but it might contain '<' or some other character that I want to escape so it will not mess ...

2. Regular expression for removing HTML tags from a string

I am looking for a regular expression to removing all HTML tags from a string in JSP. Example 1

sampleString = "test string <i>in italics</i> continues";
Example 2
sampleString = "test string <i>in italics";
Example 3
sampleString ...

3. How to concatenate string literals inside of JSP expression within custom jsp tag

I have a really strange problem, following attribute of a jsp tag

 <custom:tag onclick="addBid('<%= container_index + "string" %>');" />
cannot be processed by jsp compiler
20:18:00,374 ERROR [render_portlet_jsp:154] org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /WEB-INF/jsp/customers/abcd.jsp(146,107) equal symbol ...

4. How to display a CSV file string as HTML with line-break tags?

I have a CSV file stored in my database as a blob. My API only allows me to return it as a single String - I would have preferred a List of ...

5. Unknown attribute type (String) for attribute - Custom Tag - JSP

Hello I am trying to create a custom tag and I am getting the next error:

HTTP Status 500 -

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it ...

6. How to evaluate a JSP tag which is stored in a String?

I have a Struts action class that sets a String with the markup of a custom JSP tag as request attribute. The action class forwards this to a JSP page, which ...

7. String[] as attribute to custom tag

Hi. I've been dabbling a little with this. I haven't been able to get the setter method in a custom tag to read an array parameter short of using a runtime expression. Is this the only way to pass an array to a custom tag? just seems kinda odd since jstl is a means to avoid scripting inside jsp or whatever... ...

9. Keep HTML tag in String

10. Append String using tag lib

13. using JSP tag lib c:when to compare 2 strings

Hey, I need a little help using JSP tag lib c:when to compare 2 strings. Below is the detail. I have a master jsp file importing a sub jsp, for simplicity sake, I will just call them master.jsp and sub.jsp, respectively. In master.jsp, I am using and in sub.jsp, I have <% String loc1 = ...