scriptlets « Tag « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Using tags in scriptlets

Hi folks, allthough I know that the intention of TagLibs is different, I want to use the functionality of a tag in a scriptlet. Is there a way to do that? And when, what does the syntax look like? To be more concrete: I use the Jakarta-DB-Taglib. As usuallay I make a connection. And then I want to check the existence ...

2. Using Scriptlets in Custon Tags

3. Why use tags instead of scriptlets?

That's the problem. By putting too much functionality in a JSP, you create a mess and violate the precepts of MVC. JSPs are intended to be templates for the view, not computational units. By limiting JSPs to what the JSTL and El provide, they self-regulate and ensure that stuff doesn't get put into a JSP that has no business being there. ...