body « Tag « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Custom JSP tag - How do I get the body of the tag?

I have a custom jsp tag like this:

    The body of the custom tag...
    More lines of the body...
In the custom tag, how can I ...

2. How to handle body onload event in tag

I am using sitemesh in our application. In decorator jsp i have addded in head and on body tag <body onload="<decorator:getProperty property='body.onload'/>" >. so i want to handle body onload ...

3. Creating a simple custom tag to show or hide body

Im trying to create my own custom tag so i can display or hide the content between the tag depending on an attribute set.

<mytag:isUserInRole role="admin">Show admin specific text</mytag:isUserInRole>`
Basicly i want to ...

4. Custom tags and body processing

Hi - Go over to the SCWCD forum and do a search for: EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED You will find a lot of information relating to this and custom tags in general. I personally think that TC 4.01 has some anomolies about the return codes from doStartBody. I also think this is in general the kind of thing you see when you implement a ...

5. Executing the doAfterBody() of a Custom Tag w/ no body

Hi, I have this JSP program taken from a JSP book written for JSP 1.2. But I am currently running it in Tomcat 5.0. That JSP program uses a custom tag with no body(i.e. empty action). The of that custom tag is defined as TAGDEPENDENT in the tld. And its tag handler has a doAfterBody() method. The problem now is ...

7. c:set tag with and without body

No. When an EL expression is used in template text, its behavior is to be evaluated, that value converted to string, and then emitted to whatever writer is in scope at the moment -- in this case, the writer for the tag body. By the time the tag gets the body context, the value has been been long ago converted. Also ...

8. Accessing tag body inside a tagHandler?

Hi all I want to create a body tag as follows

These tags should display the values of name and balance_amount of all the records in ATM_Details Table. How do i access the Boyd of tag inside my tag handler and how do I send the response several times depending on the no ...

9. what can be in a tag body?

I assumed that the .jspf extension is used as a programming practice to differentiate source files of complete JSP pages (.jsp) and source files of JSP segments (.jspf) that need not be legal JSP pages since they are statically included. The API says: "The definition of the JSP fragment must only contain template text and JSP action elements. In other words, ...

10. clear body tag question