Javabean « Tag « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Difference between Custom Tag and Java Bean?

Difference between Custom Tag and Java Bean?

2. Accessing JavaBean Methods using EL from JSP

I'm migrating an old application from JSP 1.1 to JSP 2.1, and trying to do everything without scriptlets. I have a JavaBean that I create, populate and insert into the page ...

3. Basically whatever I may do with "JavaBeans", "Servlets" etc (*.java files) needed to get compiled, I may also do it with JSP STANDARD TAG LIBRARY et...

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 12:37 pm Post subject: Basically whatever I may do with "JavaBeans", "Servlets" etc (*.java files) needed to get compiled, I may also do ...

4. Tag library versus Javabean

Personally, I like to keep my JavaBeans very business-object like. That is, primarily data containers with some behavior. However, when I want to provide specific presentation behavior based on that data I use a custom tag. Motivations for the custom tag are "can this functionality be used across other pages in my app?" If so, and the behavior is not tied ...

5. JavaBean and Tag Library!!

7. Using a JavaBean tags in a JSP page

8. javabean or jsp tags

9. Bug Interpreting HTML Tag in Java Bean using c:forEach public CategoryModel() { ArrayList categoryList = new ArrayList(); CategoryAction categoryBean = new CategoryAction(); // Connecting to db here // querying the db here if ( { objRS.beforeFirst(); while ( ) { CategoryAction cBean = new CategoryAction(); cBean.setCategoryName(objRS.getString("categoryName")); cBean.setSubcategoryDescr(generateSubcategoryDescr(objRS.getInt("categoryId"))); categoryList.add(cBean); } } request.setAttribute("categoryInfoItr", categoryList); } private StringBuffer generateSubcategoryDescr(int categoryId) { StringBuffer subcategoryDescr = new StringBuffer(); // Connecting to db here ...