struts « Struts « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Codebehind - ServletContext

I'm trying out the codebehind stuff in a portlet with the portlet created by the maven struts2 portlet archetype. It used to work until I did some changes with initialization of the ServletContext in the portlet, and now all I get is: SEVERE: Could not execute actionjava.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: com.opensymphony.xwork2.inject.DependencyException: com.opensymphony.xwork2.inject.ContainerImpl$MissingDependencyException: No mapping found for dependency [type=javax.servlet.ServletContext, name='default'] in public void ...

2. HttpServletResponse Transfer-Encoding header

Hi, 1) What's a great way to manipulate HttpServletResponse existing headers using struts2? I tried changing Transfer-Encoding to Chunked using an interceptor (AbstractInterceptor) before and after the "actionInvocation.invoke();". I also tried again as a PreResultListener. I verified everything is hooked up and running via System.out.putlines. However, neither approach always affected the Transfer-Encoding value. I can add new ...


4. Maybe a bug on S2 2.0.14 : ServletRedirectResult

Hello *private* *static* *boolean* isPathUrl(String url) { *// filter out "http:", "https:", "mailto:", "file:", "ftp:" * *// since the only valid places for : in URL's is before the path specification * *// either before the port, or after ...

5. Please Help: [Struts 1.3]Getting a ServletFilter Sample working

Hi, I am testing a Servlet Filter usage. And somehow, my application doesn't even start in Tomcat 5.5. Please help me in debugging, where I am going wrong. Here is what did: package app; import*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class SampleFilter implements Filter { private FilterConfig config = null; public void init(FilterConfig config) ...

6. [S2] OgnlException for ServletRedirectResult

Hoying, Ken-2 Reply | Threaded Open this post in threaded view | Report Content as Inappropriate [S2] OgnlException for ServletRedirectResult I am need to be able to redirect to a url from Struts2 passing in an odd looking parameter name. The parameter name is '6578706f7274'. I know.. I would love to change ...

7. ServletActionRedirectResult issue

Hi, When I try to configure un ServletActionRedirectResult i obtain Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.DefaultActionMapper.getUriFromActionMapping( at org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ServletActionRedirectResult.execute( at com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.executeResult( using @Result(name="success",value="findAllTables",params={"namespace","/tables","eid","${eid}","etid","${etid}"},type= ServletActionRedirectResult.class) public class CreateTableAction extends BaseAction { private Long eid; ...

8. ServletOutputStream

I created a small webapp that extracts data from a DB, creates an Excel file from that data (using Apache POI), which then streams the file to the end user's browser. Everything is working fine, however I have to set the Action class' return type to 'NULL' since I am setting the servlet response type to 'application/vnd-ms-excel'. I want to change ...

9. ServletUrlRenderer.renderFormUrl NPE moving from 2.0.14 to 2.1.16

I'm upgrading to use the latest best available struts 2 (I use freemarker in both 2.0.14 and the new 2.1.16) and I am hitting a problem with the form tag I believe. ServletUrlRenderer.renderFormUrl method accesses the actionMapper member, but this member is null. Hence, I get the stack trace NPE listed. Am I missing something in configuration? ...

11. struts 2: data lost when switching from jsp1 to jsp2 and back

hi, i'm new in struts2 (i did already a projekt with struts 1) and i cannot find lot of support/tutorials in the internet. until now, i like struts2 and the new improvements. but i'm stuck with this: i have 2 forms, on form1 the user enters data and selects "actionA" which directs him to form2. here the user enters additional data ...

12. Struts2 - redirectAction - ServletActionRedirectResult

Hi Folks, In Struts 2.1.6, if we have a , for example, generateReport /genReport pie Refer to: We will ...

13. use servletcontext in typeconvert

14. writing dynamic content using JspWriter out

In my jsp I use JspWriter to write my page content .I can write lot of static data but I cannot write dynamic content like scriptlet or tag library ie even if I write tag library or scriptlet it will not be executed .Is there any solution for this ? Miro ...