file « Struts « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Struts - Loading result-templates (like JSP) from JAR-Files

How can I define it in the struts framework, when I would like to load templates (JSP, ZUL etc.) from different JAR-Files?

2. What is the Best method to http transfer a file from the client to a server, in Java 1.5?

What is the Best method to http transfer a file from the client to a server, in Java 1.5?

3. use struts tags inside attributes in jspx files

I have some old jsp code that uses the struts tags inside attributes, like this:

<link href="<s:url value='/styles/layout.css'/>" 
  rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"/>
I can't get this to work in jspx files though. ...

4. How does struts 2 includes javascript files in a jsp from their struts.jar?

I've noticed that the javascript client-side validation feature of the struts 2 framework uses a javascript file that comes inside the struts2 JAR file. The javascript file gets included somehow in ...

5. struts1,properties file

i have a selection box in struts1 jsp file.In that box the key values i have to get from the properties file.Any idea please Thanks

6. Struts2 doesn't find jsp files

I've been trying to no avail to set up a simple Struts2 application so I can get on with learning the framework. Basically, what I am expecting to happen is that ...

7. Different ways to use properties file in j2ee app

I have a j2ee app using Struts2. I have a gloabl properties file which is declared in which resides in WEB-INF/classes. It has the following setting:

mypropertyfile also resides ...

8. Websphere logs report {0} File not found, but application continues to work without issues

A websphere 6.1 server is running a struts application that seems to be working fine. In the logs, however, I'm seeing the following error message, which is being continually emailed to ...

9. Paramter in the message resource properties file of struts

I am using the html:image tag to include images in the jsp. the image location is specified in the message resource properties file of struts. the paths are defined as ../../images/image1.gid ...

10. How can data be passed into an tag within a Struts tag file via attributes?

I have a form with two halves, one for attaching a wide thumbnail to an asset and one for a standard-size thumbnail. The jsp file generating the page calls thumbnail.tag, which ...

11. File upload help in JSP /Struts 1.2

I have seen lot of reviews and have not been able to figure out how I can solve my problem.. Problem: Currently we have a page to upload the file from local machine ...

12. steps to integrate .chm help file into java application (jsp page)

I created one .chm help file with help of fast-help software but not getting any solution for how to integrate that in my web project I created in java using JSP ...

13. FileUpload problem with Struts on server

I am trying to create a upload servlet that handles enctype="multipart/form-data" from a form. The file I am trying to upload is a zip. However, I can upload and read the ...

14. how access value of array list on Struts framework by properties file

arraylist.add(new ListItem("Activity1", "ActivityName1"));
suppose ActivityName1 value store in properties file to provide locale feature. now how can i access the value of Activity1 key that associate to ActivityName1 value on jsp ( ActivityName1 ...

15. How to recover all the file path selected

I put a browser in my jsp page, and when I select the file via the browser and I'm doing a System.outn select the file path, I only have the name, and I ...

16. check the text in a Apache Velocity (.vm file) using java

#set ($collegename = $parameters.get('collegename')) 
when i print $collegename in vm file. it show college's names in some rows. there are 20 college's names. i want to put a condition on a particular college. ...

17. Where to put the properties file in web app folder in Struts 1.3?

I am making a simple web app using struts 1.3 . It contains a simple registration page which uses <bean:message > tag. I have set the path of my properties file ...

18. call a method in Javascript file

in a Struts 2 based application i have Java classes and JSPs. in the JSPs i have included Javascript files.
i have a Java method which return a string.
i want to call ...

19. multiple file upload in JSP struts

My client wants a feature (like in advanced Gmail version) where user can hold CTRL key and select multiple files to upload in one go. Is it really possible ? Please ...

20. Issue about Using Struts2 Include Tag in Freemarker File

Here is my scene?

1?In action the variable id is declear like blow(

private Integer id;
    public Integer getId() {
        return id;

21. why struts resources bundle having and files

struts having default resource properties "" and language resource properties "" but in real time in my project I have all English non-adaptation content in "" file then why we ...

22. Getting extension check(hardening) alert while opening a .xls file using Office 2007/2010

I am working on a struts based web application. In that application, we generate and download xls file from Jsp. In Jsp file and web.xml, I have set the content-type as "application/" it ...

23. Location of jsp class file inside war file

When I am creating a war file for struts2.xx project called 'test'. I want to know where my *.jsp are converted into *.class, can you tell me the exact location of ...

24. How to update an arraylist from a jsp file using Struts2

i'm generating an html table into a jsp file using struts2. i would like to change values contained into this arraylist, but the behaviour is not what i was expecting... my flow: ...

25. struts2 jsp file unable to load javascript

I have a struts 2 application. Version 2.2.3. My problem is that the application is not able to load the javascript files. I have a jsp file that has the following ...

26. passing values from tiles2 definition to jsp file in struts2

I am using tiles 2 with struts2. My tiles definition look like this:-

        <definition name="store-tiles" extends="baseLayout">    

27. How to split up a jsp file into different child subfile which will be shared by multiple parent files

Recently I came across a situation which is described as follows : I have a struts action class for instance say A. Let say the corresponding jsp file is show.jsp ...

28. How to call iText servlet/file to JSP page?

I have been trying for some time now to create a PDF file of a table from my site. I have compiled the following servlet with 0 errors and I ...

29. How do I share session attributes between a servlet and jsp file?

I have a form which when submitted stores data from it's fields to the database. The action forward in the struts-config maps back to the same page on Success/Failure of data ...

30. Unable to find 'struts.multipart.saveDir' property setting. Defaulting to javax.servlet.context.tempdir

While trying to upload the Image in struts2 the image is not uploading and showing following msg Unable to find 'struts.multipart.saveDir' property setting. Defaulting to javax.servlet.context.tempdir How to solve this problem

31. Struts 2 Execute action instead of welcome file

I'm working on a Struts 2 application and I want to execute an action (in fact I'm interested more on executing an interceptor) instead of simply showing a welcome file. What ...

32. Can I return call to a jsp that is another package in struts-config file of struts2

I have 2 packages in struts-config file one for login and online for the rest of the pages, once I have processed the login credentials I want to forward the result ...

33. Uploading a file in struts1

I want to upload a file in struts1 application. Currently the implementation is using File, like this:

<html:file property="upload"/>
But this does not allow to upload file if app is accessed from remote ...

34. Struts2 File Upload

I want to upload multiple files in one form and that number of files is varying from user to another, ex. a user may upload 2 files and another user could ...

35. Can we forward to jsp files under /WEB-INF folder

36. Downloading file rendered in JSP

Hi, I'm trying to make one of my pages downloadable as a CSV file. Currently my XML is configured like this: /pages/download.jsp ...

37. Error when including Javascript file in JSP which has struts tags in it.

Hi All, I am including my JS file in JSP in the following way: I have struts tag in the js file like var key = ; When I run my jsp it is giving syntax error. But when I have the js code in my JSP itself it is working fine. Please help me ...

38. exception in jsp file

Hello, i m developping a web application with struts framework i got this error,which indicates that there a null pointer exception but nothing else any one know how can i find the null variable ... here is the exception java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.jsp.pages.CPFA_005fMensuel.saisi_005fajustement.ajust_005fcpe1_jsp._jspService( at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( ...

39. Freemarker applyDecorator only works on JSP files

40. How to prevent JSP files from being publicly directly accessible?

Hi, I've had a pen test finding where our JSP files, which are in the public directories of our web app can be opened directly as long as the user knows the name of the JSP file. This is a site where a login is mandatory to access any content. Struts actions are already protected where the action itself will detect ...

41. how to prevent users from directly accessing jsp files

In reply to this post by abhishek.c1984 We put all our jsp file into a /struts/ folder then add the following security contraint to web.xml Prevent access to raw pages. ...

42. Iterate the list of Formbean into jsp file

is it possible to creat arraylist with values in formbean and iterate that into jsp file using logic tag?. i have created arraylist in my actionform class and i want to iterate that list and add that values into optinos box in jsp file using logic iterator tag. if its possible pls give me some sample code for that.

43. load dynamically created files in jsp

Hi I have a scenario where i create a temporary dynamic image file from the database and try to show it on my jsp. The file url shows the image properly, but when in jsp , my browser says that "Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (d) isn't associated with any program" the url i get ...

44.  prompting me to download the jsp file

Hi, Probably I'll top the list for seeking dumb advices L I had my head scratched enough on this but couldn't get through. I am using the tag as shown below to navigate to a page called register.jsp; however when I click the link my browser prompts me to download the jsp page (surprisingly the html ...

45. mapping result input & success to same jsp file

Hi Pawel & Lukasz, Thanks for the reply. --- On Tue, 9/15/09, Pawe Wielgus <[hidden email]> wrote: > From: Pawe Wielgus <[hidden email]> > Subject: Re: mapping result input & success to same jsp file > To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[hidden email]> > Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2009, 3:30 AM > Hi all, > and just to be sure that ...

46. org.apache.tiles.template.NoSuchAttributeException When trying to use list attributes in template JSP file

Athens Holloway Reply | Threaded Open this post in threaded view | Report Content as Inappropriate org.apache.tiles.template.NoSuchAttributeException When trying to use list attributes in template JSP file The following is the tiles definition, template jsp the results in the included 500 error. I am trying to define an attribute list of css links ...

47. Reading directory in JSP file (Struts 1.3)

Hello, I want to read a directory. But canRead() gives false. How can I do it? My code: [code] <% String filename=""; File dir = new File("files"); String[] children = dir.list(); if (children == null) { System.out.println("ERROR\t can read:"+dir.canRead()); // Either dir does not exist or is not a directory ...

48. referencing javascript files from (action) jsp file

The javascript error console of Google chrome tells me it cannot find the referenced javascript files. Below you can find part of my webapp setup. What am I doing wrong? ----- This is part of my struts.xml: ... ...

49. Struts2 resource property and dynamic population of action in jsp file

Hi, I have two questions: 1. In Jsp while displaying text box and i want this to populate from file. I did this be adding getText() method like below. Is this the only way? 2. I want the 'action' property of s:form tag to be populated dynamically. For this i added a instance variable ...

50. two html:select tags in a jsp file creating problem

Hi, In my jsp I need to use two html:select tags. If I use one tag, its working fine. But the moment I inserted the code for second tag, all the jsp code after the first tag is not appearing in the browser. I am using a proprietary taglibrary. Any light on this ? Thanks, Ravikanth

51. What actually processes a JSP file?

Your app server (tomcat, WAS, etc.) compiles/serves the JSP files. The request is dispatched to the app server eventually. -W On 10/26/07, jamestastic wrote: > > Digging down into the code, I'm trying to figure out exactly what class(es) > open a .jsp file, and populate it with values from the OgnlValueStack. > > Any ideas? > -- > View ...

53. First Struts2 Portlet with Liferay 6 File "/view/index.jsp" not

Ravi Kiran Rank: Junior Member Posts: 39 Join Date: December 11, 2011 Recent Posts Hi , I have developed and deployed my First Struts2 Portlet with Liferay 6 . I am getting the below exception Could not execute action , File "/view/index.jsp" not found Please see the files Struts.xml

54. How to upload a file using jsp/servlet /struts or using fileupload

can any one please tell me how to upload a file i.e. image or pdf file using jsp/servlet or struts or using fileupload tool i wanna to save that image/pdf file to a particluar folder in server or in database and simultaneously i wanna to display it in a page when it was successfully uploaded..