attribute « Struts « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Are spaces allowed in the name attribute of a Struts logic:equal tag?

I came across the following markup in a JSP file in a legacy app I maintain:

<logic:equal name="welcome memberInfoView" property="hasFoo" value="false">
That name attribute looks very wrong to me. Based on what I've ...

2. how to include tiles definition attributes in an inserted page

I have a tiles-defs.xml that has these definitions...

<definition name="masterLayout" path="/WEB-INF/tiles-layouts/globalLayout.jsp">
    <put name="pageTemplate" value="over-ride for each page" />

<definition name="childLayout" extends="masterLayout">
    <put name="pageTemplate" value="/WEB-INF/tiles-layouts/child/layout.jsp" />

3. how to access properties in the test attribute of a struts if tag

I'm iterating over an array of beans called 'classifications'. How do I access the parentID property within the tag? I tried %{parentID} but that does not work.

<s:iterator value="classifications" status="theStatus">

4. How to interpolate java expressions in struts attribute strings

I have the following: <html:select property="myMap(abc)"> What I really need to do, however, is pull the string abc from a static member of a java class. I thought something like <html:select property="myMap(<%=MyClass.FIELD%>)"> , but that ...

5. Why can't I dynamically populate s:select listValue within a jsp:include

I'm writing a basic scaffolding mechanism for implementing universal functionality to my forms & fields on multiple input screens. Here is my Field object (of which I have String, Number & Date ...

6. Accessing Map attribute with dynamic key in Struts 2 OGNL

I have a list of Strings that are attribute names and a Map. I'm trying to access a model(ex.project) in the map using attribute name in string list. Here is what I have ...

7. How to override (Struts 2 Text jsp tag) to print out the name attribute in an HTML comment?

When you use a <struts:text name="..."/> Struts 2 Text jsp tag, you get a text from a .properties file in the page. For example, if the .properties-file contains = This is the ...

8. Getting error in using tag library : The Tag class 'org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag' has no setter method corresponding to TLD declared attribu...

2008/3/13, kannan_307 : > > > When I deploying my War file in Weblogic 8.1, I am getting the following > error: > > Error in using tag library uri='/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-html.tld' > prefix='html': The Tag class 'org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag' has > no > setter method corresponding to TLD declared attribute 'acceptCharset', > (JSP > 1.1 spec, 5.4.1) What version of Struts do you use? ...

9. Newbie: Call a servlet in another application and set attribute

Hello, I am fairly new to Struts. I have two applications. AppA is a Struts application and AppB is another application. I have an Action class in AppA. Within execute() method, I am creating some objects. I would like to call the servlet in AppB and somehow I want to pass these objects to the servlet ...

10. Struts Taglib + JSP: Best Practices For Complex HTML Attribute Construction

I'm not sure what that Struts Taglib "way" to do the following task would look like: I've got a bean on the ValueStack with a "boolean isActive()" getter. When active, I'd like to construct html like:

And when in-active, I'd like to construct: