Model « Struts « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. How do I submit multiple models in Struts 2?

I have a JSP that allows users to dynamically create additional form fields to create multiple objects. Perhaps I want to allow users to be able to submit as many line ...

2. Struts2 CRUD, how to update the model : ModelDriven. It's always blank in the JSP

I'm not able to retreive my Model in my JSP to update the object.

public class ViewDashboardAction extends ActionSupport implements ModelDriven {
private Clinique clinique = null;

    public Clinique getModel() ...

3. How do I build a very basic jsp/servlet based, "model 2" web service for testing, w/o Struts etc?

I'm building a JS client and want to be able to quickly test stuff locally during development. I need a mocked server for that. Since I'm using Maven and its Jetty ...

4. MVC model design pattern using struts

Struts enforces MVC model. It suggests that every data access logic should be done in action objects or servlet that react as a "controller". So, building html tables from resultSet is bad practise since it brings data access logic to jsp pages, instead, we should do the data access logic in controller, do the OR mapping, and create Collection of beans ...