MVC « Struts « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. What Are the Benefits of Struts

I recently added Struts 1.3 to my application on Tomcat. Here are my observations,

  1. MVC. Servlet/JSP does this fine for me, where JSP is the view and servlet is the controller. I ...

2. Clean way for conditionally rendering HTML in view?

Is there a cleaner way to do this in a JSP/Struts1 setup ? <% if (SessionConfig.isAdminMode() ) { %> ... some HTML here ... <% } %> EDIT: In admin mode I would like ...

3. Struts2 - Is this a great strategy for a "MVC" framework?

Im using JSF time ago, and i see that the concept of MODEL is really important there. Here, on struts2, i see that this concept is a bit obsolete. For example, ...

4. how to prepare view in struts 1.x

I'm a struts newbie. I have a Form, an Action and a jsp view.

    <form-bean name="bookEventForm" type="com.example.BookEventForm" />

<action path="/bookEvent"

5. Best way to get the data from Action subclass to Jsp View?

I am trying to pass a list of some data by storing each item's data in a HashMap and then storing all the HashMaps in a ArrayList and then passing it ...

6. JSP page wont acknowledge my Data Type

I am using Eclipse Helios with Struts and am having what I imagine is a rookie problem: for the life of me I have not been able to figure out ...

7. MVC: What to learn for web-development: Struts, JSP, HTML, JS, Lift?

I want to make a website with real-time content delivery over the browser. I have mostly experience in the back-end using Java and Scala. I prefer to pick the best tool(s) to ...

8. Creating a standalone web-like application

I have to develop a tool which collects data from a client host and stores it in a central repository in a data independent format. The client application should be portable ...

9. servlet to struts MVC conversion mapping

Hi all, I have one servlet. now i have to convert the functionality of the servlet to struts mvc (writing an action class and daos). i am able to converted into servlet. now my problem is servlet is mapped in web.xml. now i dont know how to map the action(servlet converted into action) in the action-mapping. for struts url end with ...