page « Session « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Storing page code on a JSP session

I have an options menu, over a jsp page, on which users explore items, that have sub-items, that have sub-sub-items and so on. Items are collapsable, so the user can see ...

2. Clearing session on one page

I have two pages, and both repopulate the fields of the page with what the user enters as the user navigates back and forth from the pages. Is there any way to ...

3. How do I share data between a jsp page and servlet

I have several .jsp pages and several servlets. I need to save some information to a session variable. In the jsp page I simply refer to

Without explicitly declaring an HttpSession ...

4. Sharing values in session between .jsp pages in OC4J

I am developing a web server with multiple .jsp pages. OC4J ( is being used. But I found that Parameters, that are saved in session in a .jsp page, cannot be ...

5. JSP page and Servlet reporting different session IDs

I'm setting a bean with some data in a JSP page, but then in my servlet when I try to access the value, I get a null value back. I printed ...

6. how to implement session tracking for jsp pages

I have using jsp technology in my project.I want to do session tracking in my login form. After logout when i press back button it should be show session is expired.Please help me.

7. Make javax.servlet.http.HttpSession not timeout on certain pages

I'm refactoring an application which was doing its own session timeout management. I noted that the HttpSession supports setting a timeout value. There is an event listener (HttpSessionListener I assume) that ...

8. Why set a JSP page session = "false" directive?

I was wondering when you would want to set the following page directive in a JSP: <%@ page session="false" %> I know that it prevents the creation of the session object, but when ...

9. How come I can pull a session attribute in a JSP page but not in a Servlet?

I have a web application that begins with a login page. During the verification of that login a session is created and the ID used to login is saved as ...

10. Using Javascript can you get the value from a session attribute set by servlet in the HTML page

I have a servlet that forwards to a HTML page, using redirect. Because I am using ajax and php on the html page to do other functions. Can turn into a ...

11. i want to create a session in jsp and i want to mantain it on other pages

Could you please elaborate on your problem? Please include details about what your application is/does, what you have attempted in code, and what problem you are facing. -Frinny

12. How to display all the session variables from an HTML page?

Don't know if this is what you're looking for or not. There's no way you can do it directly from plain HTML since HTML is static and the session object really "lives" in the dynamic environment of the web container. The only thing the session object exposes are it's attributes and a few other settings which you can read about here: ...

13. Session in JSP pages

14. Refershing part of a page to keep session alive, for Netscape

Hi all I am trying to refersh part of a page regualrly to keep the session alive, I use an IFrame which goes to a blank JSP with the META Refresh and it works fine for IE, I tried Frames for NS going to the same page but to no avail. Any ideas? Ia m stumped! if (document.all){ /*This will build ...

16. How to use Session scope in jsp page

17. session in framed pages

19. Sessions in JSP page

22. how to pass session to different web pages

To all: Is there a way to pass session from one web application to another web application? For example, I have a web app (context root is /dwm), and in this application I do "session.setAttribute("tablist", tablist);" The variable tablist is an array containing names of a tab button which takes me to a different web app (context root is /rehabweb). In ...

23. session vulnerable pages

Hi, I have a webapp where a user can login and edit their profile, password, and view sales/financial history. I use the MVC pattern so the user views this information on jsp pages which are fed info from a servlet controller which interacts with a model. My question is, after I've logged in and viewed those jsp pages with the sensitive ...

24. how to create a Http session in JSP page ?

Please allow to ask a follow-up question. If "session" is an implicit thing server creates for me, then in my JSP1-->Servlet-->Action-->JSP2 process, In the "Action" class the "execute(request, response)" method involves adding some new attirbutes to the session. Now the question are -- 1. If I use "session.setAttribute("name", myVar) in the JSP1, then in "Action" class I can NOT use "HttpSession ...

26. Posting session variables in single JSP page

Hi, I'm trying to do something I think should be really easy, but it isn't working. Basically, within a single JSP page, I'm trying to put a variable into the session scope and when the JSP page posts to itself, I want to know if the variable is there and take appropriate action. I don't have a doPost() or doGet() as ...

30. new session between jsp pages

hi, I'm a beginner with jsp/servlet/bean. And after many hours of reading, and trying I'm completely frustrated. I'm trying to move between jsp pages, and I'm always getting a new session. I read many articles and posts but can't find what I'm doing wrong. In every page I include a "status.jsp" where I check if the user is logged in. [B]status.jsp[/B] ...

33. Can I use Servlet Session in JSP Page.

hi all i am having the same problem. i am setting some attributes for a session object in my servlet and using RequestDispatcher.forward to a new jsp. i am not able to get the attribute values in my jsp. . when i say session.getAttribute(****) i am getting null, somebody please help me in this.

34. How to call a JSP page when session expired ?

This is the code I included at the top of my jsp's if( session.isNew() ) { if((( request.getParameter( "bypassSessionCheck") != null) && (! request.getParameter( "bypassSessionCheck").equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) | | (request.getParameter( "bypassSessionCheck" ) == null)) { int safeFragsLen = safeFrags.length; boolean safePage = false; for( int i = 0; i < safeFragsLen; i++ ) { if( requestedPage.indexOf( safeFrags[ i ] ) != -1 ...

36. Session in a website with html pages and servlets

I think it's easier with a short description of how sessions are supported... When you send the first request to a web site, the site decides to initiate a session (to remember this user and track their usage of the site) and sends a session token back to the client. Any request sent from the client back to that site will ...

38. bookmarking a page using session variables

I am developing a application where the user reads a chapter which contains number of pages. The pages navigates by pagination functionality. Here i am doing bookmarks and adding favourites using servlet.,i.e.i will store the subject name, chapter and current page of the chapter he is reading into database using session.getAttribute.Also i will get the url name using below code ...

39. Session timeout page inside iframe

40. Can i get page session in jsp function

41. how to maintain session for jsp page ?

42. session object gives 'null' in the next JSP page

Hi, I have two jsp pages. In the first jsp page i am setting the session something like this: session.setAttribute("key","value"); When i use getAttribute() method for this key in the same page, i am getting the value properly. I have a submit button in the jsp and it sends to another jsp. When i use getAttribute() method for the same key, ...

44. How come I can pull a session attribute in a JSP page but not in a Servlet?

I have a web application that begins with a login page. During the verification of that login a session is created and the ID used to login is saved as an attribute. That ID is then suppose to be displayed in the pages that user navigates to. So far I can only get it to display in a JSP page but ...

46. JSP session query on page load

How would one go about loading user content based on "user id" stored in a session attribute? I need to load jsp pages that uses database query using "user id" during page load. Correct me if you think there are ways to use servlet to execute session query to database without adding a request attribute when forwarding to jsp page. E.g. ...

47. i want to send value to another jsp page from sessions

To be clear and to help Karamjeet from wasting other people's time, while this could be a configuration error 99% of the time it is caused by packaging up things like catalina.jar into the war. 99% of the time because the user doesn't understand what is going into the war, or how it is created, or how stuffing copies of different ...

49. How to Send Session Object to another JSP Page

I have a login page through which i get user credentials and verify from any Database and in return, if successfully verified, i create a session for that particular object and returns a main page for that user. Now i'm confused about this thing that next time when the same user or any other user will generate a request from the ...