expire « Session « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. how to check session has been expired in java?    stackoverflow.com

Is there any other way to check expiry of session other than this session.isNew()

2. How to expire session in java?    stackoverflow.com

I want to expire a session of user if he successed to login and try to cause harm to my web site, If i detect the attack, I redirect him to ...

3. how does the server expire the session    coderanch.com

the server doesn't. It maintains a list of active sessions with a timestamp when the last access was. Whenever a request is made the entry for that session is updated with a fresh timestamp (or a new entry made if it's a new session). At regular intervals this list is polled to see which sessions haven't been accessed in the set ...

5. How to know a client is trying to use an expired session?    coderanch.com

I do this by putting an object in the user's session after a successful login. Then in every component (which is easy to do with a filter) I check to see if that object is there. If it's null, then I know that they have either tried going straight to a component without logging in or that their session has expired. ...

7. making sessions to not expire    coderanch.com

There is a side effect to the suggestions above meaning the first solution should work but not without the second and vice versa - ie you need both. Sessions are maintained by cookies, but these cookies are only maintained in memory by the browser and not on the file system. this means that closing the browser will always end the session ...

8. Session expired    coderanch.com

9. Handle Session Expire in JSP    coderanch.com

Hi selva, I too don't know how to use j_security_check or filters. But i can help you how to do that without that. You have to do some coding. Consider this is your xxxx.jsp page. if(session.getAttribute("user_session")!=null) { //your java code } else request.sendRedirect("login1.jsp"); If the session expires you are redirecting the user to login page. This is good. But after logging ...