Servlet « Session « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Why does HttpServlet implement Serializable?

In my understanding of Servlet, the Servlet will be instantiated by the Container, his init() method will be called once, and the servlet will live like a singleton until the jvm ...

2. How would you transfer session info between Java/Servlet's and .NET

I have a web app built on Java Servlet technology. I am thinking of switching to a new framework, possibly switching over to a .NET stack with C# and ASP MVC. ...

3. Calling a same servlet from different windows(or sessions)

I have a servlet to display selected items. Whenever i call this servlet, it should be opened in a new window only if it is from different sessions. can anyone help ...

4. How to use Session in Java Servlet?

I am having issues with session in my java code. Upon submitting a form via post, the java servlet will determine if the captcha is correct. May I know anything that ...

5. How to create Session in Java?

I am creating a CAPTCHA input using SimpleCaptcha, and did validation of the Captcha input. I am created a captcha input with the following codes. HTML Code:

<form action="" method="post">
<img src="captchaImg" /><input type="text" ...

6. What are some strategies to manage number of sessions and eliminate unneeded sessions in java?

What are some strategies to manage number of sessions and eliminate unneeded sessions? Or How do I get to know that sessions are no longer needed?

7. Implementing sessions in a java web server?

What's the best (most secure) way of implementing session handling in a web server? I'd like to add that, but don't know how to implement it really. Is cookies a "must" ...

8. Is this a legitimate implementation of a 'remember me' function for my web app?

I'm trying to add a "remember me" feature to my web app to let a user stay logged in between browser restarts. I think I got the bulk of it. I'm ...

9. how to check if session exists or not

I am creating the session using HttpSession session=request.getSession(); before creating session i want to check if session is existing or not,how would i do this?

10. How to access HTTP sessions in Java

How to get any http session by id or all currently active http sessions within web application (Java 2 EE) in an elegant way? Currently I have a WebSessionListener and once session ...

11. Servlet Session HTTPClient

I got a Servlet A which has a HTTPClient configured in it - declared a GetMethod which calls Servlet B (basically passing the url to the constructor of Servlet B". In ...

12. Servlets encodeRedirectURL

I'm trying to get an OAuth implementation running on a servlet for Twitter. I'm having trouble with redirecting the user to the Twitter authentication page. When I get the ...

13. J2EE: Singleton vs keeping things in session

When should an object (i.e. an application-wide properties file) be kept in the session, as opposed to creating a singleton to keep it? When should each of these approaches be used? Note: ...

14. How to access Session state in standard Java class?

I need a mechanism to read session state from a Java class, without having to pass any arguments (including HttpRequest) to the class. The reason is that the class is 1-3 ...

15. How to access Servlet Session in CXF Interceptor?

I have an "in" CXF Interceptor, I want to access the the Servlet Session in its handleMessage() method. My Interceptor extends AbstractPhaseInterceptor. I want to access the session to store some info ...

16. How to keep a Servlet session?

I have written a simple servlet which I want to test so the old session is kept when I refresh the browser. However it doesn't instead it is creating a new ...

17. Session state using guice

I've some session scoped state. First idea to hold it was session scoped servlets. So I bind my servlet like this

But I get an exception

18. Session handling on J2EE application

I’m developing a system to process financial transactions received by client merchants systems & it is a replacement of existing system which we have purchased from a vendor. Client interface should ...

19. Storing sockets in servlet session

I have a web application that requires one OR more tcp connection per unique user session to the various remote servers. At any time, one user could be connected to a ...

20. how to communicate two servers with single sessions using servlets

I facing a problem while maintaining single session in my servlet, communicating with two servers. I am using session.redirect() and session.farward() but i dint get result please help ...

21. Ajax styled file upload & session

there are two things which is important

  1. send any file from client to server & save it somewhere in the server location
  2. get the saved location of uploaded file and send ...

23. How to use Session Agent on Servlet

I don't really understand what you are asking, but bear in mind that unless a user has manually chosen to tell you which country he is from, there is no way for your application to know. The world-wide-web is indeed world-wide with no idea of where a server machine, a client machine or a user is located.

24. Servlets & Session Handling

25. Servlet Sessions: putValue()

26. Servlets and the session

28. Servlet session

29. Servlet Session issues

public Boolean validateLogin( inputFromApplet) throws java.rmi.RemoteException{ String userName, password; Boolean returnValue; com.convergents.ets.ppms.persistence.employee.EmpKey aKey; javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest aRequest; javax.servlet.http.HttpSession aSession; try{ userName = (String)inputFromApplet.readObject(); password = (String)inputFromApplet.readObject(); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; } returnValue = this.getEmpSessBean().validateLogin(userName, password); if(returnValue.booleanValue() == true){ aKey = this.getEmpSessBean().getEmployeeForLogin(userName); aRequest = this.getCurrentRequest(); aSession = aRequest.getSession(true); if(aSession.isNew() == false){ aSession.invalidate(); System.out.println("Invalidating session"); aSession = aRequest.getSession(true); } System.out.println("Got Session. Max InactiveInterval ...

30. Session in Servlets.....Interesting

The servlet session object is tied to a particular Java Virtual Machine - even on the same computer, a different instance of a server will be using different session objects. This is a real problem for people running clustered servers, and they look to their vendors for specific solutions. If you are actually running distinct servers (not just cluster clones), you'd ...

32. Session in a servlet

33. Will servlet continue to run after session out?

Hello all: Can someone please tell me what will happen in the following case? The user will submit a request to my Mail Servlet, and send out mails one by one for about 1 hour. My session out time limit is 30 minutes. After submitting the mail request, the user will go home so the session will expire after 30 minutes. ...

34. Servlet sessions........

36. How to manage sessions in servlet ?

37. Servlet Sessions

In my app if I add some stuff to a session do I have to add it using the RunData object? It is being sent a type of Servlet with a doPerform(RunData data) function that that takes ina Rundata object. I am setting some stuff in a session and I used: data.getSession().setAttribute(current_username, "username"); and it worked but I send it back ...

40. Servlet Session + have not Clue....HELP....PLEASE...

Hi, THis is what i had created, a servlet project using Jbuilder 7 and TomCat 4.0 that get Images from DB and displays it on the Browser depending on what documentType the user selected.... If i run the Tom-cat on my machine and then run my project, It runs fine... If i goto another machine and run my project, i get ...

41. Session Servlet to servlet

42. Session handling in servlets

Hi, I would like to know how to maintain a session in servlet.Do i have to use HttpSession eg=request.getSession(); eg.setAttribute(name,value); if yes how do i get the session info on every page (do i have to use eg.getAttribute(name)on every page will tht work)so i know a user is a part of present session and is not accessin pages out of order. ...

43. per-session instance of servlet?

44. servlet Session

45. Servlets and Sessions

46. Servlets and session...Do I need to?

47. Servlet Session

Hi, The session state does not depend on the browser, it is stored on the server-side and identified with a JSESSIONID identifier. When the browser sends subsequents requests, it sends this identifier as well to tell the servler which session this request is part of. So you can close some or all your browser windows, it does not affect the session ...

48. session in servlet

It's expected behavior when a session is cookie based. Cookie it's something hidden for you browser sends to server and servlet container uses it to maintain session. If you would like to keep session copying URL from address bar of one browser to an address bar of other browser, then you can try to use session based on URL overwrite mechanism. ...

50. Servlet Sessions Coding

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,IOException { response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out=response.getWriter(); String username =request.getParameter("username"); String passwd =request.getParameter("password"); try { if ((username != null || username != "") && (passwd != null || passwd != "")) { Statement statement= dbConnection.createStatement(); String query="SELECT name,password FROM emp where name='"+username+"'"; ResultSet rs=statement.executeQuery(query); if( { response.sendRedirect("index.jsp"); } else { response.sendRedirect("error.jsp"); } } } catch(Exception e) { ...

51. Inter servlet communication by means of session nextapp.echo2.webrender.Connection at at at at at at at at at at at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.writeObject( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at at at at at at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.SessionBasedClusteredSession.writeExternal( at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.JBossCacheService.externalizeSession( at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.JBossCacheService.putSession( at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.JBossCacheClusteredSession.processSessionRepl( at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.JBossCacheManager.processSessionRepl( at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.JBossCacheManager.storeSession( at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.InstantSnapshotManager.snapshot( at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.ClusteredSessionValve.invoke( at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.session.JvmRouteValve.invoke( ...

53. generics in servlets(sessions)

firstly im not really sure shoud this be in the begginers section or not but here in college doing this stuff and spotted something in my notes,basically there was some code for using sessions in a servlet..this is the code HttpSession session = request.getSession(true); ShoppingCart cart = (ShoppingCart)session.getAttribute("shoppingCart"); if(cart == null) { //no cart already in session cart = new ...

56. Sessions on a servlet

57. Using sessions in servlets

Hi All, I have created a simple application. It asks for an username password, once given it takes me to the Index Page. Now I wish to learn & use session in my application. For a given period of time as specified in web.xml, I should be logged in. Then the session should get invalidated. I wish to know the usage ...

58. Regarding sessions in servlets

Hi, request.getSession() returns a new session if one does not exist. Once a new session is created for all subsequent requests, it will return the session as requested. Now, when the session is created the first time, it does not have any attributes set on it. Hence, if your getAttribute call occurs immediately after creation of a new session, then it ...

60. Servlet sessions

Hi, I'm following a tutorial I found and I'm having difficulty saving session information. Here's the rundown, my code follows my signature. http://localhost:8080/simpleweb/ParamServlet?param1=World&Param2=Hello Gets the parameters, displays them, and saves them in the session. Click on "Click here for target" simpleweb/TargetServlet Displays the session information saved in simpleweb/ParamServlet. TargetServlet behaves as though there is no Session information, just displays this Information ...

61. Sessions in Servlets

Hi, My lib project is almost completed.....Implemented it in servlets.......thanks for the advice Now I need to use sessions...... because after log out ....if they press browser back button it is still taking them to their profile.........which is completely wrong I used the jsp code to prevent browser back button from going back to log on page ...

62. session

here is the code.... import; import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import bean.Information; public class Request extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet implements javax.servlet.Servlet { private HttpSession session; private RequestDispatcher dispatcher; private Information bean; private String go; protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { doPost(request, response); } protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { ...

63. Session

64. Session starting

65. Use session