JavaBean « Session « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Problem with Session Scope while using with Java Bean


<jsp:useBean id="Bean" scope="session" class="Bean.Student_Enrollment_Bean" />
<jsp:setProperty name="Bean" property="*"/>

    <td >Student First Name</td>
    <% if( (Bean.getStudent_first_name()==null) || (Bean.getStudent_first_name().trim().length()==0) || Bean.getStudent_first_name().equals("null"))  {  ...

2. What does my Servlet have that my JSP is missing?

I am currently working my way through a Sam's Teach Yourself JSP. In one chapter, we wrote a crude shopping cart application which used Servlets for various functions. Come ...

3. Retrieving Web Session from a POJO Outside the Web Container

Is there any way to retrieve a session from a POJO? Or ultimately to retrieve a bean from a POJO. To clarify: Basically I am creating a bean from a servlet and I ...

4. Difference between java bean and session for session management in jsp

When managing the user session in jsp, we sometime use sessions by setting varialble using session.setAttribute() and on the otherhand we can create java bean object(setting scope to session) to store ...

5. Accessing session or application attributes from within a JavaBean

Hi, I'm relatively new to JSP and Java and have a question which has been bugging me and I can't seem to find a good solution. I use a javabean to store customer information entered on a JSP page. This information is then validated and stored in a database. Currently I'm using a session level bean instantiated in the JSP to ...

6. Session JavaBean

Hi, I am kind of new to using Java and Jsp's and I am just getting familiar with JavaBeans. Our application is going to need us to store certain pieces of information about our users as they connect and I was going to use a JavaBean to do this. I am assuming that I would be using the HttpSession object. For ...

7. Session Object values to Java Bean

8. How are JavaBeans stored in the session?

Hello, I built an internal site that uses JSP's and JavaBeans. I have been instructed to reduce the amount and type of data that I store in the session. Is it true that session data is stored in a text file somewhere that can be accessed? If so, where is this file? Can it only be accessed when the session is ...

9. JavaBeans session lossing values

10. JavaBean session ID lost when changing page

Hi all, I have a problem with JavaBeans and sessions. Basically I have written a small system, which when a user logs in creates a JavvaBean with scope="session". This 'SessionBean' is used to store the user's ID, name, etc which it gets from a SQL DB. This in turn is used to decide what the user can or can not do ...

12. Sessions JSP,JavaBeans and Servlets,

13. Problem with Session Scope while using with Java Bean

Ihave problem with jsp session scope.....In first page i enter name as first name then i am going to second page, in this page i enter school name as school i am going back to first page, in this(first) page the value first name is there in the text box what i i delete the value and i left ...

14. ProgressBar + jsp + javabean session + thread