tomcat « Request « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Apache Tomcat precompile JSPs before first request

Is there any option in Apache Tomcat Web Server, to compile the JSPs in a WAR at deploy time, instead of the first request instance. So that, when a user requests it ...

2. Auth (digest) request from Servlet

I'm creating a small servlet. It's hosted at root, "/", and whatever comes after "/" is a resource, like "/myanim.swf". Most of the files are public, but some are private. For ...

3. Fire off an internal ServletRequest in Tomcat

I am using Quartz to schedule background tasks for a web application. Some of these tasks just fire off requests against the same web application. I want to avoid depending on any ...

4. How to let the servlet container (Tomcat) interrupts/destroys a servlet request?

I am new in Servlet, I used the following code to read some inputStream,

class MyServlet implements Servlet{
  void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res){
  InputStream inA, inB, inC;

5. Session is lost and created as new in every servlet request

I have this big issue. My current session is gone every time I made a new request to Server. I have checked in a lot of places. I can't find what's the ...

6. What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Tomcat request handling instance?

What are the advantages/disadvantages with regards to the fact that Tomcat only creates one instance of a Servlet class to handle all requests for a JSP/servlet?

7. Tomcat intermittently servicing requests

I recently switched my web application from running via an embedded Jetty instance to a standalone Tomcat instance. Everything is mapped appropriately, and Tomcat begins to serve up content. However, my application ...

8. Async request performance with SIP Servlet's in Tomcat 7

I've read that Asyn processing of HTTP request in Tomcat 7 through the use of SIP can improve a web applications performance, but I wasn't sure how true this was. I ...

9. Is it possible for a servlet filter to work out which servlet will handle the request

I'm writing a filter that performs logging and I need to disable this logging if the request is going to end up at a certain servlet. Is there any way for ...

10. How to forward request from a servlet in one tomcat to other tomcat

Is it possible to forward the request from a servlet running to another servlet running in a different tomcat in the same machine? I think its possible to configure this out ...

11. Detected request JSP

I'm currently writing a JSP-application with webservices. The problem is: I should detect the clicked link so I can redirect to the specific jsp page. On this JSP-page there will be ...

12. Infinite loop when forwarding a request in a Java Servlet

I hope you can help me with this problem I'm facing: I created a simple web application using NetBeans. As of now, it is very basic.

  1. A servlet receives requests on the /verificon/* url ...

13. How to avoid request set ASYNC_SUPPORTED=true to enable async servlet 3.0 processing on Tomcat 7?

Following an issue reported on this question, a solution was found:

req.setAttribute("org.apache.catalina.ASYNC_SUPPORTED", true);
This seems a bit strange and is not really 'portable' code (it won't hurt, but...). It seems specific to ...