character « Request « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Setting character encoding with request parameter

Is it possible to pass a request param containing the encoding to a filter which checks if there is a value and sets it as character encoding? I have read that ...

2. Servlet request.getParameters non english character help!

I'm in desperate need of help. I have a Java servlet that is accessed by a HTTP Get URL with eight parameters in it. The problem is that the parameters are not exclusive ...

3. getting marathi data from request.getParameter

In my request Queryparameter="???????". When I'm trying following

String strstring = request.getParameter("Queryparameter");
it gives "à¤à¤à¥à¤°à¥à¤¡à¥" while I want the string "???????". How to get it? What is the problem here?

4. Why does POST not honor charset, but an AJAX request does? tomcat 6

I have a tomcat based application that needs to submit a form capable of handling utf-8 characters. When submitted via ajax, the data is returned correctly from getParameter() in utf-8. When ...

5. JEE, accent in url, request.getParameter wrong value

I work in Java on a web application servlet / jsp and I have a problem today:
After validating a form, I pass the value of an input field as a parameter ...

6. How to set request encoding in Tomcat?

I'm dealing with an embarrasing problem in my Java webapp. I've googled a lot but cannot find an appropriate answer.

Here is the code in index.jsp:

<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>

7. Get parameter with the character '#' from a query string on java

I am trying to get a request string that has the character '#' and my parameter is got only until the '#'. But the thing is that I need to have ...

8. Character encoding problem on first request

I'm encountering some strange behavior in a i18n Struts application. All of my jsp pages use utf-8 encoding. <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %> When non-English languages with special characters are displayed, the special characters are garbled BUT only on the first request within a session. Afterwards all requests display all characters fine. If the user closes the browser and reopens ...