Variable « Request « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Writing a variable into the JSP request scope doesn't work

I have a problem where I am trying to set a variable in a JSP page that should be available to all other pages serving this request.

<c:set value="foo" scope="request" var="bar" />
However, ...

2. Unable to get servlet request object and session

i m trying to get session data,but i m not able to get it bcoz i m not able to get request object... code is...

package secondary.util;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletRequestAware;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;

public class GetUserData ...

3. Single Global Variables for multiple client requests using JSP

I am developing a custom search application. The query input by the user is to be pre-processed to remove certain query terms. The criteria for removal is based on a score ...

4. retrieving attribute in iframe

I have problem in retrieving the request attributes in IFRAME. the following are the snippets, in jsp1.jsp, i have 2 IFRAMES whose src are jsp2.jsp and jsp3.jsp .i would like to retrieve ...

5. Strange issue between two superstations

I am using savian as application integrator , i have to form post the perameters to other client from jsp to action class. Below the jsp code

<script type="text/javascript">

function show()

6. Cannot access request variable in stack context from jsp

I'm trying to access a variable in stack context form jsp using the struts tag . The struts debug tag (in struts2) shows me that the key "request" has this array/map of values: {javax.servlet.include.servlet_path=/console/Menu.jsp, struts.request_uri=/console/View.action, struts.view_uri=/console/View.jsp, .freemarker.Request=freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestHashModel@979091, struts.valueStack=com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.OgnlValueStack@1fa10f, .freemarker.RequestParameters=freemarker.ext.servlet.HttpRequestParametersHashModel@c38614, javax.servlet.include.request_uri=/console/Menu2.jsp, javax.servlet.include.context_path=/} but if I try to write the value of struts.view_uri in the jsp using the tag nothing appears. ...

7. Request Variable

write a jspinit() method and put your conditional code there. Here is the extract from the jsp specification When the first request is delivered to a JSP page, a jspInit() method, if present, will be called to prepare the page. Similarly, a JSP container may invoke a JSPs jspDestroy() method to reclaim the resources used by the JSP page at any ...

9. Forwarding a variable with request scope

i am not clear as well as what you need to answer my question. firstly let me make you clear that the scope hierarchy i feel is page request session and application/context. now I have put a variable(let us say x) in request scope in page A and i am supposed to have it in request scope. From A i can ...

10. Adding Javascript global Variables to Http Request Session

I have a JSP that includes the following javascript functions to generate a swap list. The Options are 2 collections, hostList and targetHostList which are retrieved from a database on the server and loaded into the request session. The User makes selections and these selecteds are stored in Global Javascript variable selectedOptions. How can I make the javascript variable selectedOptions accessable ...

12. Accessing Request Scope Variables

13. JSP and request variables

14. Is the values variables declared in Servlets changes when multiple requests comes?

Hi, I am not using any 'final' variables, what I meant was the values received from a "particular" user say user login. I store this user login inside a variable in the servlet for future usage say to query something on the user login. If another user logs in, does this new login overrites whatever was there before from the first ...

16. Rookie question on request variable

hi I'm from another world ;-), but i have (and want) to implement a java solution within my world (Peoplesoft). From within my code I'm able to instantiate classes, and use their methods (there are limits though). Now what I'm trying to do is build a class (wrapper) that will do somethings for me that I'm unable to do in my ...