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1. how to get data to a servlet which is send using httpcommunicator with post method

I am trying to send data using httpcommunicator class. here is my code.

public String postData(String address,String dataToBePosted) throws MalformedURLException,IOException,ProtocolException{

    /** set up the http connection parameters */

2. Use of HTTP Post method?

Below is the statement written at By specification, GET is used basically for retrieving data where as POST is used for data storing, data updating, ordering a product or ...

3. how to call resteasy webservice post method in jsp

I have resteasy webservices.I want to use these webeservices in jsp. Can u explain me how to call the post method of resteasy web service in Jsp. If u have example please ...

6. Problem with POST method

7. GET and POST method

I dont know the reason exactly but the problem might be that as in GET the data go with the help of URL i.e the data attached in the URL and then transffered and in POST methord the data will go with the body. So when you are trying to add data in URL and using the POST methord then it ...

9. the different between GET and POST method

Get requests have no body. They're just the request line and the headers. Post requests do have a body. You could probably bookmark a page that was the result of a post request but the browser won't retain all of the post data so subsequent hits would probably blow up on the server. Since get requests have all of the parameters ...

10. How to call servlet do post method from a pojo

Hi i have tried the given below code. But my standalone class is not able fetch the data from the server. My java class is URL servlet; try { servlet = new URL("http://localhost:8084/TestUrl/Test"); URLConnection conn; conn = servlet.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream())); out.write("xml=first cut"); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String str = new ...

11. POST method and JSP