ireport « Parameter « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. error with jsp parameter

basically my query was,

SELECT SEC_ORGANIZATION.description as sec_desc, as coa_name, as cctr_name, as analysis_name, as sub_analysis_name, FIN_COA.description as coa_desc, SEC_USER_UPDATE.login_name as update_name, CURRENCY.description as currency_desc, SEC_USER_CREATE.login_name create_name, DOCUMENT_TYPE.description ...

2. bigdecimal as parameter

I've got a problem regarding ireport again. How can I pass parameter from jsp page to ireport? my field in ireport is bigdecimal. There is no bigdecimal datatype in jsp, right? I ...

3. How to pass parameters from jsp to ireport?

I have created .jrxml & .jasper files with a database connection. But I want this report in my web application. i.e. when a user clicks on a button it should be ...