http « Parameter « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. POST multiple parameters

I am changing a GET to a POST. Currently I have .jsp?id=a,b,c,d. When changing this to a post I am still sitting the id parameter a,b,c,d . This is not working ...

2. The indestructibles - HTTP Parameters

I always wondered why there exists no removeParameters() method in Servlet API. What could be the motive behind this design? Here is a scenario: I am posed with a challenge in a ...

3. Getting Binary HTTP Post parameter in an Java/Tomcat/HttpServlet

I have a binary value being URL Encoded, and then POSTed to an HttpServlet. The following code shows how I first attempted to extract this data. Very simple except that the ...

4. Is there a max size for POST parameter content?

I'm troubleshooting a java app where XML is sent between two systems using HTTP POST and a servlet. I suspect that the problem is that the XML is growing way to ...

5. Passing parameters from servlet to servlet using HTTP POST

How do I pass parameters from ServletOne to ServletTwo using a HTTP POST through URL intead of using HTTP GET in the servlet? For example: http://localhost/ServletOne?username=test If the above link ...