Custom « Parameter « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. New custom action with parameters in Alfresco

I want to do a custom action associated to rule. I created my proyect structure with the help of this page: I used this guide ...

2. Custom Tag Parameters as values from other Custom Tags

Is it possible to have the parameter of a custom tag be filled by another custom tag? I thought you could do it, if you set the tag's attribute that you want to be able to have the content poopulated by a custom tag retexprvalue item to true. But I get the same error when I do that as when I ...

3. custom tag parameters

4. Custom tag parameter

Hi All, I created a new taglib and I'm experiencing the problem that I'm sending a object as parameter but in runtime the server complains I'm sending a string. In other words, my taglib doesn't get the object itself but get it as string. I have other taglibs in the same jsp that accept objects as parameter, but this is the ...