jfreechart « JFreeChart « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Dynamically generate JFreeChart in servlet    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to generate graphs dynamically using JFreeChart as a result of some checkboxes the user selects, but I can't figure out how best to get the generated datasets into chart ...

2. Generate JFreeChart in servlet    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to generate graphs using JFreeChart. I added record in web.xml, installed jfreechart library. Compiled servlet. Below code of servlet has shown:

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.awt.Color;

import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities;
import ...

3. IE "Object Expected" error trying to get img from Java Servlet    stackoverflow.com

I have the following image tag in a JSP:

<img id="validationGraph" src="/myapp/MyServlet?mode=myMode" 
 usemap="#validationMap" border="0" onLoad="getImageMap()" />
A Java servlet uses JFreeChart to generate a png image and write it to the output ...

4. How to add jFreeChart library with the netbeans IDE?    stackoverflow.com

I am having jCommon(jFreeChart) library file.(It contains ant, checkstyle, docfiles, experimental, lib, source, swt, tests, ChangeLog, jfreechart-1.0.13-demo.jar, licence-LGPL.txt, maven-jfreechart-project.xml, NEWS,Readme.txt) i've used NetbeansIDE6.9. To add into the netbeans new library there ...

5. PWC3990: getWriter() has already been called for this response?    stackoverflow.com

java.lang.IllegalStateException: PWC3990: getWriter() has already been called for this response?? how to solve this error.... am run a simple servlet code to display the bar graph.

6. Jfreechart: Is it possible to change the bar color?    stackoverflow.com

Is it possible to change the bar color? I have coded a simple program for counting. I want to implement one more thing: if the count number is greater than 200, use blue ...

7. How to use writeChartAsPNG in JSP?    stackoverflow.com

Can anyone explain how to use writeChartAsPNG in JSP?

8. How to link JFreeChart with JSP    coderanch.com

Let me explain one approach I had implemented some time back. I had used jfreechart-1.0.0-pre2 1) Create an org.jfree.data.xy.XYSeries object and add all sets of x-coordinate and y-coordinate in a sample space. you can create as many XYSeries object as number of sample spaces. 2) Create org.jfree.data.xy.XYSeriesCollection object and add all such XYSeries objects in XYSeriesCollection object. 3) Create 2 objects ...

9. how to use jfreechart in the jsp    coderanch.com

11. saveChartAsPNG in java servlet    jfree.org

12. saveChartAsPNG in java servlet    jfree.org

saveChartAsPNG in java servlet by wickie Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:16 pm hi! i hope someone can help me. i implemented a java servlet, which should write a chart in a png-file. it runs to the function saveChartAsPNG, but then it stops -> output-file with 0 byte! (no exception!) PLEASE help me. thanks christian Code: Select all import javax.servlet.*; import ...

15. how to use JfreeChart in JSP    jfree.org

18. Use JfreeChart in JSP    jfree.org

19. Help whit servlet connection & my dynamic jfreechart app    jfree.org

Hi... I need some support for my applet that take values from a service. I need some way for communicate my applet whit the servlet & make that the servlet take back info for me. I have an idea whit a connector (URLConnector), but I saw a servlet API into jfreechart libs & I wanted ask if can I use that ...

22. JFreechart HTML/JSP Ajax/DWR    jfree.org

Hi, Here is my problem: I have a JSP page where I want to display a chart (on top) and a grid (on the bottom). When the user clicks on a cell of that grid the chart should change according to the selected cell. In order to maintain some performance I don't want to submit or refresh the whole page. Now ...

26. Is it provides JSP taglibraries    jfree.org

27. JFreeChart in JSP and Servlet with no file creation?    jfree.org

Hi, I've developed an application that generates some charts with JFreeChart. It was based in many examples I found in the documentation and in the forums, using the "saveChartAsPNG" method. It runs perfectly in Tomcat and Websphere in a single-server site. But it has to run in a clustered site, with 4 servers and no session-afinity. In some initial tests in ...

28. Use JFreeChart in JSP    jfree.org

31. jfreechart for JSP    jfree.org

32. JFreeChart on JSP with hyperlinks    jfree.org

33. Jfreechart and jsp    jfree.org

34. Servlet viewer    jfree.org

35. JSP, Cewolf and ChartPostProcessor    jfree.org

Hi, I am have problems using ChartPostProcessor. Which classes shall I import to my JSP page - and how to do it? Do I have to make a specific class with my changes (line/bar colors)? I have tried to import org.jfree.* and de.laures.cewolf.* with my page directive, but it does not work.

36. About Jfreecharts in jsp servlets    jfree.org

37. Problem with servlet utilities    jfree.org

Code: Select all 16:16:11,657 - ERROR org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jonas].[localhost].[/Pangoo-Web].[action] [http-9000-Processor25] - Servlet.service() for servlet action threw exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: setAttribute: Non-serializable attribute at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSession.setAttribute(StandardSession.java:1251) at org.apache.catalina.session.StandardSessionFacade.setAttribute(StandardSessionFacade.java:129) at org.jfree.chart.servlet.ServletUtilities.registerChartForDeletion(ServletUtilities.java:310) at org.jfree.chart.servlet.ServletUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG(ServletUtilities.java:264) at com.orange.pangoo.chart.ChartBuilder.buildLastMeasureChart(ChartBuilder.java:136) at com.orange.pangoo.chart.ChartBuilder.buildLastMeasureChart(ChartBuilder.java:89) at com.orange.pangoo.action.chart.LastGraphAction.execute(LastGraphAction.java:85) at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(RequestProcessor.java:413) ...

38. Gantt chart using JSP    jfree.org

Hello, I'm pretty new to Java and JSP, for a project I need to develop some dynamic Gantt charts with data from a database. I would like to show the charts in a JSP page. Does anyone have a working example (servlet + JSP) so I can perform some test and learn how to use JFreeChart. I already had a look ...

40. XML Servlet Steams for Datasouce    jfree.org

42. Jfreechart add code in my JSP ...    jfree.org

ChartViewer fr.silogic.efis.util.ChartViewer ChartViewer /servlet/ChartViewer

43. Servlet    jfree.org

44. Servlet Comparable Error    jfree.org

45. Jfree Line Chart use In SERVlet    jfree.org

46. How to link JFreeChart to JSP?    jfree.org

I would like to do the same. If I am not wrong, Angeline wants to insert charts into a JSP page. At least that is what I need. I've seen a post near this one that talks about this issue, but I have not undertood the way to achieve it. Could you give me a hand, please? I would be very ...

47. Domino servlet problem    jfree.org

48. having problems with JFreeChart when using it with JSP    jfree.org

having problems with JFreeChart when using it with JSP by npstr Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:31 pm Hey, I was just trying psupa's code to display JFreeCharts in JSP but then had a problem... I am giving the code here.... Can anyone help me??? I am a newbie... the javabean code bootlog.java: /* * JFreeChart ver 1.0.9 * Called by ...

49. Clarification regarding ServletUtilities while creating JFre    jfree.org

I am using Servletutilities class while saving the Jfree Chart in a temporary path it stores the JFree Chart in name of JFreeChart-03266.png if i am just trying to save another time it goes to save like 'JFreeChart-03268.png' it increases by 2 ..... is there any possibilty top increase by 1 .. my application will be used my many user ,... ...

52. Target / Goal Line in JSP    jfree.org

I have a basic bar chart working (using this as my example http // www roseindia net/jsp/draw-statistical-chart-jsp shtml) (you'll have to fill in the blanks as they wouldn't let me post a URL in the forum) but would like to put a goal or target line across the chart and can't find an example of how to do this. Can anyone ...

53. servlet code ...for jfreechart..    jfree.org

57. Początkujący - JSP    jfree.org

Początkujący - JSP by templaris Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:22 am WItam, mam do zrobienia kalkulator kredytowy w JSP, ktry na podstawie wzorw tworzy pewne dane, wywietla je w tabeli i na wykresie. Wszystko zrobiem, jednak nie mam pojcia jak wmontowa w to Jfreechart. Nigdy z tego nie korzystaem, nie mam dowiadczenia w jsp, gdzie nie mona zdefiniowa klasy. Prosz ...

58. How to use jsp with jfreechart    jfree.org

59. ServletUtilities issue    jfree.org

Hi there, I have a problem using the methods ServletUtilities.saveChartAsJPEG() or ServletUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(). Whenever width and height are above 200, my CPU runns like crazy and I don't receive any result. I switched recently to a Ubuntu 9.04 OS, on a Windows machine this used work. my configurations: java 6 openjdk, jfreechart 1.0.13, allocating 1GB of memory. Has anyone encountered similar problems? ...

60. CategoryStepChart with Jsp    jfree.org

61. ServletOutputStream    jfree.org

62. Using JFreeChart with JSP's    jfree.org

64. using JFreeChart with JSP    jfree.org