statement « JDBC « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. How to use the update statement in my jsp

I am having an update statament in my jsp. The problem is that when I am changing the whole fields in the jsp and executed the update statament, the DB will ...

2. Callable statement in Servlet throws exception

Hi i am trying to call a procedure from servlet but getting sql exception, my procedure is working fine ,i am able to connect to the database but unable to make out why am i getting these exceptions Servlet [code] CallableStatement cstmt = d.connection.prepareCall("{call sp_rs_AreaCodeMasterDMLs(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}"); cstmt.setLong(1,areacodeplotid); cstmt.setString(2, areacode); cstmt.setString(3,plotno); cstmt.setString(4,muncipalityareacode); cstmt.setString(5,muncipalityplotno); cstmt.setInt(6,Integer.parseInt(insewernetworkrange)); if(phase.equalsIgnoreCase(null)) { System.out.println("inside if"+phase); cstmt.setInt(7,0); } else { System.out.println("inside ...

4. ps statement in jsp