ServletContext « J2EE « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. How can I access the ServletContext from within a JAX-WS web service?

I want to share an object between my servlets and my webservice (JAX-WS) by storing it as a servlet context attribute. But how can I retrieve the servlet context from a ...

2. How can I list all deployed jax-ws webservices?

I have deployed some jax-ws webservices in a tomcat: web.xml:

        <servlet-class>...a bean of mine which overwrites WSServletDelegate</servlet-class>

3. Parse XML file using JSP/JavaBean, deployed in WAR

I have a JavaBean that reads and processes an XML file. The XML file lives in the WEB-INF/ folder in my application. A JSP file uses the JavaBean to pass it ...

4. Obtain a reference to ServletContext from a wizard generated web services

Greetings, So I am new to netbeans - so far so good - specially comming from the the .NET world. Netbeans offers a great and simple way to build webservices through ...

5. java.lang.NoClassDef FoundError: javax/servlet/ ServletContext

This is a standard classpath issue - a required JAR isn't in the classpath. Axis is hosted as a web application, as a servlet. It therefore needs the servlet JAR. I'm not at my home computer or I could work out which JAR is missing - but it should be mentioned in the Axis doco - or compare your application with ...

6. get ServletContext in Axis