html « Include « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Is this a valid strategy for generating then including html into jsp file?

I need a sanity check on my strategy to best fulfill the requirements of a project. Basically I have an xml file that will need to be parsed periodically and html ...

2. Servlet 3.0 include html page

I'm trying to achieve the following behavior using the Servlet 3.0 API:

  • send an inital html page
  • send subsequent responses that update the page
This all works except the only way I could send ...

3. INCLUDE syntax for html

The syntax isn't supported by HTML - it's a directive to a properly sensitized web server, just as <% %> tags are directives to JSP processors. In the Apache web server, you have to have mod_include activated as well as doing several other things that I usually screw up before it will work. If you're not fronting the ...

4. html include

Hi Guys i m using following html include tag in my jsp/html pages but this is not working. i m using tomcat 4 is this the problem with tomcat? how to correct it? as my html pages are working fine on IIS with this tag. kindly guide me thanx in advance Bansal

5. include a html page in JSP file

You mention that the include file is on a different server. The only thing to remember is that the include file has to be specified as a "relative path". Syntax reference from Sun: The relative URL looks like a pathname--it cannot contain a protocol name, port number, or domain name. The URL ...

6. Including html file outside web project

Hi I have a html file and want to include in my web project. As this file get dynamically generated so I can not put inside in webproject. I am using jsp:include but it always add context path before absolute path so I am getting no file found error. Any idea how to html include which is outside web project?

8. Include html file from outside web application?

Hi there, Is there a way somebody can think of how to include and html page with pictures from the file system outside application server dir. and application itself. What I was thinking is to create a tag lib for reading the html file as plain text and write into the servlet output, but the problem with tags like and ...

9. Appliation Server - HTML Include

11. How to include a part of html code in to a jsp page?

Hi, I have a peculiar problem.In my web app there are around 4to 5 jsp pages and i want all these pages to share a common border on the top and left, while the other contents of the page will can i achive this.i am aware abt the include directive of jsp, but i think it can be used to ...

12. Including html generated by Servlet in jsp

I tried to do something similiar to this a whila back, but I got a IllegalStateException error every time. I think the problem is that the data must be transferred from the servlet to the jsp before the jsp's buffer is written. Something you might want to try is to put the html from the servlet into a variable and do ...

13. Including HTML 'snipets' in JSP

What's the best way to include pieces of HTML code in a JSP, in a modular way? For instance, suppose I have several standard page components -- say a header, footer, nav bar, etc. -- that I want to add to every page. I can put each of these in a separate JSP file and include each of those files in ...