include « Header « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. How do I include a header into my site that is hosted externally?

We are hosting a site for a client and they want us to include the header they have on their server into the pages we are hosting. So whenever they ...

2. automatically include header

Most likely you're going to have to add an include into every existing file. You might be able to add the navigation bar using HTML frames. You could create a frame for the bar and then put all of your existing content in another frame. I'm not sure if this is feasible with your application. My sense is that it'd be ...

3. how to include 'header tab' in JSP ?

Basically you can do anything on the client side that you can do with HTML/JavaScript, and nothing more. JSP is a server-side technology which can help you manage the creation of the pages that are sent to the client, but once sent off to the client, you are stuck with what the browser supports. So you need to figure out how ...