element « HTML « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. How to call a java method from a jsp when a html element is clicked?    stackoverflow.com

As title says, how do I call a java class method from a jsp, when certain element is clicked (by example an anchor)? (Without reloading the page) If this can be done, ...

2. Object Element Content for 508 Compliance    stackoverflow.com

One of the 508 compliance rules are that all OBJECT tags should contain element content. I'm not familiar with OBJECT tags or anything, but what should the content usually be? I ...

3. How to Add Class or Id to dynamically created html Element using Servlet    stackoverflow.com

I have one Servlet which is being called through Ajax(Jquery-Ajax). Through this Servlet I create href Links Dynamically. I want to add Class or Id to this links(href) so that i ...

4. Tab index for dynamically added elements    stackoverflow.com

I have a jsp page with three text boxes and a ADD button beside it. Now I have to set the tabindex for the dynamically added elements. How can I do ...

5. Dynamic Elements in JSP?    stackoverflow.com

I am wondering how to create dynamic elements in a JSP webpage? For example, what I want to do is that I have a Selection Box, in which a user selects ...

6. Jsp and html elements    coderanch.com

7. Retrieving a value from html select element in jsp    coderanch.com

My functionality is to select a type of currency in a select element and then calculate the charged amount based on the selected currency and display next to the select element automatically. is it possible in JSP? or should i use any other technology? this should be done before submitting the form only...!

8. to set JSP HTML element values on servlet    coderanch.com

Hi Vijitha Kumara, yes i want to reset value for an already present HTML element on the JSP. e.g. i hav a text box named "fName" on the JSP page " first.jsp". i get the value of "fName" as "ABC",now i wann to set its value as "PQR" and wann to forward to the same jsp page and display "fName" value ...