1. Need to format a set of float variables to 00.00 stackoverflow.comOk so I have a database colum 'UnitPrice' with a range of values example: 23, 23.5, 43.23 Now I need to know if there is a way to format them all to ... |
2. Where do I specify default values for a Java bean that holds meta data to format a Month Calendar stackoverflow.comI have a Java bean which stores what I am calling meta data (week start day, any holidays) that my JSP view will use to display a Calendar Month. I am ... |
3. Displaying Images in Tumb Nails format in JSP stackoverflow.comIn my JSP Page , i am displying a single Image as shown .
This works fine when i display a Single Image , but what if i ... |
4. What is the IP format returned by ServletRequest.getRemoteAddr() stackoverflow.comThe Javadoc of ServletRequest.getRemoteAddr() does not mention anything about the format of returned IP addresses. This is annoying when implementing filters. What can we count on? Is there any ... |
5. Source->Format not working for JSP in NB 7.0.1 forums.netbeans.org |
6. Formatting help.. coderanch.comHi, i'm writing the datas in a textarea.. suppose, i m writing in paragrarhs as i m writing here and having double spaces between lines.. finally saving the data into a database table.. The thing is whenever i retrieve the data from the table and display the thing in a HTML table, the output is not displayed as i typed.. i ... |
7. Formatting help.. coderanch.comJust try to understand the following and pls help soon.. Suppose i m writing a letter in a textarea as follows: Hi all, How r u.. so so.. Pranit.. and saving the data is the database.. Next when i retrieve the data from the database and display the letter in a table column(td) the display is like this: ... |
8. reporting in doc format coderanch.comI have application server (Tomcat) running on linux machine. I create some report (I converted a word document to html ) which was basically in doc format to html format and used jsp to fill some data from database. This is working fine but the user wanted to change the report and edit it if needed Since it is in html ... |
9. Display a set of data in graphics format. coderanch.comHi Bill, Thank you for your response. I did not really mean to generate an image like a photo. I mean to display the data using coordinates (x, y), and use a curve to connect the points; or to display the data using a chart. Ideally, the display should be dynamic. Can we make it, Bill? |
10. Formatting JSPs coderanch.com |
11. download data in the quanvert format coderanch.com |
12. How do I format this query using JSP? coderanch.comI have three tables ------------------------ BS_SESSION --------------- SESSION_ID SESSION_DATE BS_GROUP ----------------- GROUP_ID BS_CANDIDATE ------------------- CANDIDATE_ID GROUP_ID (FK) BS_REGISTRATION ----------------------- REGISTRATION_ID CANDIDATE_ID (FK) SESSION_ID (FK) REGISTRATION_DATE I would like to get some statistics based on group as below: Group 1 : 23 Group 2 : 0 Group 3 : 12 based on the record in BS_REGISTRATION in the time interval from SESSION_DATE. ... |
13. Decimal formatting of coderanch.com |
14. formatting amounts coderanch.com |
15. formatting problem coderanch.com |
16. how to get the value selected from listbox in jsp format coderanch.com |
17. jsp format problems coderanch.com |
18. formatting timestamps for display coderanch.com |
19. milliseconds to hh:mm:ss format coderanch.com |
20. i want to build an application in a tree format? coderanch.com |
21. Best place to put formatting code? coderanch.comI'm doing some volunteer work for the local school district. They have a database that holds video programming that can be broadcast into classrooms. Each video has a length that is stored in the database in seconds and is represented in the domain object as an Integer. On the presentation tier (JSP), we sometimes need to show this value as hh:mm:ss ... |
22. JSP format coderanch.comCameron, It depends on what action you want the JSP to perform. Normally, you still need the usual tags if you want to present information to the user in a browser but, theoretically, a JSP could perform an 'invisible' task. The JSP compiler translates your JSP into a servlet which, at runtime, outputs all the plain HTML in your JSP ... |
23. JSP formatting coderanch.com |
24. Can Servlet out data as MS-WORD format? coderanch.com |
25. Mailing List in (5*2) format coderanch.comhi everybody...actually i'm designing a reports page (Mailing List) where i need to display the postal address of the members in (5*2) format...i.e reports should have 5 rows(or 5 members postal address) & two columns...i.e total of 10(5*2) postal address in one page....as of now i'm able to display 5 members postal address in one page i.e one column only...when i'm ... |
26. rendering JSP in XLS format coderanch.com |
27. How to display records in Grid view format in Jsp coderanch.comMy servlet is like this :- query = "SELECT TITLE,AUTHOR FROM BOOK_DETAILS WHERE ISBN='"+text+"' "; Statement st = con.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery(query); while(rs.next()){ datalist.add(rs.getString("TITLE").trim()); datalist.add(rs.getString("AUTHOR").trim()); } Iterator itr ; for(itr=datalist.iterator();itr.hasNext();){ out.println(itr); } rs.close(); st.close(); // RequestDispatcher dis = request.getRequestDispatcher("SearchRes.jsp"); //dis.forward(request, response); } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Exception is ;"+e); } finally { out.close(); } request.setAttribute("data",datalist); } And when i try to retrieve the ... |
28. MAC Address and System.out.format coderanch.com |
29. In what format EJException is recivied to the servlet coderanch.com |
30. Formatting a value coderanch.com |
31. I want to display the details of employee. in prescribed format coderanch.com<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <% Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); %> ![]() ![]() The Employee details are..<% Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:odbc:adm", "system", "suresh"); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); String empno = request.getParameter("empno"); ResultSet resultset = statement.executeQuery("select name,emp_no,year,desig,basic,dearpay,basicpay,da,ndcps,da_arrears,pay_arrears,total from nmk where EMP_NO = '" + empno + ... |
32. Trying to show a line chart in a JSP, in JPEG format... jfree.orgJFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createLineChart("Saldos diarios", "ltimos 60 das", "Saldo diario", myDataSet, PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL, ... |
33. Why can I not save to jsp format? forums.oracle.com |
34. Java, Servlets, JSP tutorials in audio format. forums.oracle.com |
35. Jsp formatted doubt forums.oracle.com1. |