string « Form « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. how give from html textarea line String java in jsp

Is such html code page jsp?

<form action="">
<div align="center"><textarea name="" cols="50" rows="4">welcome to my program</textarea></div>
if write in this textarea line. How the line translate in object String in servlet? I'm know such the ...

2. how to provide string constants for drop down lists in jsp

In a jsp page ,I am presenting the customer with drop down lists to select creditcardtype,expiration month,expiration year of credit card. I am looking at ways the necessary strings for ...

3. HttpServletRequest - Get query string parameters, no form data

In HttpServletRequest, getParameterMap returns a Map of all query string parameters and post data parameters. Is there a way to get a Map of ONLY query string parameters? I'm trying ...

4. Passing a url in a form from page to servlet drops part of query string

If I have a form on a JSP like this:

<form action = "/myApp/myServlet?rssFeedURL=${rssFeedURL}' />" method = "post">
    <input type = "button" value = "See data for this RSS ...

5. Reading a string from textarea

8. String compare with Form field