session « Form « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. session.invalidate and jsp form

I have a form, that when a person hits reset, I want the session to clear. I was able to do this by when on the form the reset button sends them to another page where I have the following code, which works but I was wondering if there may be a better way to do this, I may use a ...

2. Session or hidden form

hi, I want to get some suggestions on using session or hidden form to transfer variables through jsp pages. There are two variables (loginName & loginGp) in my application that need to be transfered through pages. I am now using session.setAttribute() and session.getAttribute() to store and retrieve the variables. I think it is quite convenient to use session. But I heard ...

3. How to get checkbox status into session

"i want to set the session for status of checkbox in those links(jsp,s or servlets)" Session is defined for a user. If you are thinking of maintaining this status for all user, I suggest that you use the DB to store this status. When any user logins or comes to your home page, access the DB on page onload and set ...

4. can any body tell how to store check box value in session

i have list of pagging 1 to 10.all the pagging have check box.if user check first 2 record and i am storing the value in session.and user click the second page the session value is overwrited can any body tell the solution? my requirment is i have to store all the checked box value in session from first page and second ...

6. checkbox values in session

7. how to call ejb (stateless Session) form jsp page?.

Hai friends, In servlet we can call ejb... From books i found we can call java bean in jsp page. But i want to know about how to call enterprise bean from jsp page?... And also tell me how to call jsp to servlet and servlet to jsp?. i'm using Netbeans IDE 5.5 if possible tell me how to do in ...