Struts « Form « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Jsp useBean with struts

I'm pretty new at this so take it easy on me. The code I'm trying to get to work is:

<jsp:useBean id="EJD" class= "MoverDetailForm" scope="application"/>
<jsp:setProperty name="EJD" property="empFDJoiningDate" param="empFDJoiningDate" />

<% String empFDJoiningDate = EJD.getEmpFDJoiningDate();
out.print("please ...

2. html form fields as array elements in a struts form

What I would like to do is add dynamically HTML input fields in one page, and each one of them correspond to an element of a struts array property. Let's say ...

3. help with struts2 form & combobox

i have a combobox in a form and when i click submit i get this error. HTTP ERROR: 404 No result defined for action MyAction and result input in the ...

4. how can i fetch combo box value into my DAO using struts 2?

I have one simple User Registration form. It includes name, age, sex & city. But here city is coming form city master table & displaying user as a combo box. But ...

5. How to access another bean form in an Struts Action?

I have a form bean named "SearchForm" that I use to display search results. The user then clicks on one of the element. I populate a "ElementForm" with the details of ...

6. Struts 1.x: Form isn't shown

I have a form like this, in a .jsp page (using Struts + Tiles):

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="tiles" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>


<div id="content">


7. Getting error when using post method in form

I am getting null when I am using post method while passing a form to the next page A repeat of this question link text

function callme()
{      ...

8. Struts JSP : set textfield value from session information

I have a DLPUser object in my session, this DLPUser is basically a container for Strings, ints and some useful info for me. (this is a fragment of code inside my action ...

9. How to access Struts DynaValidatorForm properties form JSP

I have a struts action which populates a field.

public ActionForward appForm(ActionMapping mapping,
      ActionForm     form,
      HttpServletRequest request,

10. Struts2: Radiobutton, Iterations and List trouble

I have a complicated problem and I hope to explain it clearly possible... I have 2 list. On my jsp I have a nested iteration with this 2 lists, inside this ...

11. To get multiple checkboxes value

I am using Struts 2, JSP and JPA in my project. I have nearly 50 checkboxes in a single page. If i want to get the value of each checkbox in ...

12. Validation HashMap->Radiobutton. Struts2

I have another problem! :) I have a hashmap linked on jsp with a radiobutton. When I check a radio, my hashmap is populated with the param that I spec on ...

13. Where does Struts a controller redirect when a form validation fails?

Does it redirect to the value in input attribute in the action element of struts-config file? How can we set the flag redirect="true" for the forward when validation fails? ( So ...

14. Is there a generic refernce to the active form in Struts for a JSP?

I'm using struts 1.3.10 In JSP I can reference an object from the form that's associated with the action. So I can have:

<bean:define id="someObject" name="myCurrentActionForm" property="someObject"/>
Where I have my form defined in ...

15. How to access values from dynaaction form in jsp

we can set attributes in servlet and we can get those values in jsp by accessing get attribute. 
Like that do we have anything to access values in jsp. For Example, DynaActionForm home ...

16. Update object in Struts action with form values from JSP

I have a struts2 action that builds a form and pre-populates the fields with data from an instance of my object. When I click submit on this form, I get ...

17. How to display a Struts field?

I have a JSP with a Struts <html:hidden property="message"> field and I want to display it in the generated HTML to the enduser.

18. how to apply theme as ajax to the jsp form with struts2-core-2.1.6.jar used struts 2 application?

Hi I am trying to implement ajax to my struts2 application using the DWR . while configuring DWR i need to make the theme of the form as ajax . I am using struts2-core2.1.6.jar ...

19. How to write one action class and action-validation.xml to validate two forms in a two different jsp pages by struts2

I'm creating an struts2 application which has a login page and another user details page. There, i need to create only one action class. Because of that I'm unable to run ...

20. Error in my struts Action class

I have a JSP where I am showing date and description from database. Every entry has a unique id, but I am not showing on the page(showing checkbox) These entries are thrown ...

21. Dropdown for Integer array using html:select

I have been working on stuts app where I'm using an Integer ArrayList. I need to create a dropdown to list the arraylist. I have been trying using html:select --> html:optioncollection. But I ...

22. Array of objects in Javascript - Struts Forms

This is for a web application using struts. I have an array of objects in my Form that gets listed in a table. A user can add/edit/delete from the table. How would ...

23. Struts2 form to update object in Session map?

In my build action, I have an object that I put into my session map.

InputField testField = new InputField();
sessionMap.put("TEST_FIELD", testField);
In the JSP, I want to build a textfield using ...

24. Struts 1: Accessing form values with bean:write

Greetings, This is a simple question I believe, but nonetheless it is stumping me right now. I have a TestForm class with your usual getters/setters...for example I have an "id" field with "getId" ...

25. Is it possible to generate form fields in a webapp from a list of generic objects?

Here's the situation: We want to have a Search page that takes in an ordered list of Attribute objects, and based on their 'type' (text input, dropdown, checkbox) generates and displays it ...

26. How can I tell Struts2 not to validate a form the first time it displays?

I'm currently trying to learn Struts2. I've created a form, an action to process it, an XML to validate it, and actions in the struts.xml. Every time the form displays, even the first ...

27. Can I rewrite my Java struts2 Action validation() function as an Action-validation XML?

I'm currently working on validation for a login form. I have a WORKING set of validations within my action:

// SNIP!!!!
    public void validate() 

28. link back to tabbedpanel from tab form

I have a form within a tabbed panel, when I submit the form I am redirected to a new page. I'd like to redirect to a new page within the current ...

29. Why is my jsp struts2 sx:textarea rendering only as a horizontal bar instead of the expected input field?

I started out trying to follow this tutorial to create a Rich Text Editor. I quickly realized that the tutorial was outdated and I needed to use the struts2-dojo-plugin. My JSP ...

30. How can I populate a date object for a struts2 action in a jsp form?

I know how to populate object with simple types (int, String) but how can I do this for a date value??? My class (called User) has an attribute called date of type ...

31. struts form and hidden field in javascript

I have a form, and i do some calculation using java script (date object is just an example here). I need to use that dateVar in my jsp that the form ...

32. How to put and in a single line - struts2?

This is somehow embarrassing. I'm using Struts2 in a small project of mine. In the JSP, when I put something like this:

<s:select list="keywords" key="" name="selectedKeyword"/>
<s:textfield name="searchparams" size="20" cssClass="label"/>
I get this (sorry, I'm ...

33. Changing dropdown options

I am developing a musical store. In that application in makepayment.jsp I have four links for user choice and based on user choice I want change the options in my dropdown. ...

34. Creating jsp pages with struts2 containing forms and other elements

i am working on a struts2 project. in the view layer i need to create forms which have images, hyper links, text, etc. which are not struts2 component tags. As a ...

35. Struts form not displaying correctly

When I display and use the theme css_xhtml my textfield appears incorrectly. The textfield label is displayed on top of the textfield itself. I'm using the css_xhtml so that I can ...

36. Struts2 checkboxes returning values in Action class

Im pretty new to struts2, so Im trying to post everything you need to understand my problem,Your help is much appreciated. try to be more clear, i'm in lack of ideas ...

37. How to retain value in an editable dropdown?

I made an editable dropdown in Struts where I can select from the menu or I can enter a new value (account number). But, when I enter all the values in ...

38. Accessing jsp form property in javascript

I have a tag with a property="showxyz" in my jsp form. showxyz is initially set to true. Based on a radio input, showxyz needs to be set to false using ...

40. select from a dropdown list based on selection from another dropdown list in jsp

I have two dropdown, one with all account ids and one with corresponding email ids. if I select one entry from account id, corresponding email-id should be selected automatically in the ...

41. Populating drop down list does not work after deploying to Tomcat

I am trying to populate a dropdown list in JSP using Struts framework and MySQL database. The dropdown list is working fine in Eclipse, but after creating WAR file an deploying ...

42. select another dropdown based on a selection from first dropdown in jsp

I have the below dropdowns. I need to select the second dropdown (email) when the user select an entry in first dropdown (accounts). if accountid2 is selected, email-id2 must be selected. ...

43. jsp structs form tld

i am not getting attribute in tag of Struts

44. Struts2 problem -- values in form not being displayed

I just got help with the following Struts2 form in my JSP. No values are being displayed. Can anyone help?

<s:iterator value="bulletins">
    <s:if test="approved == false">

45. getting hidden fields value

I am working on a Struts2 application. I am setting the value of a hidden field in JSP with the purpose to access it by JavaScript. My JSP code:

<s:iterator value="collegelist">

46. unable to enter data in in struts2

I have a textField and the theme is simple. When I move over the textbox ,the cursor doesnot change to edit mode (i,e) "I"shaped rather it is like not editable textbox ...

47. Struts2: form creating an arbitrary number of objects

So I have an object and I want to add a bunch of sub-objects to it (an undetermined number-- the user just keeps saying "add one more"). (ie I have an ...

48. JSP Form and Struts 1

I have made a JSP form. It contains a simple a list of MCQ's that contains radio buttons for each option for every question. How do I make a struts 1 form ...

49. How access the value of check box in an action file not mapped with that particular jsp

Hi i want to get the value of checkbox from a jsp file to an action class which is not mapped with that particular jsp file. Depending on the value of ...

50. Is it possible to insert different java.lang.Objects from a JSP
into a Map in Struts2?

Struts2 inserts java.lang.Strings into Maps as default, but... is there a way to override that behavior for some parameters and insert different Objects using many custom Type Converters? For example, in a ...

51. How i can pass the value from an action form to a new form in a new jsp?

Good morning, Mi question is, i have a JSP page that send to an action a form call GoForm and i need to know how i can fill a new form in ...

52. Hidden field in Struts2 is not stored

I have created a hidden field for a column in JSP which shows Hypelinks dynamically. I need to retrieve the value of it. I tried adding hidden field , but still it fails

<display:column ...

53. how to select radio button depends on condition in jsp with struts

i have jsp page with following code snippest...and it will show two radio buttons like car and bike

<bean:message key="label.vehicleType"/>&nbsp; : <html:radio value="Bike" property="vehicleType" idname="vehicleType" name="vehicleType">Bike</html:radio>

54. JSP2 expression in Struts2 form input

I’ve started playing around with JSPs and Struts2. I’ve read through a bunch of tutorials and specs, and now I’m trying my hand at a very simple application using Struts2, JSP2 ...

55. using html forms in jsp file

I have a very simple question....I have multiple jsp files like login.jsp , Registration.jsp , forgetpassword.jsp each having their owm forms to take input from user. So, my question is.....Is it ...

56. Populating a table based on values choosen from a drop down in struts2 application

I have a drop down in a jsp page having the following code

<s:select name="newQuestion.CertificationId"

57. How to pass form parameters to Action class when opening a jsp in a new window through Javaascript

Below is the Javascript function call in which I am calling a struts action which in turn resolves to a jsp .In the Jsp page which is opened in a separate ...

58. populate jsp dropdown from a java method

Possible Duplicate:
Populate JSP dropdown with database info
Hi I have the following JSP page:
 <form action="" method="post" name='testForm' id="testForm">

    <h2><bean:message bundle="test" key="label.header1"/></h2>


59. s:iterator:- Displaying 1500 records in form .Page is breaking

Thanks in advance. 1. I have list containing the beans. I need to display all the records for editing the user. 2. I used s:iterator for display. Problem :- 1. For loading those many ...

60. accessing form data in one jsp from another jsp

I am using Struts 2 and Tiles to develop an application. I have 2 JSP files being loaded into 2 separate cells of a table (Tiles concept). The first JSP has links ...

61. javascript to disable/enable checkbox and dropdown menu

Hi I am trying to disable a drop down when a checkbox is checked and the when the checkbox is unchecked enable the drop down. below is my javascript and it ...

62. How to retrive checkbox values in Struts 2 action class?

I have dynamic number of checkboxes in jsp page as given below.

<s:iterator value="details"  status="stat">
         <s:checkbox name="checkbox"  theme="simple" />

63. Struts 2 + Disable Form Autocomplete

We need to use the equivalent of 'autocomplete' attribute in our jsp's and ftl's. We are currently using struts tags (struts2-core version 2.1.6) and i don't see any attribute within the ...

64. Map boolean to checkbox in Struts

I'm iterating through a list of objects and generate HTML with its properties in Struts. One of the obj.field is a boolean, how do I map that value into a HTML ...

65. How values of checkboxes can be saved in database in JSP and Javascript?

I am working on a java based application.In this application,there are two JSP.These JSP contains some checkboxes,radio elements and struts tags.User selects some of these checkboxes.On Clicking add link in an ...

66. Determining which drop down out of a set of 5 was changed (in action class)

I am having trouble figuring out this one (although I know its not complex). I have 5 drop downs on a jsp page.The onChange event of every drop down calls the same ...

67. Checked all CheckBox of a Jsp page

I am using Struts1.3, and in this Jsp page dynamically generate check boxes depends on the data available in Database. my code which is generate check boxes is as follow

<table width="850" ...

68. Struts2 disable using some expression

I have two roles in my app, ROLE_ADMIN & ROLE_USER Also I have a form with some fields. I would like to have the following: When user has ADMIN role he is able ...

69. How to set check box checked by comparing the database value in struts1.3?

In my Struts1.3 application, I have a Jsp page where i have a hyperlink on clicking of that hyperlink i am showing all the records that is coming from database in ...

70. Struts - JSP - Enabling/Disabling Button and Textbox based on Status of checkbox, using Java Script

I am using struts framework in my project. Have Used one check box, one button and one text box on my JSP. Below is the code for all of them.

<html:text  ...

71. How to read values from a text file and prepopulate the values in form Bean

I have a JSP page and user enters the values and save it as a text file. The contents in the text file is like key-value pairs. If the user again ...

72. Struts2 java.lang.NoSuchMethodException (form value type)

This happens not all the time, but frequently, and it's annoying. When I try to get a value from other than String (declared in Action), it gives me an exception ...

73. Sending form parameters from JSP to Struts action class

I am implementing a search functionality in a website I am building, which involves searching by the md5 hash of the name of the file submitted and searching by the notes ...

74. 2 jsp files using the same form

Hello I have 2 screens that use the same form. The form class has a validate function. To distinguish which screen(jsp file) is using the form I do the following in jsp files: <% session.setAttribute("page", "add") %> <% session.setAttribute("page", "add_2") %> Then in the form class I grab that value and figure out what values to validate. Is it a good ...

75. Access Form property from JSP

76. auto suggest in dropdown list using struts/jsp

Hi, Need to have a drop down list with populated values; but when the user wants to select a value, he can either type in the first few letters or select it from the drop down list with the mouse or both. example: a drop down list has 10 values. the user clicks on the drop down and it allows him ...

77. Basic Action config issue with in jsp

Please help a struggling newbie, and first time mailing list user. The following Netbeans 6.0 project is using Glassfish. Directory listing: TS_6 TS_6/src/ TS_6/src/conf/ TS_6/src/conf/MANIFEST.MF TS_6/src/java/ TS_6/src/java/ TS_6/src/java/struts.xml TS_6/src/java/ts/ TS_6/src/java/ts/ TS_6/src/java/ts/ TS_6/src/java/ts/ts_struts.xml TS_6/test/ TS_6/web/ TS_6/web/HelloWorld.jsp TS_6/web/index.html TS_6/web/index.jsp TS_6/web/jsp/ TS_6/web/jsp/login.jsp TS_6/web/jsp/login_error.jsp TS_6/web/jsp/login_input.jsp TS_6/web/jsp/login_success.jsp TS_6/web/WEB-INF/ TS_6/web/WEB-INF/sun-web.xml TS_6/web/WEB-INF/web.xml TS_6/web/WEB-INF/lib/ TS_6/web/WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar TS_6/web/WEB-INF/lib/commons-io-1.3.2.jar TS_6/web/WEB-INF/lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar TS_6/web/WEB-INF/lib/freemarker-2.3.12.jar TS_6/web/WEB-INF/lib/ognl-2.6.11.jar TS_6/web/WEB-INF/lib/struts2-core-2.1.2.jar TS_6/web/WEB-INF/lib/xwork-2.1.1.jar ...

78. Change form bean properties in JSP

> Hi, > > Thanks for your reply. > > Please let me know how to do it? > > Thanks, > Manoj > > On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 4:42 PM, Robert Graf-Waczenski<[hidden email]>wrote: > > >> Am 20.05.2010 12:50, schrieb Manoj Singh: >> >> Hi, >> ...

79. drop down list auto suggest feature using Struts1.1/JSP/Javascript

Hi, Need to have a drop down list with populated values; but when the user wants to select a value, he can either type in the first few letters or select it from the drop down list with the mouse or both. example: a drop down list has 10 values. the user clicks on the drop down and it allows him ...

81. having the same form in many JSP pages

hi, i need to have the same form in all my JSP pages (a search form). so in such situation can i use the same same bean and the Action class being used for all these JSP. if so how should i specify the 'input' for the 'action mapping' . or is there any other alternative way of doing it. can ...

82. invent way to get dropdown data in JSP not using actions or taglibs?

Happy New Year everybody. This issue is mostly due to the validation failure mechanism which passes flow direct to the 'input' result without giving a chance to code the data retrieval needed to get data for dropdowns, associated lists, etc etc which the view/JSP will need. Currently the assorted solutions to this all seem to be forcing round pegs into square ...

83. Is Multiple Forms(s:form) in one Jsp possible?

84. Is Multiple Forms(s:form) in one Jsp possible?

Dave Newton wrote: > --- Thomas Ramapuram <[hidden email]> wrote: > >> I just wanted to know if it is possible to have multiple s:form in one >> jsp. Each of the forms submit to a diffrent action. >> >> The problem I faced is that. If I place multiple forms in one jsp. The >> ...

85.  not working if it is inside a jsp under WEB-INF

dariusaron Reply | Threaded Open this post in threaded view | Report Content as Inappropriate not working if it is inside a jsp under WEB-INF This post has NOT been accepted by the mailing list yet. This post was updated on . Hi guys , I have a problem trying to process ...

86. Populate jsp form from a DB

Hi to everyone. I need to populate a dropdown list in a Jsp page taking the data from a MySQL database. Is there any other way (more elegant) to do this than writing a bean that stores information and then use it from the JSP page? using struts tags or something like this? I have red that is a better way ...

87. s:form does not render html when JSP is processed.

Hi, I am new to struts2 and trying to generate a simple helloWorld form. I managed to get HelloWorld/helloWorld.jsp working fine but when I add an s:form tag to the jsp no html is rendered for the form tag. JSP: <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %> Hello World! ...

88. [S2] Form input result results in jsp s:actions being forced to use input result as well?

Hi all, I have a form that I am submitting, the form returns the input result which points to a jsp that contains an interior s:action tag that loads some data for display into its own jsp rendered inside (menu). I have noticed that when the form fails and the input result is called, the s:action never actually calls the action ...

89. Set JSP timeout in struts 1 app with multipart/form-data form

Hi to all, i have a question about a situation that i have in my application. It's in Struts 1.1 . Basically, i have a multipart/form-data form in the jsp that contains 2 elements: a html:file control and a html:submit button . This form will be used to upload MS Access database file up to 800mb to extract it's data and ...

91. Hidden fields and struts

94.  struts form not working if it is inside a jsp under WEB-INF

1. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bean" %> 2. <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="html" %> 3. 4. <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Login Form 13. 14. 15.

Login Form

16. 17. 18. 19. ...

95. Struts Form: pass input file from jsp to action

Hi all. I'm having problems with a form that contains an input field. I have a Dynaform with two fields: one of type String and another one of type org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile. In my jsp file, I have the following form: "> " method="post" ...

96. Struts Action Handling+Jsp form action