File « Folder « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. How to Overwrite the file saved in the Context Directory

I created two files 1)index.html 2)player.jsp I am using Tomcat Server. In the index.html i created some checkboxes in a form and assigned the values... After clicking submit i forwarded these values to player.jsp... In player.jsp ...

2. Uploading all files in a folder with Flex

I want to make a file uploader with Flex. However, I want it to select a folder and upload all the files in the folder. It would be much better if I can ...

3. How to list contents of a server directory using JSP?

When writing a JSP file, how can I get the current directory of this file at runtime
(to be able to iterate the directory and list its contents)? Would some file I/O ...

4. Access file in WebContent folder from a servlet

I'm trying to generate a PDF document using FOP. The pdf generation code is kept in a servlet and the xsl is in a specific folder in the WebContent folder. How ...

5. Move File from /tmp to hosting account folder

I have write access to /tmp folder of my shared hosting account at godaddy. I want to move uploaded pictures from /tmp folder to my hosting account folder /home/content/x/y/z/xyz/html/pic/ I am trying to ...

6. Include all files under a folder

i have a folder of javascript files, is it possible to include all of the files under that folder automatically? something like

<jsp:include-all parentFolder='/javascript' extension='.js' /> 
OK to make it clear i ...

7. Trying to update the file in src/web/prod folder (jsp)

I am using jboss, eclipse and svn together. I have to files in my test folder: test/create.jsp and test/data.txt . What I want to do is when I call my create.jsp ...

8. Error moving JSP file into WEB-INF directory with Stripes

I have the following Stripes ActionBean:

package myapp;

import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.*;

public class WelcomeActionBean extends MyAppActionBean {
    public Resolution view() {

9. What is the most efficient way to list all of the files in a directory (including sub-directories)?

I am writing a servlet which will examine a directory on the server (external to the web container), and recursively search for certain files (by certain files, I mean files that ...

10. Setting the root folder to index

I have this code here:

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

 * @author Nathan Campos
public class Files extends HttpServlet {
    PrintWriter out = null;      ...

11. How to manage file path when accessing from different directory location?

I have few web pages sitting in different directories and my goal is to have some sort of organized structure so that I can access to js or css files without ...

12. how to upload all of the contents in a folder from jsp

i'm trying to upload all of the contents in a folder to another folder in my server using jsp and servlets. I already got one FileUpload but as you may know ...

13. how to set temporary directory relative path in simple jsp file upload? FIleNotFound Exception

I'm doing a simple file upload in jsp. And i seem to have been stopped by this simple path issue. I'm developing on windows but will propably deploy on a linux ...

14. Servlet Mapping: Only when a file or directory doesn't exist?

I'm setting up a web app on GlassFish and I'm wondering if there is a way to configure servlet mapping from the URL root to only apply in cases where a ...

15. Directories with random numbers as foldername being created that contain .ser files

So in our weblogic 10.3 server there are folders being generated with random names (such as "7nxxd", "tpy16q"). Inside each of these is the same subdirectory structure:


16. Upload file to directory on server using Java and JSP - can't get path right

On my vps, I want to upload a file to the Logos directory. The directory structure is as follows on my vps -
/home/webadmin/ When a file is uploaded through my jsp page, ...

17. How to read external file (which is outside of container folder ) in servlet?

how I can read a file in servlet which is outside of servlet container ?

18. Java: fetching the list of file names in a directory inside a war file

I have a web application in a servlet container. How can I get the list of files inside security folder inside controller/servlet? I tried something like this(which is not working):

File security_image_dir = new ...

19. Uploading the contents of a directory in JSP

I'm developing a JSP application, and I want to be able to upload the contents of a directory to the server. So the user will select the directory he wants to ...

20. Using a jsp as a server-side script for uploading a file to an specific folder

as the title implies I'm trying to upload a file to a local server and for that purpose I'm using a JSP and uploadify (flash-based jquery uploader). I have already succeeded ...

21. How do I include a jsp file located "above" the public_html folder

First, I'm from a PHP background (which may be evident by this question). This is such a simple task to accomplish in PHP yet I'm absolutely perplexed on how to ...

22. m2eclipse Build Not Kicking Off When a File in webapp Directory (JSP, JS, CSS) Changes

I'm using m2eclipse to build and install a war file to a target directory within my project. When I change a java file, the maven build runs automatically and reinstalls the ...

23. Load a shape file from local shape file folder when I call .swf thro' netbeans

The flow of my project is: 1.Create a flex(.mxml, i am using flexBuilder3) code that will load the shape file (.shp) data into flex, transform it and display on Google map. 2.Shape File ...

24. get absolute path to apache webcontents folder from a java class file

Need to get absolute path in java class file, inside a dynamic web application...

  • Actually i need to get path of apache webapps folder... where the webapps are deployed
  • e.g. /apache-root/webapps/my-deployed-app/WebContent/images/imagetosave.jpg
  • Need ...

25. where .jsp files put in web project

I have an issue where to put view (.jsp) file in the web applications.little bit confuse it may be inside the WEB-INF folder or out side the WEB-INF folder. Lot of spring ...

26. zimbra zimlet to upload files in a briefcase folder from backend

I am creating a zimlet using js to generate a tree folder structure, but I also need it to include some files (default ones that are on the server). The problem ...

27. jawr - Included file in jsp contains numeric folder that does not exist

I am using jawr to combine and minify javascript. But in jspo when i include <jawr:script src="content/js/bundles/home.js"> It generates..... http://localhost:8080/APP_JIG_HEAD/999485638/content/js/bundles/home.js goes to 404. That numeric folder does not exist anywhere in tomcat. While searching ...

28. How to read file from outside web content directory

I have the following scriptlet inside a JSP page.

  File f = new File("//WEB-INF//music//rock//Evanascence//Fallen//text.txt");
  FileReader fr = new FileReader(f);
I'm getting a FileNotFoundException: \\WEB-INF\music\rock\Evanascence\Fallen\text.txt (The network path ...

29. I buy "parsons XML&JAVA" TEXTBOOK well each example has its own folder (/Example10-1Servlet/) and in, exist for each example a file build.xml and a f...

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:16 pm Post subject: I buy "parsons XML&JAVA" TEXTBOOK well each example has its own folder (/Example10-1Servlet/) and in, exist for each example ...

30. using jsp to copg files from a directory

hi ranchers, pls I am writing an application using jsp and tomcat1.4,the application is supposed to connect to a database(oracle),pick up the path to a file,which is stored as a string in a table in the database,then follow the path and copy the file into a seperate folder,the connection to the database and picking up of the path I can do ...

32. Reading Files + Directories + Novell

Hiya, I have produced some JSP which can recurse through directories and show users files etc (bit like Windows Explorer). Problem is, at present any user can see any file / directory. We run a Novell Network so i want to get the users rights then access the directories from there so that they can only see what they're allowed. Problem ...

33. passing name to directory/file

hi i am creating a directriry by giving name in the code itself but i want to give it from front end..means i want to pass the direcory name as parameter.. here is my code.. can anyone come with modification to this code.. thanks in advance <%@ page language="java" import="*"%> <% File f = new File("[drive]:/anypath/newdir"); if(f.exists()) { out.println(f + ...

35. Uploading files to the current directory.

I want to upload some files to the current directory. i.e. the directory in which the jsp's are kept. I am using Orilley file upload jar for it. Now the problem is that the upload facility takes the absolute directory path for uploading the file and i cannot get the absolute path at the server where i am executing the application. ...

37. upload file into right folder

41. storing the image file in the context folder

hai all, I am using JFreechart to display chart in browser using JSP. All the file produced by the jfreechart r stored in the local temp dir. if i access the page remotely i was not able to see any image file. so how do i save all my image file to the context itself. If I give request.getContextPath(), i was ...

42. To create a web page to show all the files in a unix directory.

Hi, My requirements are given below- -1. To create a web page to show all the files in a unix directory. 2. Contents of the file should be displayed clicking on it. 3. If any new file is added in that directory, corresponding hyperlink should be created automatically on the webpage. Solution : I have created following jsp running on WEBLOGIC ...

43. JSP to list files in a folder

46. retrive files in a directory

47. Including files from different directories

Hi, From my jsp pages I include a Header file. From that Header file I include different pages (menues, images) depending on which jsp pages I request. My problem is that if the requested jsp pages is placed in diffent directories the Header file cant find the different pages to be included? Lets say I request /root/canteen/info/index.jsp - The include page ...

50. Place JSP files in WEB-INF Folder

Originally posted by Bear Bibeault: When employing the best-practice Model 2 web application pattern -- in which servlet controllers do the processing and then forward to their view JSPs -- it is advised to place the JSPs under WEB-INF so that they can never be directly accessed. As Ben pointed out, only place the JSPs outside of WEB-INF if you are ...

51. viewing all Files of a single directory

52. Uploading file in a folder under context root problem

Thank you Bear, I have imported the neccessary libraries like apache's file upload and io libraries. No error on that.This is the code for the upload program. boolean isMultipart=ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request); if(isMultipart==true){ FileItemFactory diskFactory=new DiskFileItemFactory(); ServletFileUpload uploadHandler=new ServletFileUpload(diskFactory); try{ uploadHandler.setSizeMax(-1); parameterList=uploadHandler.parseRequest(request); Iterator fileIterator=parameterList.iterator(); //Process the uploaded items while(fileIterator.hasNext()){ FileItem file=(FileItem); String fileName=""; if(!(file.isFormField())){ String filePath=file.getName(); File resourceFile=new File(filePath); fileName=resourceFile.getName(); File uploadedLocation=new File(context.getRealPath("/") +"/uploadedfiles/images"+"/"+fileName; ...

55. where to place jsp pages & class files in Jrun in which folders

I don't know exactly where i should copy my JSP page when i install jrun....I use Jrun Admin server for my practise...& i want to know exactly which folder I should exactly put my class files as well as jsp pages.. plz help me I encountered this error while pratising JSP..... Can't find resource key "BeanUtils.NoSetter" in base name allaire/jrun/jsp/ java.util.MissingResourceException: ...

59. Servlet searching files of a directory

60. How to create File object for servlet and so where to place the folder

xyz is just another directory that the file in question is located in? I am not sure how this is relevant. Just make the call to the file in the constructor. If the xyz directory is relative to the context of your application: File file = new File("xyz/MyFile.txt"); Otherwise: File file = new File("C:/mydocs/xyz/MyFile.txt"); No worries....

62. Reading a File in Servlet from Web App Directory

I used getRealPath() and its not working. Here's my real path to the files: xml file path: /opt/netbeans/SunAppServer8.1/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/Dev-WebModule/xml/article.xml xsl file path: /opt/netbeans/SunAppServer8.1/domains/domain1/applications/j2ee-modules/Dev-WebModule/xsl/article.xsl I'm not sure what Netbeans does when running the project as far as creating a deployed war etc..But it does deploy via war as the standard way to move the app to another server. Any suggestions for J2EE IDE ...

64. How i can place all my servlet files in a different folder

Hi, All please anybody tell me how i can place all my servlet files in a different folder and can run them. Consider if i have a small project havinf 3-4 servlet files and i want to put it in a saperate directory and want to run it then how i can do do so. Also tell me how should i ...

67. fail to include file from upper directory

I just moved server and found this problem below. Directory structure: /home/mydomain/public_html/ - index.jsp - include - validate.jsp - member - login.jsp Basically I am trying to include validate.jsp from login.jsp So in login.jsp I wrote: <%@ include file="/include/validate.jsp"%> // THIS ONE GIVES ERROR <%@ include file="../include/validate.jsp"%> // ALSO GIVES ERROR <%@ include file="/../include/validate.jsp"%> // ALSO ERROR Then I try to ...

72. href pointing to a servlet mapping or html directory of jsp files?

Hi, Just need to clarify path issues regarding hrefs and requestdispatchers. In some of the code I'm looking at in a sample app, there are references to paths such as: In some cases, this href in the sample application say could mean: (1) the index.html file in a directory called catalog containing jsp pages at the top layer of ...

74. Display images in JSP - files in folder other than project one

Hi all, I would like to allow users to upload images on to the server and then show them in a page. This is the approach I thought of, please also let me know if you think it makes sense at all: - The web app resides in /home/me/app/WebContent - The images are uploaded to /home/me/images_folder. It is outside the web ...

78. can jsp file be outside the web-inf folder