tomcat « Filter « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Is it possible to use wildcards within J2EE - fitlers?

I would like to apply a filter to severl url endings. The next configuraiton seems to work.


2. Working with errorPage directive with Servlet Filters in Java/JSP

Thanks to everyone in advance, I have overwritten HTTPServletResponse that collects headers and also put together a servlet filter that takes those headers and sets them using their proper methods (example: 500 ...

3. Tomcat not able to get ServletContext of another webapp

I am using tomcat 6 and I have two webapps. One is webapp1 and the other one is webapp2. From a filter inside webapp2, I am trying to access the other ...

4. Most useful java servlet Filter out there?

Very interesting tricks can be done with java servlet filters in security, performance, etc. What are the best servlet filters out there?

5. Can I write a module/filter that gets fired before the web app get's run in Tomcat?

Can I write a module/filter that gets put into the processing pipleline in Tomcat BEFORE the web application even gets run? Something that I could turn on/off for each web application that ...

6. How do I get servlet filters to stop loading on application startup in Tomcat?

Below is my deployment descriptor. I'm using Spring MVC, but I've got a url rewrite filter in place that is supposed to run, and then forward to the appropriate controller. For ...

7. Server-wide functionality across several web applications

I need to perform pre- and post-processing of all incomming requests to a web server. The functionality is both url-level access restriction and language translation but also other special cases that ...

8. Filters in tomcat

I am facing a task to add a dependent jar application to an existing one. The existing one does not use to much of locale benefits and so on, but my new ...

9. java- using a filter to check remote address

What would be the best approach to detect if a web application is accessed locally?
I am interested in checking this in a filter (javax.servlet.Filter).
I could check the ServletRequest#getRemoteAddr() if it is ...

10. servlet-api.jar (javax.servlet.Filter) per default not available at runtime in Eclipse - Tomcat 6 - Java 6 environment

I have come accross a NoClassDefFoundError at runtime (Tomcat 6) when starting a Web Application via the Eclipse Server Browser. I am using Eclipse Galileo. The Web Application is configured as a Dynamic ...

11. How to protect pdf file with Tomcat filters?

HI, I am currently running a tomcat instance with struts 1 and I would like tomcat to detect when pdf files are requested in the URL (For example of a link: http://www.***.com/files/action=download&name=myreport.pdf). At ...

12. Tomcat not conforming to Servlet spec 2.4+ in regards to jsp:include

After three days of scourging the internet I am about to lose my mind... Any help would be greatly greatly appreciated... I have a filter in place for validating CSRF tokens. I ...

13. Mahout servlets per data model

I am implementing the Mahout user-based recommendation engine where the recommendations will be server via RecommenderServlet running in Tomcast. So far looks like a basic setup, but it has some extra ...

14. Global Java Servlet Filter, is it possible?

I'm writing a project for academic purposes which among other irrelevant stuff, includes writing a filter which monitors servlet/jsp response times. The thing is that the filter should work on every deployed ...

15. Servlet Filters - Identifying the called Servlet/JSP

I'm writing a Servlet Filter which measures http request and response times. The filter is deployed on Apache Tomcat 7 web server. I was wondering if there's any way to identify which Servlet ...

16. Apache Tomcat MimeTypes - Any way to fetch them?

I'm writing a filter for Apache Tomcat, I was wondering if there's a way to fetch the mimetypes placed in the /conf/web.xml file configuration file without reading the xml file explicitly. ...

17. Tomcat: Creating a VirtualHost using a Filter

I am attempting to create a filter that will create hosts based on some http request header information. IE: if a host doesn't exist in Tomcat, create one. ZZ Coder (Tomcat: ...