jetty « Filter « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Including a JSP file from a Java EE Filter

I am trying to include a JSP page after the end of a filter. I have the following code:

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)

2. How to check for an OPTIONS method call in a java servlet filter?

I have a servlet filter, in which if the call is OPTIONS method call, then a specific set of task needs to be done. Is there a way I can check my ...

3. Jetty 8 GzipFilter does not apply sometimes

I just updated my web server from Jetty 6.x to Jetty 8.0.1, and for some reason, when I do the exact same request, sometimes the response has been Gzipped and sometimes ...

4. How to map a servlet filter on /* in Jetty?

I have a servlet filter which I want to map to in Jetty. I have put a servlet filter mapping with url pattern /*. However, the filter is ...