jersey « Filter « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Using filters with Grizzly server running a Jersey REST service

I'm trying to use Grizzly to create a server to run a REST service that I've developed using Jersey. I'm creating the Grizzly server using:

final String baseUri = "http://localhost:9998/";
final Map<String, String> ...

2. Filtering static content Jersey

I'm trying to serve static content (a HTML form that calls a Jersey REST resource) from the same webapp as the servlet that handles the requests to the resource. As I ...

3. How can you pass data from a Filter to the endpoint in Jersey

Can you pass some data from a javax.servlet.Filter to a Jersey endpoint without using ThreadLocal or HttpSession? And because the first question will be "why do you want to do this?": mostly ...

4. Jersey WebApplicationException and servlet filters

In my application, I throw WebApplicationExceptions for exception cases so that I can pass back nice messages with my 500s. The problem I am running into is that I have ...