IllegalStateException « Filter « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. GlassFish problem with filter chain (has worked in Tomcat for years): java.lang.IllegalStateException: PWC3990: getWriter() has already been called f...

We need to upgrade an elderly web application to run under GlassFish 3 instead of Tomcat in order to get EAR deployments (Glassfish was chosen as it is the reference JEE ...

2. Redirecting the response from a filter throws an IllegalStateException

I am writing a filter that will handle all authentication related tasks. My filter is a standard servlet filter as shown below

public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res,

3. java filter forward throwing illegalstateexception

i m intercepting the request url and forwarding that to another url like some_application/image_20.jpeg to some_application/image_345.jpeg I am doing this using filters. now my code is:

   public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,