1. @EJB Annotation doesn't work in Servlet stackoverflow.comI'm using Websphere 7.0 Application Server and want to use |
2. Need detailed steps to create EJB in websphere 6.1 coderanch.com |
4. Exception while calling remote EJB in Websphere 5.1 coderanch.com |
5. Websphere EJB Lookup coderanch.com |
6. WebSphere : EJB threw an unexpected (non-declared) exception coderanch.com |
7. JNDI name in EJB 3 for Websphere 7 coderanch.com |
8. Invoking EJB deployed Weblogic from an application deployed in Websphere coderanch.comHi Guys ... I'm facing a wierd issue ... pl. let me know if you have any suggestions/solutions etc. I have an application that is deployed in websphere 7. This application is required to act as a client for an EJB deployed in Weblogic 10. The code in the client application is as follows: Properties p = new Properties(); p.put( Context.PROVIDER_URL, ... |
9. calling Websphere EJB from Jboss EJB coderanch.com |
11. Creating EJB 2.1 application and deploying on websphere coderanch.comHi, I have a requirement where i need to write an EJB which should check a JMS message queue(developed in websphere 6.0) for every minute and do some operation. Can anybody tell me which EJB should i use like stateless session bean or MDB etc because I need timerservice too and where can I find a good example for the above. ... |
12. EJB Container (WebSphere 7) doesn't contain all the EJB references coderanch.comHi, our ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml containes quite a number of session beans with remote/local references. I noticed that not all of them are loaded to the container. I see this when i open ejb references on websphere admin console within the application. Aslo, if i deploy the application using the workspace it takes forever, but installing it through admin console gets through successfully, ... |