Netbeans « EJB « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Call EJB from JSP page

But I need in a simple jsp page. How can I access to the bean? Thanks in advance P.S: Sorry for the double post

2. Cannot resolve ejb reference in servlet

Hi. I get the following error when used @EJB annotation in my servlet. I use GlassFish v2.1. Can someone tell me what is wrong? [edit] Does using hibernate make any difference ...

3. how obtain an ejb modules's pesistence unit from a servlet

Pls does anyone now how obtain an ejb modules's pesistence unit from a servlet. I have developed a fever trying to do this I have all tutorials on line nothing seems ...

4. EntityManager from a servlet, no EJB

From Tomcat (no EJB, just JPA), in my servlet I'd like to something like: DbOps db = new DbOps(); db.addCollection(someCollection); db.removeCollection(anotherCollection); Collection results = db.getResults(); db.addCollection(yetAnotherCollection); However, the transactions are messing me up. In DbOps: public DbOps(){ EntityManagerFactory factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("AssignmentPU"); em = factory.createEntityManager(); } addCollection(){ em.getTransaction().begin(); ///???each method? ... em.getTransaction().commit(); em.close(); //?????? can no longer use this em? } Am ...

5. [glassfish]EJB 2.0 Lookup from Servlet

Hi All, I am creating an enterprise application in netbeans 6.5 which includes one web module and one ejb module. I am trying to do a JNDI lookup form my servlet to an EJB. everytime i do a lookup i am getting NameNotFoundException. guys, please help me on this. I tried every possible case but no success. -GenX

6. Netbeans & EJB's with Linux

I feel like roadkill on the Netbeans SuperHighway. I can't get a simple "HelloWorld" Application to deploy using Netbeans 6.1 on Linux. my error message is this: Deploying application in domain failed; Error loading deployment descriptors for module [EJBDemo] -- javax.ejb.EJB.description()Ljava/lang/String;at com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.AnnotationInfo@10d8d767 I'm PO'd about this. Is it a Netbeans bug,screwup,careless,"who-cares about linux" situation? Is there a cure or do I ...

8. EJb3 Glassfish and Netbeans help with entity being passed to remote method

Hi all, I have the following Item entity,that is passed as parameter to a session bean method called insertItem(Item item): @Entity public class Item implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Long id; private Set bids; private String name; public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public String ...

9. Error while running Ejb client with netbeans

hi , I get this error while running the client ( to a stateless bean ( can someone guide me as to what is going wrong . I have attached the file package com.ecoshopping.client; import javax.naming.*; import java.util.*; import com.ecoshopping.ejb.*; import com.ecoshopping.beans.*; public class FacadeClient { /** Creates a new instance of client */ public FacadeClient() { } /** * ...

11. EJB 3.0 using Netbeans

I don't have prior experince in EJB.I have started directly with EJB 3.0. I have tried to develop sample appllication using NetBeans ID.but it giving me error. Please help me where i am wrong? package ejb; import javax.ejb.Remote; @Remote public interface SessionBeanRemote { String getResult(); String getAddress(); String getCompanyname(); } package ejb; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.ejb.*; @Stateless public class SessionBeanBean implements ...

12. error deploying ejb web service to weblogic, built using netbeans 6.8

I've got a strange issue that is stumping me, so am interested to know what you guy think of this. I have a wsdl file that I know works, and my goal is to rebuild the webservice without changing the wsdl file such that it deploys on weblogic 10.3.0. when I create the web service "test" using test.wsdl, I specify a ...

14. Problem In EJB COde (Using Netbeans Code)

HI Please help i m using NEtbeans 6.9 and creating a Database Application (With the help of its in-built Automation) i connect MySql DB and Finish it by selecting columns n details... then netbeans provides all the automated code Now when i Run it and Enter a New Row and click Save button , it throws this Error ... Where- Else ...