force « Download « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. How do you force a download prompt, before data it sent from a servlet?

How do you force a download prompt to popup before you send any data to browser? I know about content disposition attachment, but this is different. Basically, the servlet ...

2. java servlet - how to force browser to download file?

Everything works fine, but only if file is small, about 1MB, when I tryied it with bigger, like 20MB my browser display it, instead of force to download, I tryied many ...

3. Trying to use JSP to force file download..

Hey everyone.. kinda new to jsp, and I am having a bit of trouble getting this code to work. Basically, I am creating an image gallery, and the user needs to be able to download a file by clicking on the link, even if the file is a .jpeg or another file that usually opens in a browser. I am using ...

5. Calling Servlet with contenttype = application/force-download from javascript

Hi All, I need to call a Controller on Spring framework whose content-type is "application/forcedownload" from a javascript function. I could successfully call it from an Ajax call but do not understand why Servlet was not popping up the file(there were no exceptions). Could you please tell me how can I achieve the same; Can it be done the way I ...