1. Not Serializable Exception stackoverflow.comi am trying to create a mock shopping cart for a uni project. im using two java classes Item and shoppingCart, shopping cart uses a vector to store Items and then ... |
2. Vector in JSP page stackoverflow.comHow I can iterate a vector in a JSP page? I have done it:
3. how to get values from vector in JSP stackoverflow.comi am developing a website in which it has searching option. after searching from database, it listed certain data in a jsp page and all the data from database are stored ... |
4. How to create dynamic vectors in jsp? stackoverflow.comIs there any way to create dynamic vectors using jsp. Advance thanks to you all. |
5. JSPs and Vectors.... coderanch.comSure you can (and probably should) provide presentation in another class. As a quick intro, you can send your request (initially) to a Servlet, get it to gather the data then DISPATCH the request somewhere else to take care of the presentation... //-----------------SERVLET ...beginning stuff left out public void doGet(...) throws ... { //read data from request ... //get data from ... |
6. Vector coderanch.com |
7. Vector coderanch.comHi all, I am getting users educational data from the jsp page. He can input more than 1 educational qualification.Only after he says it is enough, I take all these data into the database. Meanwhile,I am storing all the educational details he supplies in a vector.But when the page refreshes only the latest details are there(Suppose he had entered 2 degrees)only ... |
8. How do I cast from Vector to String Array? coderanch.com |
9. Handling Vector in JSP coderanch.comHi all, Could someone show me how to pass a Vector element from one jsp to another via HREF? I need to pass a cetrtain element upon selection. Here's what I have: % Vector rsVector = (Vector)session.getAttribute("ResultSet"); %> <% Enumeration rsIter = rsVector.elements(); %> ... <% ArrayList personList = (ArrayList)rsIter.nextElement(); ListIterator fieldIt = personList.listIterator(); for (int row = 1;row <= personList.size();row++){ ... |
10. How to populate the values of the vector in jsp to the functions of javascript coderanch.comI have one XML and in jsp i am fatching the values from this now i have the values in a vector(i have done that part). the problem is that i have to populate the values of this vector in to the functions of javascript.so that i can get the desired result. i have to pass the values that r in ... |
11. passing vector from jsp to jsp coderanch.com |
12. Sorting a Vector coderanch.comHi everybody!, I have two Vectors, one is full of Strings (customer descriptions) the other is full of Customer Numbers. The indexes on them are in sinc so If I call custNum[0] and custDesc[0] I get the customer number and description for the that customer. Here is my problem, boss wants them sorted. How can I sort one vector without having ... |
13. Disadvantage of using Vectors coderanch.com |
14. vector coderanch.com |
15. Why can't I get the Vector value in jsp(ModalDialog)? coderanch.comHi everyone: I am writing a E-mail system using javamail and I expect the user can add attachment to their mail.Add client can attach several attachments. So I write two pages,one is jsp: <%Vector v=new Vector();session.setAttribute("allfiles",v);String file=request.getParameter("upfile");if(null!=file){ v.add(file); session.setAttribute("allfiles",v);}for(Enumeration e=v.elements();e.hasMoreElements() {out.println("File:"+e.nextElement().toString());}%>Add Another is html: |
16. vector coderanch.com |
17. Looping through vector object without calling a servlet coderanch.com |
18. Can we use Hashtable or Vector in a JSP page? coderanch.comYes it legal to use any type of Collection. This is a performance issue. You should think over your application design. Are you fetching Records from Database in these Collections or something else. If you are fetching database records and there a lot of records in the database then obviously it gets slower. Bring the only records from database that you ... |
19. sending Vector Object from servlet to JSP page coderanch.com |
20. How to pass Vector to servlet from a jsp page? coderanch.comI did a test in my testing jsp: ...(add value to vector)... session.setAttribute( "originalDataList", originalDataList ); session.setAttribute( "newDataList", newDataList ); ... Vector getOrg = (Vector) session.getAttribute( "originalDataList" ); int sizeOfOrg = getOrg.size(); System.out.println("In jsp, org size="+sizeOfOrg); for (int i=0;i |
34. Using vectors in servlets coderanch.com |
35. Hashtable and vector Problem in Servlet coderanch.comHi, Thanks but ya I set the attribute using req.setAttribute("vec",vec); I got the remaining two values using vec.elementAt(0) and vec.elementAt(1) But am getting an eception when I use Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); hash = (Hashtable)tempresult.elementAt(2); Here I am getting an exception.. ava.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.runtime.Hashtable org.apache.jsp.datamart.screen3_jsp._jspService(screen3_jsp.java:222) org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:94) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:324) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet.java:292) org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:236) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802) code.Results.doPost(Results.java:108) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:709) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802) Please could u help me out Thanks ... |
36. Comparing two vectors in a jsp coderanch.com |
37. how to pass vector in sendredirect mrthod in jsp coderanch.com |
38. best way to access the vector in jsp coderanch.com |
39. Jfeechart in vector in JSP jfree.org |
40. passing vector from one servlet to other forums.oracle.com |