utf « Development « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. jsp utf encoding    stackoverflow.com

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to handle this problem: I'm developing a web tool for an Italian university, and I have to display words with accents (such as รจ, ...

2. Encoding problems in JSP    stackoverflow.com

I have an html-form with several text fields. When I try to submit not English characters (Russian in my case) server is received "unreadable" string (not questions - "???" but ...

3. UTF-8 encoding problem with servlet and apache HttpClient    stackoverflow.com

I have a servlet that sends a string with utf-8 encoding. Also I have a client written with apache httpcomponents library. My problem is reading the response in utf-8. Some special characters ...

4. How to set UTF-8 encoding for a file download servlet    stackoverflow.com

I have a servlet that sends a file to the browser. I send this headers in the servlet.

if (request.isSecure()) {
            response.addHeader("Pragma", ...

5. Can not save JSP Page to UTF-8    forums.netbeans.org

Under my Netbeans project settings I set the Sources Encoding to UTF-8. I can enter and save UTF-8 characters into my Java classes with out any problem. When I open a JSP and enter some UTF-8 characters I get the following message: The index.jsp contains characters which will probably be damaged during conversion to the ISO-8859-1 character set. Do you want ...

6. Font size with UTF-8    coderanch.com

7. JSP and utf-8    coderanch.com

I am trying to display unicode characters within a JSP. It works fine if I set the contentType in the @page directive to "text/html;charset=utf-8". However, if I include another JSP from within the first, the unicode characters from the second JSP show up as garbage. I can get around this by also setting the contentType within the 2nd JSP to utf-8. ...

8. JSP and UTF-8    coderanch.com

9. UTF-8 and ParseException    coderanch.com

10. jsp include - utf-8 encoding problem    coderanch.com

Hello! I've simple jsp page which looks like this: <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %> <%@ include file="test.html" %> test.html is a normal text file with utf-8 encoding. I deployed this page on tomcat 5.0.15 (Linux) but there is a problem with encoding. In some way tomcat don't ...

11. Problem in Displaying Non english content in a UTF-8 JSP    coderanch.com

Hi all, I am tryign to internationalize our product and is making it UTF-8 enabled.We are working using J2EE,JSPS and IBM websphere 5.0.2 as the application server. For non enlgish content to be displayed properly I have set the content type using <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %> What we have did is put this line in a common jsp and have ...

12. UTF-8 vs ISO-8859-1 problem...    coderanch.com

13. UTF-8 encoding problems    coderanch.com

Hi all, I just joined a relatively large project, which has problems with some pages not working correctly in terms of internationalization -- characters outside of ISO-8859-1 aren't displayed correctly in the browser. Now, I already checked that none of the files includes any "magic characters" except in a couple of @author tags, which shouldn't end up in the generated servlet ...

14. utf-8 and big 5 encoding    coderanch.com

15. Pageencoding UTF and others    coderanch.com

16. getBytes("8859_1"), "UTF-8")    coderanch.com

17. UTF-8    coderanch.com

18. Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence    coderanch.com

I am betting that a control code character that is not legal Unicode is getting into your character stream somewhere. If this was my problem I would capture that data in a file and examine it with a programmer's editor, hoping that once I knew the identity and location of the character I could figure out the source. Bill

19. setting utf-8 in jsp    coderanch.com

Hi, I have set the charset to utf-8 using following <%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %> When I see the encoding in the "view" option of browser it shows utf-8 correctly ..but the multi lingual characters like chinese ones ..are shown as "???" in the screen. Also i m using struts 2.0 , and as per struts site I tried setting ...

20. ServletException: Invalid UTF-8 code    coderanch.com

21. Decoding UTF-8 string in Servlet    coderanch.com

I have a simple servlet which persists user entered text into database. The input data is converted to UTF-8 before it is persisted. During retrieval, I am not able to decode the UTF-8 string back to user input text. I am using browser to display the UTF-8 data assuming that browser ( ) will be able to interpret ...

22. pageEncoding="UTF-8" in jsp    coderanch.com

24. Need to get utf-8 strings in java servlet    coderanch.com

If you're seeing garbled characters in console, it doesn't mean the parameter values are wrong - console has problems with displaying other languages since it can't find the glyphs. Log the values to web server log file or your own log file, open it with Notepad++ and select UTF-8 encoding. If you see non-English characters correctly, your app is working fine. ...

26. JSP getting distored when changing charset to UTF-8 from SHIFT_JIS    coderanch.com

hi i have a JSP which is displaying Japaneese characters it was previously having the charset set to SHIFT_JIS but now my client wants to convert it into UTF-8 when i change the charset the appearance of the JSP changes. i am using four external css file on this jsp and i have also added the @charset "UTF-8" on all the ...

27. jSP + UTF-8    forums.oracle.com

28. JSP with pageEncoding UTF-16    forums.oracle.com

29. UTF-8 working in JSP not in JavaBean (when assigned to a simple String)    forums.oracle.com

I am struggling with for last few hours. All I am doing is public class Text extends Object implements Serializable { public static Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); public static void initL10N(){ public static String xyz = ""; ht.put("hindi",xyz); } } in a JavaBean and trying to access the string in a Jsp Out.jsp as <%=Text.ht.get("hindi")%> I am getting Junk characters. ...

31. JAVA SERVLET UTF-8 encoding!!!!!!    forums.oracle.com

32. UTF encodings in jsp Please ...:(    forums.oracle.com

There are two aspects, sending data is controlled by the contentType, but if you read parameters from the request you need to set the encoding there too. The pageEncoding attribute of the page tag should do this or you can do request.setCharacterEncoding. You can use the meta element but it shouldn't be necessary. The browser should get the encoding from the ...

33. sending UTF-8 from JSP to JAVA.    forums.oracle.com