1. Streaming large files in a java servlet stackoverflow.comI am building a java server that needs to scale. One of the servlets will be serving images stored in Amazon S3. Recently under load, I ran out of memory in my ... |
2. Pass JSP output stream to a method stackoverflow.comI've created a class MyClass that intends to output a large amount of text to a JSP. Rather than having the MyClass object return a string to be displayed on the ... |
3. How can Hulu.com keep track of your position in a tv show? stackoverflow.comI'm watching a tv show on Hulu.com (which is btw, the absolute best streaming-video site around) and whether I close my browser, disconnect from the internet, and even if I restart ... |
4. Using ServletOutputStream to write very large files in a Java servlet without memory issues stackoverflow.comI am using IBM Websphere Application Server v6 and Java 1.4 and am trying to write large CSV files to the ServletOutputStream for a user to download. Files are ranging from ... |
5. How can I read an HttpServletReponses output stream? stackoverflow.comI want to make a Servlet filter that will read the contents of the Response after it's been processed and completed and return that information in XML or PDF or whatever. ... |
6. Write Multiple Full HTML 'Files' to Single Output Stream? stackoverflow.comI'm writing a testing utility- I want to show multiple finished HTML "pages" in a single browser window. Is this possible? I'm using Java Servlets. For example, normally the user goes to a ... |
7. Finding server internet bandwidth thru java for streaming stackoverflow.comFollowing this thread. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/55709/streaming-large-files-in-a-java-servlet. Is it possible to find the total internet bandwidth available in current machine thru java? what i am trying to do is while streaming large files thru servlet, based ... |
8. j2ee input output stream stackoverflow.comi want to creat a pipe between clint browser<->my server <-> some other server .For downloadin some file. I am using apache tomcat as my server. How can i create the ... |
9. Fastest way to copy text from a File to a HttpServletResponse stackoverflow.comI need a very fast way to copy text from a file to the body of a HttpServletResponse. Actually I'm copying byte by byte in a loop, from a bufferedReader to the ... |
10. Is is necessary to close the input stream returned from HttpServletRequest? stackoverflow.comI've got some production code that does something like:
These streams are never closed explicitly. I'm assuming here that the servlet container manages this (JBOss Web). What ... |
11. JSP download - application/octet-stream stackoverflow.comI have a page in JSP that list some file that could be downloaded by a user. Thoses files are not on the local server, they are on a remote file server. When ... |
12. Streaming a POI workbook to the servlet output stream stackoverflow.comI build a very large POI workbook, on my web server. Holding the entire workbook in memory , will not scale for multiple concurrent requests. Is there a way i can ... |
13. How to stream pdf document from servlet? stackoverflow.comI am creating pdf document using jasper report and i need to stream that pdf document from servlet.Can anyone help me where i did mistake.This is the code snippet which i ... |
14. How can I close the output stream after a jsp has been included stackoverflow.comI have a webpage that makes an ajax call to get some data. That data takes a long time to calculate, so what I did was the first ajax server call ... |
15. Read quicktime movie from servlet in a webpage? stackoverflow.comI have a servlet that construct response to a media file request by reading the file from server:
Then write that ... |
16. connect OutputStream with an InputStream stackoverflow.comI'm experimenting with a little web framework and stumbled across an issue with streams. There are handler methods like |
17. javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't create output stream! (in java) stackoverflow.comDear all, i am getting following exception in this code, please do help me ,
the ... |
18. Stream linearized PDF from servlet to browser (fast web view) stackoverflow.comI'm running a web app that provides a servlet. this servlet opens a pdf file from a Network File System and finally streams it to the requesting browser. All the pdf files ... |
19. How to stream Axis 2 MTOM temp file to HttpServletRequest stackoverflow.comI'm using the code below to retrieve an attachment from a webserver. The client in this case is a web browser. So currently, the user makes a request to a webserver ... |
20. Streaming a pdf through a servlet to a browser stackoverflow.comI have yer typical servlet that streams a pdf to a browser. The pdfs are stored on an internal server from which my servlet fetches. If I hit the ... |
21. jsp refers to an PDF streaming servlet - security question stackoverflow.comSomewhere behind our firewall sits a server full of PDFs. The PDFs contain private information so I need to restrict access to the PDFs. The public can log in ... |
22. Stream video to Windows Media Player over http stackoverflow.comTrying to stream video to windows media player from a servlet (progressive download style). The streaming works, but I have some weird behavior, which I would like to rule out is ... |
23. How to play video using Servlet or JSP? stackoverflow.comHow to play video using Servlet or JSP? |
24. Tell a java servlet when to return from an external command line call stackoverflow.comI have a java servlet api, that when requested, starts a live conversion of a video file using ffmpeg and pipes it to mediastreamsegmenter to segment it for http live streaming. ... |
25. Cannot play mp3 stream with JMF stackoverflow.comI have some short audio player example code like this that runs fine:
26. JSP gzip output stream stackoverflow.comI know I can gzip the output stream by using something like..
in a JSP, but is ... |
27. Problem with OutputStream stackoverflow.comI've read Servlet Exception - getOutputStream() has already been called for this response but I didn't found any solution for my problem. In my main.jsp I've this statement:
28. How to detect a Laptop Web Camera device Using java stackoverflow.comI am using JMF . I am not able to detect my Laptop Web Camera device using java code . Can anybody help me in doing this ?. Thanx in advance. |
29. Servlet 3.0 streaming api for file upload stackoverflow.comNew Servlet 3.0 API provide us with convenient way to parse multi-part form data. But it stores content of uploaded files in file system or in memory Is there streaming API for ... |
30. JBoss input/output streaming stackoverflow.comI'm have a deal with Spring MVC based application deployed under JBoss-4.2.3.GA and want to clarify how servlet input/output streaming works with huge requests/responses body. I'm bother about it because don't ... |
31. Streaming multiple FLV files over a Java servlet as a single file stackoverflow.comI am trying to implement a Java servlet that runs on Tomcat, capable of streaming multiple FLV files to client browsers having JWPlayer. The catch is I have to stream multiple ... |
32. Print out a variable in a Java servlet using output stream stackoverflow.com
33. JSP Upload file with content type "application/octet-stream" stackoverflow.comI am working on a project which flash uploads some binary data with content type "application/octet-stream" and I need to save it in the BLOB column of the Oracle Database. Can I ... |
34. use of org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClient in servlet throws org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: Failed to create input stream stackoverflow.comMy servlet code is as below: public class ViewServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements ViewService{
35. Question regarding streams in java stackoverflow.comWe have the below requirement. We will have to create an excel/pdf report and then download it on click of a button in a java web application. The pdf/excel file is ... |
36. java.io.IOException: Stream closed stackoverflow.comFor multiple image retreival I am calling a PhotoHelperServlet with an anchor tag to get imageNames(multiple images) as follows PhotoHelperServlet to get names of Images
37. How to configure a non-HTTP servlet in Glassfish 3.1 stackoverflow.comI need deploy a component to GlassFish 3.1 that has access to the raw TCP input and output streams on port 9988, i.e. the protocol is not http but the ... |
38. BufferedOutputStream writing garbage data stackoverflow.comI am writing download servlet that reads a html file and writes to |
39. How to Identify Publishers and Consumers using Red5 API stackoverflow.com
40. Using VLC command line to stream video stackoverflow.comI need to run a webserver that will stream video using rtsp. I am thinking of having a Java servlet that will process video requests, and then use the vlc command ... |
41. What happens to the output stream when I'm sending a file from a servlet to a browser? stackoverflow.comI have an application which is used by users to download some files that are retrived unfortunately via a webservice.The webservice provide the content of the files inside the payload ... |
42. Audio Streaming from disk in java Servlets stackoverflow.comTo stream audio file I have implemented following code. But i am getting Exception: javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException: could not get audio input stream from input file at javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(AudioSystem.java:1170) Can Any one help ... |
43. servlet + video streaming + ClientAbortException stackoverflow.comI am facing this issue with the servlet when i am trying to stream video file from the server. The code to server the file
44. Java-Servlet: Streaming of a Quicktime-video causes a ClientAbortException stackoverflow.comI am trying to program a small webproxy based on a java-servlet. This proxy has only one task:
45. Need to send multiple objects through an http output stream stackoverflow.comI am trying to send some very large files (>200MB) through an Http output stream from a Java client to a servlet running in Tomcat. My protocol currently packages the file contents ... |
46. How to write stream in the same browser window using OutputStreamWriter? stackoverflow.comIn the server side code, I am writing a string (which gets written on a browser page) using OutputStreamWriter. This gets written in a new window. I need to be able ... |
47. How should I stream large binary results back from a JNI call? stackoverflow.comI'm doing IPC between Java and some C code by just creating an external C process that takes some commandline arguments and writes its results to standard out. This is ... |
48. Writing to servlet stream stackoverflow.comI'm not sure if what I'm trying to do is possible, it might not. Here is my problem: I'm trying to use a Servlet to pass information from a client to a ... |
49. How to process binary stream in Wicket like Servlet? stackoverflow.comUsing Servlet, I can do the following to process binary stream:
50. Stream data display in jsp stackoverflow.comMy service returns Stream data like this...
I want to display the stream data in jsp page.. This shows what is going on in cmd peompt...
My jsp ... |
51. http streaming using java servlet stackoverflow.comI have a servlet based web application which produces two sets of data. One set of data in the webpage which is essential and other set which is optional. I would ... |
52. download problem Servlet response already use stream, Write... seamframework.orgdownload problem Servlet response already use stream, Writer not possible 15. Oct 2009, 13:32 America/New_York | Link wagied davids Hi,I want to download a file, but am encountering the problem below.From reading the forum, it seems to be a previously reported problem about a double callto the servlet.My set-up:JBoss 4.2 SEAM -2.1.2Richfaces: richfaces 3.3.1.GA"` |
53. Output Streams and Servlets coderanch.comOkay.. so here's the deal. I need to send a file from the servlet, to the browser. The file in a PDF file and so I know I need to set the MIME type to be "application/pdf". Could someone help me setup the basic structure for sending files via a stream from the servlet to the browser. Or maybe just give ... |
54. Streaming out data using ServletOutputStream coderanch.comhi ! I'm using the following snippet to read a file contents (data.txt) and stream out through ServletOutputStream. String filename = "C:\\data.txt"; resp.setContentType("text/xml"); resp.addHeader("Content-Disposition","inline; fileName="+filename); ServletOutputStream sout = resp.getOutputStream(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename); byte[] buffer = new byte[64000]; int bytesRead = 0; while(true) { bytesRead = fis.read(buffer); if (bytesRead == -1) break; sout.write(buffer,0,bytesRead); } However, when the file is encrypted, ... |
55. Stream & JSP coderanch.com |
56. Writer or Stream already obtained. coderanch.com |
57. Difference in opening binary stream in jsp & servlet coderanch.comOK, I have a little bit of time so I'll drop some more in the hope you're about to change your display name and are still reading. The implicit 'out' object is a JsPWriter and you cannot write binary data to it. This rules out one of your options. You cannot get a JspWriter then an OutputStream or vice versa, this ... |
58. getting the response stream from jsp include coderanch.com |
59. Process JSP Stream explicitly coderanch.com |
60. Problem streaming videos - is it Resin or my browser? coderanch.com |
61. Streaming jsp output to a file coderanch.com |
62. Image & Stream in JSP coderanch.com |
63. Dual stream Servlet output coderanch.com |
64. PDF File Streaming in a JSP coderanch.com |
65. Improving JSP Performance by using StringBuffer & writing it to the Output Stream coderanch.comIn our Application, there is a very complex HTML page to be rendered. The JSP sends out 13000 odd lines of HTML to the browser. There is lots of Java looping involved in the JSP. We found from our logs that the JSP takes approximately 40 secs to finish execution. The App is running in our Client's Intranet. We have access ... |
66. How to write data from PrintWriter stream coderanch.com |
67. arg type of file input stream ? coderanch.com |
68. Writing Image on Stream coderanch.comSounds like you already did most of the work. If you already have a servlet that streams the image data, that's 99% of the code. Now all you need to do is to create an |
69. Streaming an image to the browser coderanch.com |
70. How can I output a binary stream from JSP coderanch.com |
71. Servlet response already use stream, Writer not possible coderanch.com<%@ page import="java.io.File, java.io.InputStream, java.io.FileInputStream, java.io.OutputStream"%> <%@ page session="false" %><% String contentType = (String)application.getAttribute("fileupload_type"); String fileName = (String)application.getAttribute("fileupload_name"); String allowCache = request.getParameter("allowCache"); String openDirectly = request.getParameter("openDirectly"); if(allowCache == null || allowCache.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { response.setHeader("pragma", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Cache-control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); response.setHeader("Expires", "01 Apr 1995 01:10:10 GMT"); } if(contentType!=null) { response.setContentType(contentType); } if(fileName != null) { fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('\\')+1); fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('/')+1); StringBuffer contentDisposition ... |
72. Servlet getting Submitted Twice When I write in to Output Stream. coderanch.comHi All, I have one problem When I write byte[] in to output stream My servlet is getting submitted twice. Its getting in to doGet() method twice. If I comment os.write(pdf[i]);, Its getting submitted only once. Please help me. Please see the code below. private void outputPDF(HttpServletResponse response, byte[] pdf) throws IOException { response.setContentType("application/pdf"); log.debug("after getting into the response "); response.setContentLength(getContentLen(pdf)); ... |
73. what is the maximum size of a data a servlet can send per stream? coderanch.com |
74. Redirecting JSP output to a file/stream coderanch.com |
75. how to read and write, save a xml stream passed to a Servlet coderanch.com |
76. Streaming Video Servlet coderanch.com |
77. How to stream Video Files in servlets coderanch.com |
78. Streaming Video Through a Servlet (.wmp) coderanch.comHello, I'm basically just connecting to the movie and I would like to play it through the servlet. I've gotten this far so far. I've got the movie actually opening up but it is corrupted. The movies fine with a normal browser link but I need to connect this way. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?? package TESTLINK; ... |
79. Problem with servlet streaming CSV files in WinXP SP2 coderanch.comAlright, I have an interesting problem, which is only an issue with Windows XP SP2 and Internet Explorer. We have a servlet which reads report files (both pdf and csv) from a directory outside of our EAR deployment. The servlet reads the files, and just writes it out to the browser. This worked perfectly before, but since we upgraded to Windows ... |
80. Closed Stream reading from a servlet coderanch.com |
81. Creating MJPEG-stream/video with servlet, is this even possible? coderanch.com |
82. can we set Servlet output stream manually? coderanch.com |
83. java.io.IOException: Stream closed while forwarding to jsp coderanch.com |
84. Streaming Servlet Response coderanch.com |
85. wrting multiple JPEG files to a Servlet output stream coderanch.comThe HTTP protocol is precisely defined as a request/response method of communication. One request, one response. Another request, another response. That's not a Java thing, it's an Internet thing. Each response is a single "file" (data stream). When you display a web page that has several pictures on it, the initial request returns an HTML text stream response. Embedded in the ... |
86. Sound in servlet output stream coderanch.comIn servlet, I have a wav file present in the class path. I am sending the sound data as an output stream through http response. If I am redirecting to an another servlet, is there a way by which I can pick the sent output stream in the doGet of the redirect servlet. |
87. JSP- Servlet - File Streaming coderanch.com |
88. how to transfer Streams from one servlet to another servlet coderanch.com |
89. How to Transfer File Streams from One Servlet to another Servlet coderanch.com |
90. Getting org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Stream closed coderanch.com |
91. The fastet way to stream data to the response in a servlet ? coderanch.com |
92. HttpServletResponse Output Stream coderanch.comLet me see if I understand the problem. You want, whatever is sent to the client as HTML output, to be saved to a file. Right? If so, then yes, filters can do that. In the doFilter method, you create an HttpServletResponseWrapper. A quick example: public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse)response; ... |
93. ServletContext getResourceAsStream closing stream? coderanch.com |
95. vedio streaming using servlet and jsp coderanch.comFor my final year project(ECG related), I need to upload the acquired ECG signal to a database through a web application, which interact via mobile, so the doctor can view the patient's ECG remotely. I've done the ECG acquiring part, but I need suggestion regarding the uploading the video signals. How can I do it? Please give me some suggestions. Thanks. ... |
96. jsp code for uploading streams from a web cam. coderanch.com |
97. PDF streaming coderanch.com |
98. Streaming bytes to and from a servlet coderanch.comHi, it's my first post here, though I've been browsing in for solutions for couple of days. I stomped on a problem I can't handle. Namely I wrote a Java Web Start application that reads and writes to XML files and those files are to be located on a server so that people using the app were all using the same ... |
99. Streaming xlsx file in a servlet coderanch.com |
100. Can you tell me the difference of these output streams in Jsp? coderanch.com |