chat « Development « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. JSP chatting with ajax

I am writing one web chat program using AJAX (a little bit). It is working when both users open a chat page, but I want to open a window when one ...

2. ready made forum,chat and PM soutions in java/jsp

I want a ready made jsp/java application that contains forums,chat and IM>I want to modify it according to my needs Can anyone suggest me?

3. chat application using jsp and servlets

I am developing chat appliction using jsp and servlets. Can anyone tell me, what are the possiblities to notify the administrator (trigger events in administrator account), when the client hits the ...

4. How to create Chat application using Servlets & JSP

I want to create chat application using Servlets & JSP. May I know how can I create chat application as I have never created before? How much knowledge I need to have ...

5. How to create an Live chat in JSP

How to create a Live CHat application in JSP. Basically i am creating a management system whicch i want it to allow user to live chatting with admin. Any clue or ...

6. Populating collection onto UI using ajax

I am building a chat application using JSP, Servlets and Ajax with Smack API. Once the user connects to Gtalk his buddies list should be displayed onto the UI. I am ...

7. web-based chat using comet in Java?

I am new to comet. can anyone tell me how to implement a web based chat using comet in java ( Any webtechnologies Eg. JSP ,servlet struts etc. ) ..?? Any help ...

8. Developing A Chat Server in JSP

Howdy Amit, and welcome to Java Ranch. Since we get tons of people through this site, and want to keep an professional appearance, we have implemented a naming policy that we ask all registered users to abide by. Mainly, you'd have to drop the underscore in your name is all. Please refer to the policy at and reregister. Also, since ...

9. including chat codee within jsp code

10. How to realize a Chat?

11. Preparing Chat Program with JSP

12. chat program

jil, You can't do a chat application just using JSP... JSP just gets translated down to HTML, and the user has to use HTTP for communication. Basically that means the user has to make a request before the server can generate a response. This communication style isn't condusive to a chat application. To do a chat application you're going to need ...

13. Chat Application

14. A query regarding the one-to-one chat module

Hello, I have made a general chat application using JSP & Servlets. Now i am making an additional one-to-one chat module in my application. So if you could please give me a suggestion about this one-to-one chat module ie ,how to make it possible that when i send one message which should be personaly viewed by intended user, it gets displayed ...

15. voice chat

16. chat application in jsp

17. Online Chat in JSP

18. chat servlet

19. Chat servlet

20. Help on Servlet's Chat !!!

21. servlet chat

On working out the examples given in the JAVA WEB SERVER docs, the Easy Chat program(EasyChatApplet & EasyChatServlet) is not working in IE by giving security exception. But, the same is working in Netscape. Could u let me know what i have to do to make the program run in IE also. Please give feedback as early as possible. Thanking u ...

23. Chat server with servlet.....

Hello all, In case the chat server is servlet based then, 1.the client applet opens a connection using url and urlconnection objects to servlet and passes login info. 2.the client applet then is ready to send messages and for each message that it sends, the urlconnection is again made to servlet. 3.the servlet on the other end stores this login info ...

24. chat servlet

25. chat in jsp / servlets.

26. JSP/Servlets/Chat??

27. Using a Servlet for a chat program

29. Chat Servlet

30. creating Chat using Servlets

33. Simple Chat Program HTTP / Servlets

34. JSP Private Chat Application

35. Voice chat application in jsp