search « Database « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Trade off between reading from database and memory storage of Java strings using servlets

I'm in the process of setting up a system which will have to repeatedly parse large amounts of text (as a String or StringBuffer - which might be better?) acquired from ...

2. how to get data using dropdownlist, textbox and search button in jsp

I want to display data using jsp,javascript and mysql. My Q. is If i select an entry suppose 'title' from dropdownlist and give a title name 'partial dif' in textbox and ...

3. searching data from database..?

i have a project about patient billingsystem which is a website to a organization.. and i use technologie jsp and java to develop this.... in this system i have different organizations ...

4. search character by character from postgreSQL database show the list in jsp

i am creating a stock market application in that i want script name must be specific. so i m creating a database of script name. n actually from JSP when i ...

5. Paging Resultsets for a search JSP page

Hi, i was wondering if anyone had opininos on paging resultsets and if its more beneficial to query the database upon each page reload, or store a resultset in a sessionvariable and merely reference that. This is for a search type page (imagine google). i can imaging storing a reference variable to be a very wasteful operation, and how would i ...

6. DataBase search criteria

8. JSP, no servlet, DB search, CRM

I have a web page that needs to open a search page. The search page must enable a user to find an entry in a list of over 36000 items (colleges and universities). Until I knew how big the list was, I was considering staying in the model of the application as it came to me, which uses JavaScript (yuck). That's ...

10. Search in JSP/Oracle

11. Database Search From Servlet

well, i disagree with the previous poster. you are looking for a persistence / retrieval strategy. spring is a lightweight application framework. have a closer look at - jdo - hibernate - iBatis - jdbs / stored Procedures and see what fits your needs. jan ps: and use it with spring :-)

13. Search box JSP mySQL easy command

Yes. And if you look at your command you have no LIKE. So that is not a valid SQL statement! So I believe this is where I'm supposed to reply back...FAIL! Unless you actually give us the code you are working with how on earth are we supposed to guess where you are going wrong? So maybe, just maybe, you need ...

14. creating search engine in a jsp page that retrieves values from a database

plz help me i made one jsp page which retrieves values from the database. i want to add a search in it which will only give me the names of the records in the table i put in the search. how to achieve it?? i tried but still unsuccessful here are my codes: welcome_to_database_query.jsp <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %> <%@ page import="*" ...

15. Java (Netbeans) / jsp /MySQL - Search

I am developing a web vacation request application using java and jsp. There is a web page in the system that should allow a user to enter data in the textfields provided e.g. name role start date end date Once the user enters data in each of the text fields and then clicks the button 'search' the corresponding results (stored in ...